ACC-No. |
Title of the Project Work |
Name of the student |
Roll No. |
Name of the Supervisor |
T4 | On Enhancing the Features of a Low-Cost Hand Held Device | Yaswanth, Narvaneni | 200307009 | Krishna Reddy P |
T6 | Depth Image Representation for Image Based Rendering | Sashi Kumar, Penta | 200399003 | Narayanan, P J |
T7 | Join Processing and Selectivity Estimation for Set Valued Atrributes | Ravindranath Jampani | 200307011 | Vikram Pudi |
T8 | Modeling and Recognition of Dynamic Events in Videos | Karteek, Alahari | 200407004 | Jawahar, C V |
T33 | Classifying Categorical Data | Risi Vardhan Thonangi | 200307010 | Vikram Pudi |
T35 | Overcoming the Font and Script Barriers among Indian Languages | Himanshu Garg | 200207004 | Amba Kulkarni |
T36 | Analysis of Retrieval Images | Siva Chandra BR | 200307001 | Jayanthi Sivaswamy |
T59 | Probe-XML: a proactive browser for XML data | Neha Gupta | 200407010 | Kamalakar, Karlapalem |
T79 | Synthetic data sets for clustering algorithms | Jhansi Rani V | 200307003 | Kamalakar, Karlapalem |
T84 | Querey-based multi-document summerisation using language modeling | Jagadeesh, J | 200101034 | Vasudeva Varma |
T85 | Document annotation and retrieval systems | Balasubramanian | 200307012 | Jawahar, C V |
T86 | Design of hierarchical classifiers for efficient and accurate pattern classification | Pavan Kumar, M | 200399005 | Jawahar, C V |
T87 | Layer extraction removal and complete of indoor videos: atracking based approach | Vardhman | 200507020 | Narayanan, P J |
T88 | Towards understanding texture processing | Gopal Datta Joshe | 200407003 | Jayanthi Sivaswamy |
T89 | Geometric Grouping of Planar Patterns in a Perspective View | Kiran Varanasi | 200399008 | Narayanan, P J |
T90 | GSWall: a scalable tiled-display wall | Nirnimesh | 20001049 | Narayanan, P J |
T91 | DGTK: a data generation toolkit | Vamshi Krishna, V | 200407020 | Narayanan, P J |
T92 | Cloud: cluster identification and outler detection for distributed data | Jagpreet Kaur Kharza | 200507005 | Kamalakar, Karlapalem |
T93 | Online learning for deterministic dependency parsing | Prashanth Reddy, Mannem | 200101060 | Rajeev Sangal |
T94 | Vision-based robat navigation using an online visual experience | Santosh Kumar | 200607024 | Jawahar, C V |
T96 | Enhancing weak biometric authentication | Vandana Kumari | 200407006 | Jawahar, C V |
T97 | Robust Registration For Video Mosaing Using Camera Motion Properties | Pulkit Parikh | 200405017 | Jawahar, C V |
T98 | Personalized web search using click through history | Rohini U | 200407019 | Vasudeva Varma |
T101 | Verification of large VLSI layouts | Yokesh Kumar | 200507009 | Prosenjit Gupta |
T103 | Development of a fully autonomous mobile robot navigation system | Amit Kumar Pandey | 200507001 | Madhava Krishna, K |
T104 | Kernel methods and factorization for image and video analysis | Ranjeeth Dasineni | 200507017 | Jawahar, C V |
T105 | Imaging and depth estimation in an optimization framework | Avinash Kumar | 200507010 | Jawahar, C V |
T106 | Kinemetically consistent collision avoidance method for multiple robotis | Satish Peddeeri | 200407014 | Madhava Krishna, K |
T107 | Modeling pronunciation variation for speech recognition | Gopala Krishna Anumanchipalli | 200201060 | Kishore Prahalad |
T110 | Students in secure multiparty computational geometry | Anand Swaroop Das | 200507003 | Srinathan Kannan |
T111 | Word hashing for efficient search in document image collections | Anand Kumar | 200507002 | Jawahar, C V |
T112 | Harmonious QOS Enhancement Model for IEE 802.11 Wireless LANs | Rishabh Kaushal | 200407016 | Bruhadeswar Bezawada |
T113 | Quality of service enhancements for highly dense and highly active 802.11 wireless LANs | Sidharth Goud M | 200407009 | Bruhadeswar Bezawada |
T114 | Thesis on multi lingual screen reader and processing of font-date in Indian Language | Anand A | 200407001 | Krishna Prahallad |
T120 | Towards understanding texture processing | Gopal Datt Joshi | 200407003 | Jayanthi Sivaswamy |
T121 | Layer extraction, removal and completion of indoor videos: a tracking based approach | Vardhman Jain | 200102011 | Narayanan, P J |
T132 | Projected Texture For 3d Object Recognition | Avinash Sharma | 200505004 | Anoop Namboodri |
T133 | Unconditionally reliable message transmission | Bhavani Shankar G | 200505008 | Srinathan Kannan |
T135 | Towards load balanced de-congested multi robotic agent traffic control by coordinated control at intersection | Karthikeya, D V | 200505006 | Madhava Krishna, K |
T136 | Proxy based compression of depth movies | Pooja Verlani | 200607019 | Narayanan, P J |
T138 | Real time rendering of implicit surfaces on the GPU | Jagmohan Singh | 200507013 | Narayanan, P J |
T142 | Motion in ambiguity: coordinated active global localization for multiple robots | Shivudu Bhuvanagiri | 200707026 | Madhava Krishna, K |
T143 | Multiple view geometry applications to robotic and video manipulation | Visesh Chari | 200507022 | Jawahar, C V; Narayanan, P J |
T146 | Document Enhancement Using Text Specific Prior | Jyotirmoy Banerjee | 200507006 | Jawahar, C V |
T147 | Text Input Methods for Indian Languages | Sowmya, V B | 200607014 | Vasudeva Varma |
T148 | Novel Bayesian Sequence Classifier Applied On Biological Sequence | Pratibha Rai | 200607012 | Vikram Pudi |
T149 | Unsupervised dependency parsing and language identification for south Asian languages (SALs) | Jagadeesh Gorla | 200507004 | Rajeev Sangal |
T151 | Project Report On Automatic Detection Of Memory Corruption Attacks | Pankaj Kolli | 200607011 | Bruhadeswar Bezawada |
T152 | Automatic Signature Generation And Detection Of Malware Families | Sai Satyanarayana | 200605031 | Bruhadeswar Bezawada |
T155 | Study of graph-based techniques for selected computer vision tables | Praveen Dasigi | 200507008 | Jawahar, C V |
T157 | Design And Implementation Of Broadcast Video Processing And Delivery Platform | Tarun Jain | 200507019 | Jawahar, C V |
T158 | Learning In Large Scale Image Retrieval Systems | Pradhee Tandon | 200607020 | Jawahar, C V |
T159 | Authenticated Byzantine generals | Anuj Gupta | 200607001 | Srinathan Kannan |
T160 | Fast State Estimation By Reprojecting Sensor Readings | Hemanth Korrapati | 200402017 | Madhava Krishna, K |
T161 | Scalable Primitive For Date Mapping And Movement On The GPU | Suryakant Patidar | 200607023 | Narayanan, P J |
T163 | Multi Robotic Coordination With Communication Constraints | Aditya Teja Veluri | 200402002 | Madhava Krishna, K |
T188 | Efficient Image Retrieval Methods For Large Scale Image Database | Suman Karthik | 200407013 | Jawahar, C V |
T189 | High Quality Image Reconstruction by Optical Capture and Accurate Registration | Himanshu Kumar Arora | 200607018 | Anoop Namboodri |
T190 | Streak Identification and Streak Prediction in Time Series data | Swathi Sharma | 200402019 | Kamalakar, Karlapalem |
T191 | KSHITIJ: a search and page recommendation system for Wikipedia | Phani Kumar Bhamidipati | 200607025 | Kamalakar, Karlapalem |
T192 | Approximate Matching of Syllabus and use of Global Syllables and use of Text_to_Speech in Indian Language | Veera Raghavendra, E | 200650023 | Kishore Prahalad |
T193 | An Information Loss Based Framework for Document Summarization | Chandan Kumar | 200607003 | Vasudeva Varma |
T194 | Automated Text Summarization on Baselines, Query-Bias and Evaluations | Rahul Katragadda | 200607007 | Vasudeva Varma |
T199 | Video Specific Fast Encryption Algorithms | Narsimha Raju | 20067002 | Jawahar, C V; Srinathan Kannan |
T200 | Effective Query Translation Techniques for Cross-Language Information Retrieval | Sethuramamlingam, S | 200707035 | Vasudeva Varma |
T201 | Multi-Agent Simulation of Large Crowds | Vidit Bansal | 200507021 | Kamalakar, Karlapalem |
T204 | Studies in Secure Multi-party Computational Geometry | Sandeep Hans | 200707021 | Srinathan Kannan |
T205 | Mining special features to Improve the performance of product selection in E-Commerce Environment and Resume Extraction System | Sumit Maheswari | 200402041 | Krishna Reddy P; Jawahar, C V |
T206 | Generalized Robust Combiners for Oblivious Transfer | Gangula Uma Devi | 200607016 | Srinathan Kannan |
T209 | Human Computation with Perceptive Intelligence | Khot Rohit Ashok | 200606006 | Srinathan Kannan |
T210 | Automatic Road Extraction from High Resolution Satellite Imagery | Vinay Pandit | 200707036 | Rajan, K S |
T211 | Towards Automating the Development of a Family of E-learning Systems | Sridhar Chimalakonda | 200707030 | Kesav Vithal Nori |
T214 | Improved Context-based user Interface by Exploiting Temporality of Attributes for Develop and Small Success | Kumara Swamy, M | 200650011 | Krishna Reddy, P |
T215 | Spectral Mapping using Artificial Neural Networks for Intra-Lingual and Cross-Lingual Voice Conversion | Srinivas Desai | 200650024 | Kishore Prahalad |
T219 | Security and Failure Resilience in Workflows | Meghna Lowalekar | 200401040 | Kamalakar, Karlapalem |
T220 | Design and Development of Robot Research Platform and Database Based Robot Software Development Frame Work | Subhash S | 200607015 | Madhava Krishna, K |
T221 | Uniqueness Mining | Rohit Paravastu | 200402031 | Vikram Pudi |
T222 | Exploring the Utility of Moderate Resolution Time Series Remotely Sensed Data for Land Use / Cores Classification | Sudhir Nagender Gupta | 200707034 | K S Rajan |
T224 | Exploring Open Web Directory for Improving the Performance of Text Document Clusting | Gaurav Rubhek | 200402012 | Krishna Reddy P |
T225 | Novel Architecture for a Low Power and Variable Resolution FLASH ADC | Mahesh Kumar, A | 200750001 | Srinivas, M B |
T226 | Rapid Clustering Algorithm for Very Large And High Dimensional Data | Raghavendra B | 200707033 | Kamalakar, Karlapalem |
T227 | Database Driven RoboCup Rescue Server | Rahul Sarika | 200402034 | Kamalakar, Karlapalem |
T228 | On Extracting, enacting and Modeling Electronic Contracts | Anushri Khandekar | 200402003 | Kamalakar, Karlapalem |
T230 | Efficient Privacy Preserving Protocols for Visual Computation | Maneesh Upamanyu | 200402026 | Jawahar, C V |
T232 | Network Coding Based Retransmission Schemes for 4G Wireless Broadcast Networks | Mohammad Shaheer Zaman | 200707015 | Rama Murthy, G |
T233 | Algorithms for Externally Constrained Routing Query | Sudeep Reddy G | 200707003 | Rajan, K S |
T234 | Score Vector: a multi-dimentioned scoring Mechanism for RoboCup Rescue Agent Teams | Sidhu Siddhartta | 200401071 | Kamalakar, Karlapalem |
T235 | Sentence Realisation from Bag-of-Words with Dependency Constrains | Karthik Kumar G | 200402018 | Rajeev Sangal |
T237 | Acyclic Coloring of Graphs | Bharat Joshi | 200807031 | Kishore Kothapalli; Venkatesh, Chopella |
T238 | Markov Decision Process (MDP) Frame Work for Active Localization | Jyothika Bahuguna | 200607006 | Madhava Krishna, K |
T293 | An Approximate Nearest Neighbor Retrieval Scheme for Computational Intensive Distance Measure | Pratyush Bhatt | 200402032 | Anoop M Namboodri |
T295 | High Quality Rendering of Large Point-Based Surfaces | Naveen Kumar Reddy B | 200402029 | Narayanan, P J |
T296 | Exploiting the Graphics Hardware to Solve Two Compute Intensive Problems: singular Value Decomposition and Ray Tracing | Sheetal Lahabar | 200402024 | Narayanan, P J |
T297 | Towards Evaluating Service Oriented Architectures | Amit Sangroya | 200650029 | Vasudeva Varma |
T298 | Framework for Extraction of View Points from Textual Data | Ravali Pochampally | 200402030 | Kamalakar, Karlapalem |
T299 | Effective Passage Retrieval in Question Answering Systems | Surya Ganesh, Veeravalli | 200402042 | Jawahar, C V |
T300 | Learning Non-Linear Kernel Combinations Subject to General Regularization: theory and applications | Rakesh Babu, B | 200402007 | Jawahar, C V |
T301 | Speeding up MRF Optimization using Graph Cuts for Computer Vision | Vibhav Vineet | 200502028 | Narayanan, P J |
T302 | Real-Time Terrain Rendering and Processing | Shiben Bhattacharjee | 200607022 | Narayanan, P J |
T303 | On Metric Based 3D Coverage and Exploration with Multiple Robots | Rahul Sawhney | 200707037 | Madhava Krishna, K |
T305 | Towards Efficient and Scalable visual Processing in Images and Videos | Mihir Jain | 200707014 | Jawahar, C V |
T306 | The Power of Orientation in Symmetry Breaking | Satya Krishna P | 200402039 | Kishore Kothapalli |
T307 | Scene Interpretation in Images and Videos | Chetan J | 200402009 | Jawahar, C V; Madhava Krishna, K |
T308 | Exploring Irregular Memory Access Applications on the GPU | Md. Suhail Rehman | 200707016 | Narayanan, P J; Kishore Kothapalli |
T309 | Camera Based Palmprint Recognition | Chhaya Methani | 200402010 | Anoop Namboodri |
T310 | Analysis of Speech at Different Speaking Rates using Excitation Source Information | Sri Harish Reddy Mallidi | 200431008 | Yegnanarayana, B |
T311 | Word Sense Disambiguation using Semantic Categories, Domain Information and Knowledge Sources | Siva Reddy | 200501107 | Rajeev Sangal |
T312 | Cluster Cubes | Hareesha Tamatam | 200402015 | Kamalakar, Karlapalem |
T313 | On Clustering Matrices | Koteswara Rao Kolli | 200707008 | Kamalakar, Karlapalem |
T317 | Topology Knowledge Versus Fault Tolerance: the case of probabilistic reliable communication | Pranav Kumar Vasishta G V | 200607021 | Srinathan Kannan |
T318 | Analysis of Laugh Signals for Automatic Detection and Synthesis | Sudheer Kumar K | 200402023 | Yegnanarayana, B |
T319 | Analysis of Lombard Effect Speech and its Application in Speaker Verification for Imposter Detection | Bapineedu, G | 200402013 | Yegnanarayana, B |
T320 | Exploring Features for Text-Dependent Speaker Verification in Distant Speech Signals | Avinash, B | 200402006 | Yegnanarayana, B |
T321 | Speech Summarization Methods using Speaker Tracking and Prominence Based Ranking | Sree Harsha Yella | 200402047 | Kishore Prahalad; Vasudeva Varma |
T322 | Large Scale Character Classification | Neeba N V | 200650016 | Jawahar, C V |
T324 | Performance Prediction Model for the CUDA GUGPU Platform | Risabh Mukherjee | 200402035 | Srinathan Kannan; Kishore Kothapalli |
T325 | Product Information Extraction | Santosh Raju Vysyaraju | 200707023 | Vasudeva Varma |
T326 | Multiple Film Based Daylight Control System | Dipti Shiralkar | 200513001 | Vishal Garg |
T327 | Writer Adaptation for On-Line Handwritten Character Recognition | Naveen Chandra tewari | 200505018 | Anoop M Namboodri |
T332 | Automatic Evaluation of Readability of Summaries | Ravi Kiran Vadlapudi | 200402043 | Rajeev Sangal |
T333 | Learning Based Admission Control and Task Assignment in MapReduce | Jaideep Datta Dhok | 200707007 | Vasudeva Varma |
T334 | Acyclic Coloring of Graphs | Vargani Satish | 200501103 | Kishore Kothapalli; Venkatesh, Chopella |
T335 | Instruction Scheduling for VLIW Processing under Variation Scenario | Mujadiya Nayan Vasanthbai | 200605011 | Madhu Mutyam |
T336 | Hindi Dependency Parsing and Treebank Validation | Bharat Ram Ambati | 200502004 | Rajeev Sangal; Dipti Misra Sharma |
T337 | Performance Prediction Model for the CUDA GPGPU Platform | Rishabh Mukherjee | 200402035 | Kishore Kothapalli |
T339 | Progressive Summarization: summarizing relevant and novel information | Praveen Bysani | 200502009 | Vasudeva Varma |
T340 | Embedding Robust Data Mining Models in Active Learning | Banukiran Vinzamuri | 200502003 | Vikram Pudi |
T341 | Privacy Management Schemes for Social Networking Sites | Nagaraja Kaushik Gampa | 200707017 | Srinathan Kannan |
T342 | Framework for Categorical Data Clustering | Velidi Padmini | 200707031 | Kamalakar, Karlapalem |
T378 | On Exploring Subspace Outliers | Saurabh Kumar | 200707025 | Kamalakar, Karlapalem |
T379 | Extending speculation to Process Distributed Read-Only Transactions (ROTs) and Analysis of Semantics-Based ROTs Processing Protocol with Benchmarks | Mohit Goyal | 200502013 | Krishna Reddy P |
T382 | Synthesis of Missing Units in a Telugu Text-to-Speech System | Vijayaditya Peddinti | 200807011 | Kishore Prahalad |
T384 | Studies in Secure Message Transmission | Shashank Agrawal | 200501086 | Srinathan Kannan |
T385 | Generating Non-Linear narratives | Vinay Chilukuri | 200807025 | Bipin Indurkhya |
T386 | Experimental Studies on Web, Music and Blog Interfaces | Anupama Gali | 200502002 | Bipin Indurkhya |
T388 | Study on the Nature of IPv6 Intrusions and the Road Map Towards their Detection and Prevention | Mulualem Teku | 200807024 | Shatrunjay Rawat |
T390 | Data Analysis Approaches for Improved Online banner Advertisement Placement and Identifying Changes in Suitable Crop Cultivation Period | Bhargav, S | 200807016 | Krishna Reddy P |
T395 | Monocular Multibody Visual SLAM | Abhijit Kundu | 200807030 | Madhava Krishna, K; Jawahar, C V |
T396 | Efficient SVM based Object Classification and Detection | Sreekanth Vempati | 200402044 | Jawahar, C V |
T397 | Finding Dominant and Dominated Sets from Datasets | Ankita Vimal | 200602002 | Kamalakar, Karlapalem |
T398 | High Performance Multi-Agent System Based Simulation | Prashant Sethia | 200602017 | Kamalakar, Karlapalem |
T399 | Data-Intensive Similarity Measures for Categorical Data | Desai Aditya Makarand | 200602005 | Vikram Pudi |
T400 | Document Clustering using various External Knowledge Sources | Kiran, G V R | 200602007 | Vikram Pudi |
T401 | Classification, Detection and Segmentation of Deformable Animals in Images | Omkar M Parkhi | 200807012 | Jawahar, C V |
T402 | Ray Tracing Dynamic Scenes on GPU | Sashidhar Guntury | 200502023 | Narayanan, P J |
T403 | Mapcode as a Formal Language | Swathy, P S K | 200707020 | Kesav Vithal Nori |
T404 | Hybrid Mapping Through Robot Exploration in Indoor Environments Using Semantic Clues | Aravindhan K Krishnan | 200807002 | Madhava Krishna, K |
T405 | Interplay between (IM) Perfectness, Synchrony and Connectivity: the case of reliable message transmission | Abhinav metha | 200501006 | Srinathan Kannan |
T408 | Language Independent Spelling suggestion system for Search Options | Sai Krishna Pendyala V | 200402036 | Vasudeva Varma |
T409 | Particle Filter Methods for Robots in Unstructured Environments | Mahesh Mohan | 200607009 | Madhava Krishna, K |
T413 | Automatic Classification and Summarization of Sentiment in Documents | Kiran Sarvabhotla | 200402038 | Vasudeva Varma |
T414 | Musicological and Technological Exploration of Truths and Myths in Carnatic Music, the Raagam in Particular | Koduri Gopala Krishna | 200502005 | Bipin Indurkhya |
T415 | Study on Acoustic-Phonetic Boundary Detection in Continuous Speech | Venkatesh Keri | 200550006 | Kishore Prahalad |
T417 | Transfer Grammar Engine and Automatic Learning of Recorder Rules in Machine Translation | Avinesh, P V S | 200402005 | Rajeev Sangal; Dipti Misra Sharma |
T418 | Information Retrieval Based Query Understanding for Web Search | Prashant Ullegaddi | 200807013 | Vasudeva Varma |
T419 | Heidi++: a visualization system for high-dimensional Data | Shraddha Agrawal | 200601085 | Kamalakar, Karlapalem |
T422 | Outdoor Terrain Representation and Classification by a Tilted Laser Range Finder | Yasovardhan Reddy E | 200402046 | Madhava Krishna, K |
T423 | Range-Aggregate Query Problems in Computational Geometry | Saladi Rahul | 200401070 | Rajan, K S |
T425 | Specialty Mining Applied on Relational Datasets | Hanuma Kumar | 200402014 | Vikram Pudi |
T426 | Generating Simulated Feedback though Prognostic Search Approach | Nithin Kumar M | 200401049 | Vasudeva Varma |
T427 | Agreement can be Easier than Point-to-Point Communication | Prasant Gopal | 200401058 | Srinathan Kannan |
T428 | Linking Named Entities to a Structured Knowledge Base | Kranthi Reddy B | 200502008 | Vasudeva Varma |
T429 | Automatic Translation of Noun Compounds from English to Hindi | Prashanth Mathur | 200502016 | Soma Paul |
T430 | Design and Implementation of an EKF based SLAM Algorithm on a Mobile Robot | Gururaj Kosuru | 200707006 | Madhava Krishna, K |
T431 | Extracting Special Information to Improve the Efficiency of Resume Selection Process | Abhishek Sainani | 200502001 | Krishna Reddy P |
T434 | Improved KNN-Based Regression Algorithm | Himanshu Singh | 200602011 | Vikram Pudi |
T435 | Mining Landmark Papers and Related Key phrases | Annu Tuli | 200707002 | Vikram Pudi |
T436 | Inverse Skyline Queries | SriLakshmi Nunna | 200707028 | Kamalakar, Karlapalem |
T439 | Language-Independent Context Aware Query Translation using Wikipedia | Rohit Bharadwaj, G | 200502022 | Vasudeva Varma |
T440 | Online Spoofing: its effects and mitigation | Shashank L | 200502025 | Srinathan Kannan |
T441 | Designing an Authoring Tool for Building Simulation and Games | Jeetinder Singh | 200607005 | Jayanthi Sivaswamy |
T442 | Some Graph Algorithms and related Primitives for the GPU | Jyothish Soman | 200741008 | Kishore Kothapalli |
T443 | Perturbed Frequent Itemset Based Classification Techniques | Raghavendra Mall | 200602018 | Vikram Pudi |
T444 | Interestingness Measures for Rare Association Rules and Periodic-Frequent Patterns | Akshat Surana | 200602001 | Krishna Reddy P |
T446 | Collision Avoidance for Multiple Robots | Teja Prakash Parekh | 200602021 | Madhava Krishna, K |
T447 | Detection of Diabetic Retionopathy Lesions in Color Retinal Images | Keerthi Ram | 200607013 | Jayanthi Sivaswamy |
T448 | Combinatorial and Parameterized Approach for Network Forensic Analysis | Md Shafeeq Shujath | 200850013 | Shatrunjay Rawat |
T449 | Uncertain Associative Classification and clustering on Image Databases | Lydia Manikonda | 200501045 | Vikram Pudi |
T450 | Transferring Syntactic Relations using Alignments on Local Word Groups | Dara Aswarth Abhilash | 200602004 | Rajeev Sangal |
T454 | Multilingual Document Clustering | Kiran Kumar Nangunuri | 200602016 | Vasudeva Varma |
T455 | DNS Consistency Model | Manish Kumar Sharma | 200502011 | Bruhadeswar Bezawada |
T456 | Object-Centric video Navigation and Manipulation | Rajvi Shah | 200907017 | Narayanan, P J |
T458 | Visual Analysis of High Dimensional Real Data | Nahil Jain | 200702023 | Kamalakar, Karlapalem |
T459 | Secure Message Transmission in Directed Networks with computational Routers | Manan Nayak | 200702019 | Srinathan Kannan |
T461 | Efficient Data Placement and Workflow variability Management in Cloud Computing | Nitesh Maaheshwan | 200807010 | Vasudeva Varma |
T462 | Enterprise Search Solutions Based on target Corpus Analysis and External Knowledge Repositories | Nihar Sharma | 200707018 | Vasudeva Varma |
T463 | Information Extraction Based Approach to Summarize Social Interaction | Sudheer Kovelamudi | 200602014 | Vasudeva Varma |
T464 | Colored Range Searching for Internal Memory | Haritha Bellam | 200402016 | Rajan, K S |
T465 | Improving the Efficiency of SIM and its Applications | Siddharth Choudhary | 200601088 | Narayanan, P J |
T468 | Learning Based Techniques for Contextual Enhancement of Fingerprints | Rama Reddy K N V | 200531004 | Anoop M Namboodri |
T469 | Accelerating Sparse Matrix Kernels on Graphics Processing Units | Kiran Kumar Matam | 200501040 | Kishore Kothapalli |
T470 | Image Based PTM Synthesis for Realistic Rendering of Low Resolution 3D Models | Pradeep Rajiv N | 200402028 | Anoop M Namboodri |
T471 | Segmentation and Structural Analysis of Hippocampus from MRI | Sandeep Kaushik | 200807017 | Jayanthi Sivaswamy |
T472 | Scalable Clustering for Vision using GUPs | Wasif Mohiuddin K | 200807007 | Narayanan, P J |
T473 | Detection and Assessment of Abnormality in Medical Images | Sai Deepak K | 200807028 | Narayanan, P J |
T476 | Cascaded Filtering for Biometric Identification using Random Projection | Atif Iqbal | 200602003 | Anoop M Namboodri |
T478 | Automatic Question Generation using Discourse Cues and Distractor Selection for Cloze Questions | Rakshit Shah | 200702041 | Rajeev Sangal |
T480 | Interactive Visualization and Tuning of Multi-Dimensional Clusters for Indexing | Pavan Kumar, Dasari | 200401021 | Narayanan, P J |
T481 | Topic-Centric Recommender Systems for Bibliographic Datasets | Aditya Pratap Singh | 200702002 | Vikram Pudi |
T482 | Tag Weighting and its Applications | Srinivas G R J | 200402033 | Vasudeva Varma |
T483 | Hindi Derivational Morphological Analyzer | Nikhil K V S | 200702024 | Dipti Misra Sharma |
T484 | Cloze and Open Cloze Question Generation Systems and their Evaluation Guidelines | Manish Agarwal | 200702020 | Rajeev Sangal |
T488 | Merging Multilingual Result Lists | Santosh Sai Krishna, G | 200602006 | Vasudeva Varma |
T489 | Alternate text prediction and user Behavior in We Image retrieval | Vundavalli Srinivasa Rao | 200401093 | Vasudeva Varma |
T490 | Query Construction and Representation for Patent Information Retrieval | Manisha Verma | 200907024 | Vasudeva Varma |
T491 | Evolutionary Document Clustering and summarization of Scientific articles using Frequent Itemsets | Ravi Shankar | 200602019 | Vikram Pudi |
T493 | Coordinated Multi Robotic Exploration with Communication Constraints to a Moving Base Station | Romit Pandey | 200702037 | Madhava Krishna, K |
T495 | Discovering Diverse-Frequent Patterns in Transactional Databases | Somya Srivastava | 200702050 | Krishna Reddy P |
T497 | Automatic Error Detection for Treebank Validation | Rahul Agarwal | 200702033 | Dipti Misra Sharma |
T498 | A Study of X-Ray Image Perception for Pneumoconiosis Detection | Varun Jamapni | 200502027 | Jayanthi Sivaswamy |
T499 | An Optimized Edge Detection Algorithm for Facial Images M | Sudarshan, M | 200850042 | Suryakanth V Gangashetty |
T501 | Constrained Exploration for Single and Multi-Robotic Systems | Piyoosh Mukhija | 200907013 | Madhava Krishna, K |
T502 | Mixed Resolution Patch-Matching | Harshit sureka | 200702015 | Narayanan, P J |
T504 | Fine-Grained Opinion Mining from Different Gener of Social Media Content | Akshat Bakliwai | 200702004 | Vasudeva Varma |
T505 | Engineering Machine Translation for Deployment on Cloud | Rashid Ahmad | 200807014 | Rajeev Sangal |
T506 | Learning Representations for Computer Vision Tasks | Siddhartha Chandra | 200702049 | Jawahar, C V |
T511 | Document Image Retrieval using Bag of Visual Word Model | Ravi Shekhar | 2010007008 | Jawahar, C V |
T512 | Robust Registration of Retinal Images | Yogesh Babu Bathina | 200750024 | Jayanthi Sivaswamy |
T514 | Studies in Recognition of Telugu Document Images | Venkat Rasagna Reddy K | 200402021 | Jawahar, C V |
T516 | A Data Driven Framework for Extraction of Spatio-Temporal Manifestations of Dynamic Processes | Vipul Raheja | 200802041 | Rajan, K S |
T517 | MiSTIC Mining Spatio-Temporally Invariant Cores | Sravanthi K | 200602013 | Rajan, K S |
T518 | Private Outlier Detection and Content based Encrypted Search | Nisarg Raval | 200907012 | Jawahar, C V; Srinathan Kannan |
T519 | Language Independent Named Entity Recognition | Mahathi Bhagavatula | 2010007004 | Vasudeva Varma |
T520 | Sentiment Analysis for Hindi Language | Piyush Arora | 200702027 | Vasudeva Varma |
T521 | Non-Local Features in Syntactic Parsing | Sudheer Kolachina | 200807008 | Rajeev Sangal |
T523 | Fine-Grained Opinion Mining in Resources-Scarce Languages with Sentence-level Subjectivity Analysis | Aditya M | 201107630 | Vasudeva Varma |
T533 | Dynamic Resource and Energy Aware Scheduling of MapReduce Jobs and Virtual Machines in Cloud Datacenters | Radheshyam Nanduri | 200907014 | Vasudeva Varma |
T534 | Improved Neighborhood Formation Approaches for Collaborative Filtering | Mohak Sharma | 200602023 | Krishna Reddy P |
T537 | A Case for Workflow Driven Workflow Specification and Execution | Shubhangi Sharma | 200702047 | Kamalakar, Karlapalem |
T538 | Efficient and Accurate KNN based Classification and Regression | Harshit Dubey | 200802014 | Vikram Pudi |
T540 | Detection and Segmentation of stroke Lesions from Diffusion Weighted MRI Data of the Brain | Shashank Mujumdar | 200702042 | Jayanthi Sivaswamy |
T542 | RNN Based Batch Mode ctive Learning Framework | Gaurav Maheshwari | 200702014 | Vikram Pudi |
T543 | Enriching Models for Statistical Machine Translation and Predicting their Accuracies | Prasanth Kolachina | 200402020 | Rajeev Sangal |
T545 | Towards Summarization of Written Text Conversations | Arpit Sood | 200802006 | Vasudeva Varma |
T546 | Efficient Data Structures for Reporting and Counting Queries for Range Maxima in the Plane | Anil Kishore Kalavagattu | 200907005 | Kishore Kothapalli |
T547 | Visual Saliency and Next Best View Models for Object Recognition and Search | Karthik Desigh | 201007009 | Madhava Krishna, K |
T548 | Mining Peculiar Characteristics from Large Data Bases | Saket Madhukar Bharambe | 200802032 | Vikram Pudi |
T549 | Effective Topological and Structural Compression of GML Data | Harshita N N | 200502014 | Rajan, K S |
T550 | Patient-Motion Analysis in Perfusion Weighted MRI | Rohit Gautam | 200702035 | Jayanthi Sivaswamy |
T551 | Techniques for Organization and Visualization of Community Photo Collections | Kumar Srijan | 200602015 | Jawahar, C V |
T553 | Ground Plane Detection and Segmentation using Bayesian Network and Markov Random Field in an Indoor Environment | Suryansh Kumar | 201107626 | Madhava Krishna, K |
T554 | Bootstrapping Experiments for Hindi Dependency Parsing | Rahul Goutam | 200702034 | Rajeev Sangal |
T556 | Bag of Words and Bag of Ports Models for scene Classification in Images | Mayank Juneja | 200702022 | Jawahar, C V |
T557 | Exploring Crowd sourcing to Personalize Web Experience | Deepti Aggarwal | 201007001 | Venkatesh, Chopella |
T559 | Towards Automating VSLAM | Laxit Gavshinde | 200907009 | Madhava Krishna, K |
T591 | Efficient Data Structures and Algorithms for Range-Aggregate Problems | Jatin Agarwal | 201007003 | Srinathan Kannan |
T592 | Minutiae Local Structures for Fingerprint Indexing and Matching | Akhil Vij | 200702003 | Anoop M Namboodri |
T593 | Multi-modal Semantic Indexing for Image Retrieval | Chandrika, P L | 200707009 | Jawahar, C V |
T594 | Mining Characteristic Patterns from Visual Data | Abhinav Goel | 200702001 | Jawahar, C V |
T595 | Symmetric Multi-Relational Tri Factorization Models with Constraints | Tanmoy Mukherjee | 200999005 | Vasudeva Varma |
T596 | Complex Aggregates in Natural Language Interface to Database | Abhijeet Gupta | 200850032 | Rajeev Sangal |
T597 | Speed up Scheduling | Yash Gupta | 200802043 | Kamalakar, Karlapalem |
T599 | Finding Good Optimization Sequences | Lakshya Jain | 200731005 | Suresh Reddy, Purini |
T601 | Similarity Analysis of Legal Judgments and Applying Paragraph-Link to Find Similar Legal Judgments | Sushanta Kumar | 200807020 | Krishna Reddy P |
T602 | Analysis of Stroke on Brain Computed Tomography Scans | Saurabh Sharma | 200502024 | Jayanthi Sivaswamy |
T603 | Novel Approach to Segmentation and Registration of Echo-Cardiographic Images | Vidhyadhari G | 200402045 | Jayanthi Sivaswamy |
T604 | Towards Search and Rescue and Rehabilitation through Modular Robots and Human Computer Interfaces | Sriranjan Rasakath | 200907019 | Madhava Krishna, K |
T605 | Empty Categories in Hindi Dependency Treebank: analysis and recovery | Chaitanya G S K | 200602099 | Dipti Misra Sharma |
T606 | Instance Retrieval and Image Auto-Annotations on Mobile Devices | Jayaguru Panda | 200802017 | Jawahar, C V |
T607 | Framework for Community Detection from Social Media | Chandrashekar V | 200802038 | Jawahar, C V |
T608 | Efficient Texture Mapping by Homogeneous Patch Discovery | Vikram Pratap Singh R | 201007007 | Anoop M Namboodri |
T613 | Embedded Approach to Live Migration of Virtual Machines | Sanidhya Kashyap | 200802033 | Suresh Reddy, Purini |
T615 | Some (Im) Possibility Results on Graph Problems in Multi-Round Shared Whiteboard Model | Dharmeet Singh Hora | 201107624 | Kishore Kothapalli; Srinathan Kannan |
T616 | Short Message Episode Analysis | Prapula G | 200702028 | Kamalakar, Karlapalem |
T617 | Constraint-Based Hybrid Dependency Parser for Telugu | Sruthilaya Reddy Kesidi | 200702051 | Rajeev Sangal |
T618 | Building an Optimization Sequence Prediction Model on a Pruned Sequence Subspace | Rahul Kumar | 200907016 | Suresh Reddy, Purini |
T619 | Image Mosaicing of Neonatal Retinal Images | Akhilesh Bontala | 200601019 | Jayanthi Sivaswamy |
T620 | Parsing, Expansion and Merging of Dependency Treebank | Prudhvi Kosaraju | 200702029 | Dipti Misra Sharma |
T622 | Generating Descriptions for Images | Ankush Gupta | 200702009 | Rajeev Sangal |
T623 | Combining Data Parallelism and Task Parallelism for Efficient Performance on Hybrid CPU and GPU Systems | Aditya Deshpande | 200802011 | Narayanan, P J |
T624 | Repetition Detection and Shape Reconstruction in Relief Images | Harshit Agrawal | 200802013 | Anoop M Namboodri |
T625 | Enhancing Summaries with Conceptual Spaces | Jayant Gupta | 200802018 | Vasudeva Varma |
T626 | Developing Focused Crawlers for Genre Specific Search Engine | Nikhil Priyatam P | 201007005 | Vasudeva Varma |
T627 | Assessment and Process Automation of Two Success Factors for Websites: usability and credibility | Sonal Aggarwal | 201050088 | Raghu Babu Reddy Y |
T628 | Associative Regression Learning Through Minimum Divergence Estimation and Maximum Entropy Discrimination | Aneesh Sreevallabh Chivukula | 200707038 | Vikram Pudi |
T629 | Topic Detection, Ranking and Modeling Evolution in Bibliographic Datasets | Kumar Shubhankar | 200702018 | Vikram Pudi |
T630 | Investigating Usage of Term Proximity and Text Segmentation to Improve Text Document Clustering | Shashank Paliwal | 200702043 | Vikram Pudi |
T631 | Spatio-Spectral and Statistical Approaches to Pixel Unmixing and Improving Classification Accuracies | Anuj Katiyal | 200702010 | Rajan, K S |
T632 | SCAT: a system for concept annotation of tweets | Sandhya Sachidanandan | 201107617 | Kamalakar, Karlapalem |
T633 | Multi-Agent Management of Crowds to Avoid Stampedes in Long Queues | Sindhu Kolli | 200802019 | Kamalakar, Karlapalem |
T635 | Solving Decomposition Problems in Computer Vision using Linear Optimization | Ankit Gandhi | 200802004 | Jawahar, C V |
T636 | Discrete Optimization Techniques for Multi Robot Exploration | Ayush Dewan | 201107643 | Madhava Krishna, K |
T637 | Employing Oracle Confusion for Parse Quality Estimation | Sambhav Jain | 201107632 | Rajeev Sangal |
T638 | Study on Multi-Lingual and Cross-Lingual Speech Synthesis for Indian Languages | Naresh Kumar Elluru | 201050029 | Kishore Prahalad |
T639 | Virtual Machine Placement in Cloud Environment | Dharmesh Kakadia | 201107616 | Vasudeva Varma |
T641 | Parallel Simulations for Analysing Portfolios of Catastrophic Event Risk | Aman Kumar Bahl | 200802003 | Kishore Kothapalli |
T643 | Dependency Parsing Approaches for Indian Languages Hindi and Sanskrit | Raghu Pujitha Gade | 200602008 | Rajeev Sangal; Dipti Misra Sharma |
T646 | Multi-Sensor Image enhancement with Minimal Spectral Distortion for Remote Sensing Images | Ankush Khandelwal | 200601011 | Rajan, K S |
T648 | Development and Control of Modular Robots for Rough Terrain Traversal | Avinash siravuru | 201107641 | Madhava Krishna, K |
T649 | Adaptive Dynamic Route Planning for Urban Cities | Apeksha Khare | 200802005 | Kamalakar, Karlapalem |
T653 | Word Recognition in Indic Scripts | Naveen T S | 201050094 | Jawahar, C V |
T658 | Automate Based Abstraction of Interval Assumptions and Bounded Input Linear systems for Verification and Controller Synthesis | Santosh Arvind Adimoolam | 201107572 | Venkatesh, Chopella |
T659 | Skyline Segmentation using Shape-Constrained MRFs | Rashmi Vilas Tonge | 200902022 | Jawahar, C V |
T661 | Secure Biometric Authentication with Fixed-Length Binary Representations | Rohan Kulkarni | 200702017 | Anoop M Namboodri |
T662 | Modeling Scene Text and Texture by Decomposing into component Images | Siddharth Kherada | 200702048 | Anoop M Namboodri |
T663 | E-Contract Enactment system for E-Governance Contracts | Himanshu Jain | 200902043 | Kamalakar, Karlapalem |
T664 | Optimizing SQL Query Execution over Map-reduce | Bharath Vissapradada | 200702012 | Kamalakar, Karlapalem |
T665 | Standardizing and Optimizing Except Query Process of Packet Attribution Systems | Shesha Shila Bharadwaj Renukuntla | 200950033 | Shatrunjay Rawat |
T666 | Designing a Data-Driven Clausal Parsing Framework | Phani Kumar Gadde S | 200602020 | Dipti Misra Sharma; Rajeev Sangal |
T669 | Oblivious Retrieval of Images | Pruthvi Reddy Sabbu | 200601076 | Bruhadeswar Bezawada |
T672 | Two Queries Assumption and Arthur-Merlin Classes | Vyas Ram S | 200802042 | Suresh Reddy, Purini |
T673 | Matching Users in a Deadline-Driven Local Trade Exchange | Shipra Malhotra | 200802035 | Kamalakar, Karlapalem |
T675 | Novel Approach towards Building a Generic Portable and Contextual NI, IDB System | Arjun Reddy Akula | 200802002 | Rajeev Sangal |
T678 | Finding Best Answers for New Questions in QA Systems | Vinay Pande | 200807027 | Vasudeva Varma |
T680 | Simultaneous Planning Localization and Mapping | Piyush Shukla | 200802029 | Madhava Krishna, K |
T682 | Enhancing Bag of Words Image Representations | Vinay Garg | 200702053 | Jawahar, C V |
T683 | Evolution of Mental Models of Interactive Machines | Himanshu Zade | 200802045 | Venkatesh, Chopella |
T685 | Synthesizing Calssifiers for Novel Settings | Viresh Ranjan | 201250875 | Jawahar, C V |
T687 | Multi Agent Game of Kabaddi: strategies and simulation | Samrat Nagarjuna Pasila | 200802028 | Kamalakar, Karlapalem |
T691 | Privacy Preserving String Pattern Matching on Outsourced Data | Bargav Jayaraman | 201207509 | Bruhadeswar Bezawada |
T694 | Introducing Basic Routing Automata for Structured P2P Overlay Networks | Pankaj Anthwal | 200502015 | Srinathan Kannan |
T695 | Extracting Semantics from Microposts | Romil Bansal | 201207613 | Vasudeva Varma |
T697 | Structured Knowledge Extraction from Events on Twitter | Sandeep Panem | 201207659 | Vasudeva Varma |
T699 | Enhancing the Query by Object Approach using schema Summarization Techniques Techniques | Ammar Yasir | 200702005 | Krishna Reddy P |
T700 | Fingerprint Image Enhancement using Unsupervised Hierarchical Feature Learning | Mihir Sahasrabudhe | 200802023 | Anoop M Namboodri |
T704 | Leveraging Heterogeneity in Cloud Computing | Lakshminarayanan Srinivasan | 201002061 | Vasudeva Varma |
T705 | Efficient Kay Tracing of Parametric Surfaces for Advanced Effects | Rohit Nigam | 200702036 | Narayanan, P J |
T706 | Range Reporting of Planar Convex Hull and Skyline Points | Nadeem Moidu | 200802025 | Kishore Kothapalli |
T708 | Persistent Surveillance System for Gathering Comprehensive Road Information using Aerial and Land Based Sensors | Deepak Rajamohan | 201050010 | Rajan, K S |
T710 | Introducing In-Frame Shear Constraints for Monocular Motion Segmentation | Siddharth Tourani | 201107642 | Madhava Krishna, K |
T711 | Multimodal Affective Feedback: role of haptics | Akshita | 201250803 | Bipin Indurkhya |
T713 | Two GPU Algorithms for Raytracing | Srinath R | 201107625 | Narayanan, P J |
T717 | Load Balancing Algorithms for Sparse Matrix Kernels on Heterogeneous Platforms | Shiva Rama Krishna T | 201007002 | Kishore Kothapalli |
T726 | Diversity in Image Retrieval using Randomization and Learned Metrics | Vidyadhar Rao P | 201207718 | Jawahar, C V |
T727 | Dynamics Decision Making in IOTA Trading Agent | Anuj Toshniwal | 200902039 | Kamalakar, Karlapalem |
T728 | Game Theoretic Approach to Coscheduling Virtual Machines | Jaspal Singh Dhillon | 200802016 | Suresh Reddy, Purini |
T729 | New Security Architecture for Cloud-Blueshield | Saurabh Barjatiya | 200899004 | Shatrunjay Rawat |
T730 | VSM-based Statistical Model for the Semantic Relation Interpretation of Noun Compounds | Nitesh Surtani | 200802026 | Soma Paul |
T731 | An Approach to Extract Content-Sepcific Coverage Patterns | Venkata Trinath Atmakuri | 200902005 | Krishna Reddy P |
T733 | Enhancing the Enabling Technologies: a TVWS and cognitive radio scenario | Priyanka Sharma | 201250894 | Rama Murthy, G |
T737 | Application of Gesture and Spatial Cognition in Hindustani Vocal Music | Tejaswinee Kelkar | 201207724 | Bipin Indurkhya |
T739 | Significance of Paralinguistic cues in Audio Rendering of Mathematical Content | Venkatesh Potluri | 201002175 | Kishore Prahalad; Priyanka Srivastava |
T740 | Study of Oral Personal History in Speaker Anonymization | Padmini Bandi | 201207717 | Suryakanth V Gangashetty |
T742 | Stance Classification and Summarization in Online Debates | Sarvesh Ajit Ramade | 200802031 | Rajeev Sangal |
T750 | Hindi to English Machine Translation | Kunal Sachdeva | 200902046 | Dipti Misra Sharma |
T751 | Context Based Morphological Analysis | Deepak Kumar Malladi | 200802022 | Dipti Misra Sharma |
T752 | Dependency Parsing and Empty Category Detection in Hindi Language | Puneeth Kukkadapu | 200802020 | Dipti Misra Sharma |
T757 | Consistency and Failure Handling in Electronic Contracts | Nishtha Madaan | 201203001 | Kamalakar, Karlapalem |
T758 | Fast Ruling Sets | Tushar Bisht | 200802037 | Kishore Kothapalli |
T759 | Mitigating Web-Borne Security Threats by Enhancing Browser Security Policies | Krishna Chaitanya Telikicherla | 201107633 | Venkatesh, Chopella |
T764 | Simple Yet Effective Failure Resilient Robotic Soccer Strategy | Sarvasiddhi Sabitha | 200702040 | Kamalakar, Karlapalem |
T765 | Exploiting Semantic Information for Accurate Segmentation, Localization in Dynamic Environments | Dinesh Reddy N | 201307689 | Madhava Krishna, K |
T766 | Playing Poseidon: a lattice boltmann approach to simulating generalized Newtonian fluids | Nitesh Tripathi | 200802027 | Narayanan, P J |
T768 | Social Network Driven Impact on a Multi Modal Transport system | Deepika Pathania | 200802010 | Kamalakar, Karlapalem |
T770 | Dialog Act Tagger for Telugu | Suman Dowlagar | 201307678 | Radhika Mamidi |
T771 | AUTOSTEPS: Autonomous Navigation driven by spatial temporal empty spaces | Kuldeep Porwal | 200902045 | Kamalakar, Karlapalem |
T773 | Specification and Modelling of Workflow Management systems with State Based Access Control | Ankur Goel | 200702008 | Venkatesh, Chopella |
T774 | Understanding and Describing Tennis Videos | Mohak Kumar Sukhwani | 201307583 | Jawahar, C V |
T776 | Development and Analysis of a Tool for Speed up of Energyplus Through Parallelization | Akshey Jawa | 200707032 | Vishal Garg |
T779 | Frameworks for Autonomous Navigation of Quadcopter in Indoor and Outdoor Environment | Vshakh Duggal | 201307568 | Madhava Krishna, K |
T780 | High Performance Self Organizing Dynamic dictionaries | Ziaul Choudhury | 201107546 | Suresh Reddy, Purini |
T797 | Error Detection and Dependency Parsing | Bhasha Agarwal | 201207691 | Dipti Misra Sharma |
T798 | Generation of Bilingual dictionaries using Comparable and quasi Comparable Corpora | Ajay Dubey | 200802001 | Vasudeva Varma |
T801 | Towards Semantic Scene Understanding of Cluttered Indoor Environments | Sanchit Aggarwal | 201207593 | Anoop M Namboodri |
T802 | Android App Malware Detection | Vijayendra Grampurohit | 201207682 | Shatrunjay Rawat |
T804 | Towards Deep Semantic Analysis of Hashtags | Piyush Bansal | 201102022 | Vasudeva Varma |
T806 | Reactions Visual Servoing of Floating Base Dual-Arm Malipulators | Anurag V V | 201207597 | Sunil V Shah |
T808 | Distinctive Parts for Relative Attributes | Naga Sandeep Ramachandruni | 201207582 | Jawahar, C V |
T817 | Architecting an Extensible Framework to Support Gamification of Software Engineering Activities | Venkata Sai Krishna Sripada | 201250904 | Raghu Babu Reddy Y |
T818 | On Bell Nonlocality and Quantum Correlations | Palash Pandya | 201002162 | Indranil Chakravathy; Harjinder Singh |
T819 | Large Scale Modeling of the Basal Ganglia | Bhargav Teja Nallapu | 201407519 | Bapi Raju Surampudi |
T820 | Text Recognition and Retrieval in Natural Scene Images | Udit Roy | 201207725 | Jawahar, C V |
T827 | Efficient Algorithmic Techniques for Heterogeneous Computing | Shashank Sharma | 200802034 | Kishore Kothapalli |
T828 | Parallel Ear Decomposition and Application to Betweenness Centrality | Charudatt Pachorkar | 201307687 | Kishore Kothapalli |
T829 | Privacy Preserving Outlier Detection Over Vertically Partitioned Data | Madhuchand Rushi Pillutla | 200907010 | Srinathan Kannan |
T830 | Defect Dependency Based Heuristic Approaches to Improve Software Quality in Large Scale Integrated Software Products | Sai Anirudh Karre | 201350856 | Raghu Babu Reddy Y |
T836 | A Geospatial Analysis towards achieving Water Security: case study of Hyderabad | Rahul Kumar Rai | 200902048 | Rajan, K S |
T837 | Understanding Topics and Sentiment from Social Media | Satarupa Guha | 201307566 | Vasudeva Varma |
T838 | Sketch-Based Approach for Multimedia Retrieval | Koustav Ghosal | 201207530 | Anoop M Namboodri |
T839 | Human Pose Estimation: extension and application | Digvijay Singh | 201002052 | Jawahar, C V |
T840 | Optical Character Recognition as Sequence Mapping | Devendra Kumar Sahu | 201280923 | Jawahar, C V |
T844 | Script and Language Identification for Document Images and Scene Texts | Ajeet Kumar Singh | 201407655 | Jawahar, C V |
T845 | Transition-Based Technique for Syntactic Linearization and Deep Input Linearization | Ratish Sundrendran Pudupully | 201407662 | Manish Shrivastava |
T846 | Predicting User Attributes from Social Media | Santosh K | 201207665 | Vasudeva Varma |
T847 | Adaptive Spectral and Texture Matching for Road Extraction from Very High Resolution Satellite Imagery with Occlusion Bandling | Sreekanth Reddy K | 200702016 | Rajan, K S |
T855 | Mining Cuboid Outliers in Information Networks | Ayushi Dalmia | 201307565 | Manish Gupta; Vasudeva Varma |
T856 | Effects of Structural Perturbations on Brain's Dynamics and the Role of Homeostatic Plasticity in Functional Recovery | Anirudh Nihalani Vattikonda | 201307695 | Dipanjoy Roy |
T858 | Semantic Modeling for Content-Targeted Online Advertising | Ankit Patil | 200702007 | Vasudeva Varma |
T859 | Geo-Visualization in 4D Environment-Simulation of Floods over an Urban Area | Vishal Tiwari | 201002025 | Rajan, K S |
T868 | Spectral Characteristics Preserving Fusion of remotely Ssensed Multi-Sensor Images | Mayank Goyal | 200702021 | Rajan, K S |
T869 | Exemplar Based Approaches on Face Fiducial Detection and Frontalization | Mallikarjun B R | 201307681 | Jawahar, C V |
T870 | Some Problems in Multi Party Computation | Rajeevalochana M R | 200802021 | Srinathan Kannan |
T871 | Learning Effective Navigational Strategies for Active Monocular Simultaneous Localization and Mapping | Vignesh Prasad | 201202149 | Madhava Krishna, K |
T872 | First Person Action Recognition | Suriya Singh | 201307505 | Chetan Arora; Jawahar, C V |
T873 | Multilingual Spoken Dialog Systems for Handheld Devices | Brij Mohal Lal Srivastava | 201307694 | Manish Shrivastava |
T874 | Modeling Land use Land Cover Change Dynamics in Godavari Basin of India | Mohit Kumar | 200802024 | Rajan, K S |
T875 | Study on Compositional Features of Graphs | Prathyush Sambaturu | 201207615 | Kamalakar, Karlapalem; Kishore Kothapalli |
T877 | Exploring the Knowledge of Citations in Legal Information Retrieval | Raghav Kalyanasundaram | 201002132 | Krishna Reddy P |
T879 | Dynamic Security Analysis of Interpreters using Genetic Programming Technique | Spandan Veggalam | 201307674 | Sanjay Rawat |
T880 | Distributional Semantics and Neural Network Based Improvements to dependency Parsing | Silpa Kanneganti | 200602012 | Dipti Misra Sharma |
T885 | Automatic Error Detection in Annotated Corpora | Narendra Annamaneni | 200902038 | Dipti Misra Sharma |
T886 | Trivia Mining from Knowledge Graphs | Nausheen Fatma | 20140754 | Manish Shrivastava |
T887 | Parallel Frameworks for Locality Based Dynamic Programming Problems | Rajesh Kumar | 201307556 | Kishore Kothapalli |
T888 | Quantitative Assessment of Player Performance and Winner Prediction in ODI Cricket | Madan Gopal Jhanwar | 201202018 | Vikram Pudi |
T889 | Design and Analysis of Authenticated Key Agreement Schemes for Future IoT Applications and Session Initiation Protocol | Sravani C | 201507501 | Ashok Kumar Das |
T890 | Retrieving Semantically Similar Questions in Community Question Answering | Arpita Das | 201407536 | Manish Shrivastava |
T891 | LSIVIEWER 2.0: a client oriented online visualization tool for geospatial vector data | Manikanta Purushotham K | 201102151 | Rajan, K S |
T892 | ET: events from tweets | Ruchi Parikh | 201007006 | Kamalakar, Karlapalem |
T893 | Active Learning and its Applications | Priyam Bakliwal | 201407643 | Jawahar, C V |
T897 | Analysis of Lane Level Dynamics for Emergency Vehicles | Akash Agarwal | 201102200 | Praveen Parachuri |
T900 | Exploiting Ad Space of Long Tail Queries through Concept-Based Bidding in Sponsored Search | Amar Budhiraja | 201303009 | Krishna Reddy P |
T902 | Discovery and Interpretation of Embedding models for Knowledge Representation | Ganesh J | 201407652 | Vasudeva Varma |
T903 | Joint Semantic and Motion Segmentation for Enhanced Scene Understanding | Nazrul Haque Athar | 201202048 | Madhava Krishna, K |
T905 | Audio and Text Based Multimodal Sentiment analysis using features extracted from selective regions and deep neural networks | Harika Abburi | 201450880 | Suryakanth V Gangashetty; Manish Shrivastava |
T906 | Automatic analysis of cricket and soccer broadcast videos | Rahul Anand Sharma | 201203002 | Jawahar, C V; Vineet Gandhi |
T907 | Shape Priors for Monocular Object Localization in Dynamic Scenes | Krishna Murthy Jatavallabhula | 201507598 | Madhava Krishna, K |
T908 | PurposeNet Ontology based Question Answering (QA) System for Hindi | Rishabh Srivastava | 201207681 | Soma Paul |
T909 | Design and Evaluation of Alternate Enumeration Techniques for Subset Sum Problem | Avni Verma | 200902040 | Kamalakar, Karlapalem |
T911 | Indoor Robot Navigating Amidst Humans with Uncertainties and Intents: a collision cone approach | Akhil Kumar Nagariya | 201002127 | Madhava Krishna, K |
T912 | Discovering Vulnerable Function by Vulnerability Extrapolation | Lokesh Jain | 201207648 | Srinathan Kannan |
T914 | Towards Better Topic Models for Contemporary Textual Documents of Social Media | Prateek Mehta | 201203006 | Vasudeva Varma |
T916 | Age-effects on Resting State Dynamics of Cortical Networks | Shruti Naik | 201407630 | Bapi Raju Surampudi |
T917 | Towards Efficient Neural Machine Translation for Indian Languages | Ruchit Agrawal | 201002013 | Dipti Misra Sharma |
T920 | Understanding Structure of Urban Built Environment and its Implications on Movement Affinities of Space | Rajesh Chaturvedi | 200902049 | Rajan, K S |
T921 | Neuro-Computational Model of Reward Prediction Error in Classical Conditioning | Pramod Kaushik | 201407538 | Bapi Raju Surampudi |
T922 | Two Important Problems on Quantum Coherence | Udit Kamal Sharma | 201202094 | Indranil Chakravathy |
T923 | Interpretation of Nominal Compounds using Structured Knowledge bases | Sruti Rallapalli | 200702031 | Soma Paul |
T924 | Error Detection and Correction in Indic OCRs | Vinitha V S | 201307548 | Jawahar, C V |
T925 | Spectral Graph Theory in Pose-Graph Applications | Sayantan Datta | 201407567 | Madhava Krishna, K; Avinash Sharma |
T926 | Towards Autonomous Navigation and Geo-Tagging with Monocular MAVs | Utsav Shah | 201507528 | Madhava Krishna, K |
T927 | Load Balancing on the Cloud | Pulkit Goel | 201002059 | Vasudeva Varma |
T928 | Sentiment Analysis for Telugu Language | Sandeep Sricharan Mukku | 201202157 | Radhika Mamidi |
T929 | Parallel Corpora and Linguistic Resource Creation for Statistical Machine Translation | Jayendra Rakesh Yeka | 200802044 | Dipti Misra Sharma; Radhika Mamidi |
T930 | Annotation and Analysis of Discourse Structure in the Tamil Language | Ravi Teja Rachakonda | 200807015 | Rajeev Sangal |
T938 | Exniffer: learning to rank crashes by assessing the exploitability from memory dump | Shubham Tripathi | 201407646 | Sanjay Rawat |
T941 | Improving Surveillance using Cooperative Target Observation | Rashi Aswani | 201102140 | Praveen Parachuri |
T942 | Do Pitch and Space Share Common Code? | Pulkit Singhal | 200702030 | Priyanka Srivastava |
T944 | Application, Modelling and Implementation of CORP (Cross Origin Request Policy) | Akash Agrawall | 201202061 | Venkatesh, Chopella |
T945 | Nearly Balanced Heterogeneous Algorithms for Multiplying Scale-Free Sparse Matrices | Kiran Raj S R | 201307593 | Kishore Kothapalli |
T946 | Cognitively Inspired Task Design to Improve User Performance on Crowdsourcing Platforms | Rajeev Rajeshuni | 200902021 | Bipin Indurkhya; Bapi Raju Surampudi |
T950 | Robust Representation Learning for Low Resource Languages | Syed Sarfaraz Akhtar | 201202044 | Manish Shrivastava |
T952 | Harnessing Morphological Regularities for Representation Learning for Low Resourced Languages | Arihant Gupta | 201202003 | Manish Shrivastava |
T953 | Understanding Short Social Video Clips using Visual-Semantic Joint Embedding | Aditya Singh | 201002055 | Narayanan, P J |
T954 | Improved Approaches to Mine Periodic-Frequent Patterns in Non-Uniform Temporal Databases | Venkatesh J N | 201102007 | Krishna Reddy P |
T955 | Mining Periodic Frequent Patterns using Period Summary and Map-Reduce | Anirudh Alampally | 201202173 | Krishna Reddy P |
T960 | Hardware-Efficient and Reconfigurable VLSI Architecture and Techniques for Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio Wireless Networks | Mahess Srinu Murty | 201407661 | Rahul Shrestha |
T961 | Fine Pose Estimation and Region Proposals from a Single Image | Sudipto Bangerjee | 201307554 | Anoop M Namboodri |
T965 | Input Type Assisted Fuzzing | Vivek Jain | 201225182 | Sanjay Rawat |
T966 | Deep Learning for Detecting Inappropriate Content in Text | Harish Yenala | 201407613 | Manish Shrivastava |
T967 | Resource Allocation in Software Defined Internet of Things Infrastructure | Rhishi Pratap Singh | 201532546 | Rama Murthy, G |
T968 | Workload Assignment in Various Heterogeneous Cloud Environments | Vishrut Mehta | 201102128 | Vasudeva Varma |
T972 | Combining Class Taxonomics and Multi Task Learning to Regularize Fine-Grained Recognition | Riddiman Dasgupta | 201307558 | Anoop M Namboodri |
T973 | Neural Approaches Towards Text Summarization | Abhishek Kumar Singh | 201507519 | Vasudeva Varma; Manish Shrivastava |
T974 | Universal Dependency Parsing of Hindi-English Code-Switching | Irshad Ahmad Bhat | 201407664 | Manish Shrivastava |
T975 | Dual Process Reinforcement Learning Account for Sequential Decision Making and Skill Learning | Tejas Savalia | 201507510 | Bapi Raju Surampudi |
T976 | Efficient Annotation of Objects for Video analysis | Swetha Sirnam | 201303014 | Jawahar, C V |
T977 | Tracking Low Resolution for Better Scene Understanding | Harish Krishna | 201202172 | Jawahar, C V |
T978 | Unconstrained Arabic and Urdu Text Recognition using Deep CNN-RNN Hybrid Networks | Mohit Jain | 201202164 | Jawahar, C V |
T979 | Learning Deep and Compact Models for Gesture Recognition | Koustav Mullick | 201307559 | Anoop M Namboodri |
T980 | Applications of Ear Decomposition to Efficient Heterogeneous Algorithms for Shortest Path/Cycle problems | Debarshi Dutta | 201307693 | Kishore Kothapalli |
T981 | Novel Architecture to Enhance Quality of Service in IP Networks | Sriharsha Karamchati | 201102037 | Shatrunjay Rawat |
T993 | Wikipedia Article Generation for Named Entities | Yashaswi P | 201102111 | Kamalakar, Karlapalem |
T994 | Multimodal Emotion Recognition from Advertisements with application to computational Advertising | Abhinav Shukla | 201302135 | Ramanathan Subramanian |
T995 | Coverage Patterns-based Allocation Approaches for Display Advertising | Naga Sai Kavya Vaddadi | 201303008 | Krishna Reddy P |
T996 | Behavioral Analysis and Prioritized routing of Vehicular Traffic During Emergency Evacuation | Gaurav Gupta | 201102120 | Praveen Parachuri |
T998 | Few Limits to Quantum Information Theory | Subhasree Patro | 201450869 | Indranil Chakravathy; Srinathan Kannan |
T999 | Towards Understanding People from Multilingual Societies | Deepanshu Vijay | 201302093 | Dipti Misra Sharma |
T1000 | Graph-Special Techniques for Analyzing Resting State Functional Neuroimaging Data | Srinivas Govinda Surampudi | 201550821 | Avinash Sharma |
T1013 | LSI-STAT: a Visualization and Analytics Platform | Neha Pande | 201202023 | Rajan, K S |
T1014 | Development of Building Segmentation Approaches from a given LiDAR Scene | Gaurav Parida | 201202037 | Rajan, K S |
T1015 | Predictive Analytics for News Articles Using Wikipedia | Navya Yarrabelly | 201102171 | Kamalakar, Karlapalem |
T1016 | Machine Learning for Source-Code Plagiarism Detection | Jitendra Yasaswi Bharadwaj Katt | 201407566 | Jawahar, C V; Suresh Reddy, Purini |
T1017 | Cognitive Vision: examining attention, engagement and cognitive load via gaze and EEG | Viral Parekh | 201507535 | Jawahar, C V; Ramanathan Subramanian |
T1023 | Data-Driven Representation Learning with Applications in Gene Expression and Fake News Detection | Ambika Kaul | 201450855 | Vikram Pudi |
T1024 | A Shape-Based Approach to Spatio-Temporal Data Analysis using Satellite Imagery | Darpan Baheti | 201202036 | Rajan, K S |
T1025 | Explicit and Implicit Modelling of User Preferences for Music Recommendation | Kartik Gupta | 201302008 | Vikram Pudi |
T1026 | Towards Identifying Malicious and Paradoxical Content on Social Media | Aditya Bohra | 201302016 | Manish Shrivastava |
T1027 | Crowd Management through Multi Robotic Agents | Garima Ahuja | 201002017 | Kamalakar, Karlapalem |
T1028 | Behavioral Planning for Automated Vehicles using Deep Reinforcement Learning | Meha Kaushik | 201302001 | Madhava Krishna, K |
T1035 | Understanding People in Low Resourced Languages | Sahil Swami | 201302071 | Manish Shrivastava |
T1040 | Temporal Dynamics of Cognitive Processes: case studies on sequence learning and effective adaptation of emotions | Sneha Kummetha | 201202139 | Bapi Raju Surampudi |
T1041 | Exploring Cross-Lingual Summarization and Machine Translation Quality Estimation | Nisarg Ketan Jhaveri | 201302195 | Vasudeva Varma |
T1042 | Sclalable Planning and Learning for Decentralized MDPs with Event Driven Rewards | Tarun Gupta | 201403002 | Praveen Parachuri |
T1043 | Small Obstacle Detection using Stereo Vision for Autonomous Ground Vehicle | Krishnam Gupta | 201202120 | Madhava Krishna, K |
T1051 | Graph Decomposition Techniques for Parallel Symmetry Breaking | Sayyad Nayyaroddeen | 201407666 | Kishore Kothapalli |
T1054 | Sentiment Lexicon Creation in Tamil using Hybrid Techniques | Abishek Kannan | 201202187 | Radhika Mamidi |
T1057 | Audio-Visual Speech Recognition and Synthesis | Abhishek Jha | 20162310 | Jawahar, C V |
T1059 | Handwritten Word Recognition for Indic and Latin Scripts using Deep CNN-RNN Hybrid Networks | Kartik Dutte | 201302018 | Jawahar, C V |
T1061 | Geometric Kinematic Priors and Part-Based Graph Convolutional Network for Skeleton-based Human Action Recognition | Kalpit Thekkar | 201201071 | Narayanan, P J |
T1063 | Pharmacovigilance from Social Media using Linuted Labeled Data | Shashank Gupta | 201507574 | Vasudeva Varma; Manish Shrivastava |
T1064 | Navigation and Bearing Estimation Tasks in 360 Video Interfaces for 2D Desktop Displays | Aniruddh Ravipata | 201303004 | Priyanka Srivastava |
T1077 | Sci-Blogger: a Step Towards Automated Science Journalism | Raghu Ram Vadapalli | 201402213 | Vasudeva Varma |
T1078 | A DSL Compiler for Accelerating Image processing Pipelines on FPGSs | Nitin Chugh | 201250841 | Suresh Reddy, Purini |
T1079 | Towards Identification, Classification and Analysis of Hate Speech on Social Media | Pinkesh Badjatiya | 201402002 | Vasudeva Varma; Manish Shrivastava |
T1081 | Towards Identifying Humor and Author's Gender in Codemixed Social Media content | Ankush Khandelwal | 201302077 | Manish Shrivastava |
T1082 | Performance Analysis of Spatial Queries and Routing in NoSQL Databases | Sarthak Agarwal | 201303005 | Rajan, K S |
T1083 | Generalised Representation for Large Road Networks-Mimicking Road user Behaviour and Achieving Improved Path Computation | Rohith Reddy Sankapally | 201302219 | Rajan, K S |
T1084 | Towards Safe Navigation of Quad-Copter Amongst Uncertain Dynamic Obstacles | Dhaivat Bhatt | 20162305 | Madhava Krishna, K |
T1085 | On Compact Deep Neural Networks for Visual Place Recognition, Object Recognition and Visual Localization | Soham Saha | 201507509 | Jawahar, C V; Girish Varma |
T1086 | Sentiment Analysis and Opinion Mining from Noisy Social Media Content | Aditya Joshi | 201307619 | Vasudeva Varma; Manish Shrivastava |
T1088 | Experimental Studies on Evaluation and Selection of Navigational Links on Web | Vamshi Velgapuri | 201501102 | Bipin Indurkhya |
T1092 | Automated Feature Construction and Selection | Saket Maheshwary | 201407670 | Vikram Pudi |
T1093 | Development and Tracking of Consensus Mesh for Monocular Depth Sequences | Gaurav Mishra | 201202057 | Narayanan, P J |
T1096 | Road Topology Extraction from Satellite Images by Knowledge Sharing | Anil Kumar Batra | 201550847 | Jawahar, C V |
T1097 | Information Extraction and Aggression Detection on Bilingual Social Media Texts | Vinay Kumar Singh | 201402035 | Manish Shrivastava |
T1100 | Analyzing Racket Sports from Broadcast Videos | Anurag Ghosh | 201302179 | Jawahar, C V |
T1103 | Frontier Detection and Exploration using Monocular SLAM | Sarthak Upadhyay | 201307688 | Madhava Krishna, K |
T1105 | Towards Scalable Applications for Handwritten Documents | Vijay Bapanaiah Rowtula | 201350873 | Jawahar, C V |
T1108 | Study on Cloud Federation Models using Cooperative Game Theory | Yash Khandelwal | 201302164 | Suresh Reddy, Purini |
T1109 | Improving Word Embeddings and using them | Prakhar Pandey | 201503004 | Vikram Pudi |
T1111 | Controversy and Stance Detection to Mitigate Spread of Misinformation | Sri Teja Allaparthi | 201302139 | Vikram Pudi |
T1115 | Reliable Edge | Jitender Grover | 20162313 | Rama Murthy, G |
T1123 | Question Answering for Health Forums | Jalan Raksha Sanjay | 201507632 | Vasudeva Varma; Manish Gupta |
T1124 | Towards Sentiment Augmented Predictive Techniques in Natural Language | Varshit Battu | 201402029 | Radhika Mamidi |
T1125 | Learning Strategies for Power Trading in Smart Grids | Susobhan Ghosh | 201503005 | Praveen Parachuri; Sujit Prakash Gujar |
T1126 | Adversarial Training for Unsupervised Monoclular Depth Estimation | Ishit Mehta | 201403008 | Narayanan, P J |
T1127 | Towards Content Improvement on Community Driven Question Answering Platforms: a stack overflow case study | Rishabh Gupta | 201307676 | Krishna Reddy P |
T1128 | Efficient Annotation and Knowledge Distillation for Semantic Segmentation | Tejaswi Kasarla | 201550846 | Vineeth N Balasubramanian |
T1129 | Automated Credibility Assessment of Web Page | Shriyansh Agrawal | 201402238 | Raghu Babu Reddy Y |
T1130 | Simple and Effective Monolingual and Code-Mixed Question Answering | Vishal Gupta | 201403010 | Manish Shrivastava |
T1131 | Exploring Binarization and Pruning of Convolutional Neural Networks | Ameya Prabhu | 201402004 | Anoop M Namboodri |
T1140 | Leveraging Heterogeneity and Multiplicity in cloud Storage Systems | Kumar Rishabh | 201102103 | Vasudeva Varma |
T1142 | Monocular Reconstruction of Dynamic Vehicles on Arbitrary Road Profiles from a Moving Camera | Junaid Ahmed Ansari | 20162149 | Madhava Krishna, K |
T1145 | Semantic Role Labeling for Indian Languages | Aishwary Gupta | 201302216 | Manish Shrivastava |
T1149 | Design of an Open-Source Micro Aerial Vehicle for Onboard Autonomous Navigation | Gourav Kumar | 201507666 | Madhava Krishna, K |
T1150 | Faster Parallel Graph Connectivity Algorithms for GPU | Mihir Wadwekar | 201202026 | Kishore Kothapalli |
T1152 | Insights Into, Analyses and Prediction of Verified Users on Twitter | Indraneil Paul | 201302170 | Ponnurangam Kumaraguru |
T1156 | Exploiting Graph Sparsity for Parallel Symmetry Breaking | Mahak Gambhir | 201303002 | Kishore Kothapalli |
T1157 | Automated Estimation of Forest Inventories using Terrestrial LiDAR | Suraj Reddy R | 201450871 | Rajan, K S |
T1158 | Usability Evaluation Framework for Mobile Apps using source Code Analysis | Neeraj Mathur | 201350902 | Raghu Babu Reddy Y |
T1160 | Exploiting Textual Content in Academic Citation Networks | Soumyajit Ganguly | 201407600 | Vikram Pudi |
T1162 | Neural Approaches towards Computational Journalism | Dhruv Khattar | 201402087 | Vasudeva Varma; Manish Gupta |
T1163 | Integrated Model-Driven Enactment of E-Contract | Pabitra Mohapatra | 201150851 | Kamalakar, Karlapalem |
T1170 | Regional Drought Assessment Over India Using SPEI under Climate Change | Monish N T | 201302224 | Shaik Rehana |
T1171 | FAST: Fragment Assisted Storage for query execution in read-only databases | Vivek Hamirwasia | 201002088 | Kamalakar, Karlapalem |
T1172 | Blending the Past and Present of Automatic Image Annotation | Ayushi Dutta | 201507668 | Jawahar, C V |
T1173 | Object Search using Context Information | Sheetal Reddy | 201203010 | Madhava Krishna, K |
T1174 | Re-Engineering and Performance Enhancement of MT System and MT Related Applications | Priyank Gupta | 201350845 | Dipti Misra Sharma; Manish Shrivastava |
T1175 | Adding Preemptive Scheduling Capabilities to Accelerators | Shaleen Garg | 201401069 | Kishore Kothapalli |
T1176 | Computational Imaging Techniques to Recover Omni3D Structure and Surface Properties | Rajat Aggarwal | 201201119 | Anoop M Namboodri |
T1185 | Scalable Distributed Safety Verification using Actor Architecture | Singla, Adhish | 201403004 | Suresh Reddy, Purini |
T1186 | Agent Strategic for the Hide-and-Seek Game | Tandon, Akshat | 201503001 | Kamalakar, Karlapalem |
T1187 | Deep-Learning Features Graphs and Scene Understanding | Abhijeet Kumar | 201302197 | Avinash Sharma |
T1191 | Improved Approaches to Mine Partial Periodic Patterns in Spatio Temporal Databases | Chennupati Saideep | 2019701010 | Krishna Reddy, P |
T1194 | Towards Domain Adaptation for Hindi-Telugu Machine Translation | Ala Hema | 2018701021 | Dipti Misra Sharma |
T1198 | Interactive Video Editing Using Machine Learning Techniques | Anchit Gupta | 20171041 | Jawahar, C V |
T1199 | Transforming Flash Files to HTML5 and JavaScript | Yogesh Maheshwari | 201202014 | Raghu Babu Reddy Y |
T1200 | Study Existing Personal Electronic Devices (PED) Policies and Provide an Automatic Solution to Switch on Airplane Mode In-Flight | Pushspendra Singh Sengar | 201250849 | Satrunjay Rawat |
T1202 | Efficient Parallel and Approximation Algorithms for Percolation Centrality | Athreya Chandramouli | 2018121002 | Kishore Kothapalli |
T1218 | Exploiting Indian Languages Similarity for Different NLP Application | Salil Aggarwal | 20171166 | Radhika Mamidi |
T1219 | Applications of Riemannian Optimization to Machine Learning Problems | Naram Jayadev | 20171139 | Pawan Kumar |
T1220 | Towards Using Deep Learning for Text Classification and Sentiment Prediction and Its Application in Multimodal Settings | Samyak Agrawal | 20161180 | Radhika Mamidi |
T1221 | Derivation of CPG Labels for English and its Applications in Language and Vision | Sai Kiran Gorthi | 200902012 | Radhika Mamidi |
T1222 | Open-Vocabulary Audio Keyword Spotting with Low Resource Language Adaptation | Kirandevraj R | 2019701001 | Jawahar, C V; Vinay P Namboodiri; Vinod K Kurmi |
T1223 | Importance of Facts for Natural Language Generation | Tushar Abhishek | 2019701015 | Vasudeva Varma; Manish Gupta |
T1224 | Viusual Grounding Multi-Modal Applications | Kanishk Jain | 2021701023 | Vineet Gandhi |
T1225 | Geometric Methods for Tensor Completion | Tanmay Kumar Sinha | 20171200 | Pawan Kumar |
T1226 | Computer Vision for Flora: species and disease revognitin | Vamsidhar Muthireddy | 20172144 | Jawahar, C V |
T1227 | Refining 3D Human digitization Using Learnable Priors | Routhu Snehith Goud | 20171105 | Avinash Sharma |
T1231 | Encoding of Emotional Concepts in Depression | Himansh Sheoran | 20161211 | Priyanka Srivastava |
T1232 | Efficient Computation of Percolation Centrality in Static and Dynamic Networks | Sayantan Jana | 20171185 | |
T1235 | Towards Handwriting Recognition and Search in Indic & Latin Scripts | Santhoshini Gongidi | 2018701020 | Jawahar, C V |
T1238 | Deep Neural Models for Generalized Synthesis of Multi-Person Actions | Debtanu Gupta | 2019701003 | Ravi Kiran Sarvadevabhatla |
T1239 | Computer Vision Based Large Scale Urban Mobility Audit and Parametric Road Scene Parsing | Durga Nagendra Raghava Kumar Modhugu | 2018900018 | |
T1240 | Making Deep Models Generalizable using Domain Adaptation | Abhay Rawat | 20172082 | Kamalakar, Karlapalem |
T1243 | Deep Learning Methods for 3D Garment Digitization | Astitva Srivastava | 2019701018 | Avinash Sharma |
T1246 | Agent Reputation and Reward Fairness in Peer-Based Crowdsourcing Mechanism | Samhita Kanaparthy | 2018121005 | Sujit P Gujar |
T1247 | Competitive Skyline Cliques | Jayitha Cherapanamjeri | 20171401 | Kamalakar Karlapalem |
T1250 | I-Do, I-Learn: techniques for unsupervised procedure learning using egocentric videos | Bansal, Siddhant | 2019900091 | Jawahar, C V |
T1251 | Limited Dynamic Path Generation for Continuous Locomotion in Virtual Reality | Mittal, Raghav | 2018701023 | Raghu Babu Reddy Y |
T1252 | Building an AI System to Improve Tracking Accuracy in Air Surveillance | Dasika, Anoot Karnik | 2018701004 | Praveen Parachuri |
T1258 | Text Driven Knowledge Graphs | Mehta, Aman | 201502106 | Kamalakar, Karlapalem |
T1259 | Monocular Multilayer Layout Estimation for Warehouses | Sahu, Anurag | 2018121004 | Madhava Krishna, K |
T1260 | Machine Learning Solution to Predict Foveal Development and Visual Prognosis in Retinal Developmental Disorders | Nishad, Garima | 2019701029 | Girish Varma |
T1261 | Continual and Incremental Learning in Computer-Aided Diagnosis Systems | Akundi, Prathyusha | 2018701014 | Sivaswamy, Jayanthi |
T1263 | Building Non-interactive Asynchronous Threshold Signatures for the Blockchain Ecosystem | Snehil Joshi | 201407552 | Srinathan, Kannan |
T1264 | Text Summarization for Resource-Poor Languages: Datasets and Models for Multiple Indian Languages | Lakshmi Sireesha, Vakada | 20171137 | Mamidi, Radhika |
T1265 | 3D Interactive Solution for Neuroanatomy Education | Mythri V | 2018201028 | Jayanthi Sivaswamy |
T1266 | Flow Synthesis Based Visual Servoing Frameworks for Monocular Obstacle Avoidance Amidst High-Rises | Harshit Kumar, Sankhla | 2018900050 | Madhava Krishna, K |
T1269 | Product Placement Framework to Improve Diversity in Retail Business | Pooja Gaur | 20173037 | Krishna Reddy, P |
T1271 | Bridging the Gap Between Perception and Navigation A self-Driving and LiDAR Perspective | Mohd Omama | 2020701006 | Madhava Krishna, K |
T1273 | Situation Recognition for Holistic Video Understanding | Zeeshan Khan | 2021701029 | Jawahar, C V; Makarand Tapaswi |
T1276 | Systems and Resources for Telugu: Question Answering and Summarization | Priyanka, Ravva | 20172157 | Manish Shrivastava |
T1279 | Optimizing Forensic Data Availability and Retention of SDN Forensic Logs by Using Bloom Filter | Varun Sharma | 201150846 | Shatrunjay Rawat |
T1283 | Role of Game-Theory and Fairness in Designing Blockchain Protocols | Anurag Jain | 20171021 | Sujit P Gujar |
T1284 | Handling Idiomatic Expressions in English | Prateek Saxena | 200902016 | Soma Paul |
T1285 | Hardware Acceleration of YOLOv3-tiny Object Detection | V.V.S.Prithvi | 2018900104 | Suresh Reddy, Purini |
T1287 | Machine Translation Post-editing: Assessing Effort, Text and Bias | Arafat Ahsan | 2019701030 | Dipti Misra Sharma |
T1291 | Towards Generalization in Multi-View Pedestrian Detection | Jeet Vora | 2019701006 | Vineet Gandhi |
T1300 | Skelton-based Action Recognition in Non-contextual, In-the-wild and Dense Joint Scenarios | Neel Trivedi | 20171015 | Ravi Kiran Sarvadevabhatla |
T1308 | Extended Indoor Layout Estimation using Monocular RGB for efficient path planning and navigation | Shantanu Singh | 2020701022 | Madhava Krishna, K |
T1311 | Mitigating Negative Side Effects | Aishwarya , Srivastava | 20171046 | Praveen Parachuri |
T1312 | Dynamic Resource Scaling for Explicit State model checking on Cloud | Yuvaraj Singh | 201102049 | Suresh Reddy, Purini |
T1314 | Cross-Lingual Approaches for Text Generation Tasks in Low-Resource Languages | Shivaprasad, Sagare | 2020701015 | Vasudeva Varma; Manish Gupta |
T1317 | Improving modality interactions in Multimodal Systems | Tanmay Sachan | 2018111023 | Vasudeva Varma |
T1318 | Low Complexity Cache Aided Communication Schemes for Distributed Data Storage and Distributed Computing | Vaishya Abhinav Rajesh Kumar | 2018121003 | Prasad Krishnan |
T1319 | Achieving Individually Fair Personalized | Shantanu Das | 20171143 | Sujit P Gujar; Girish Varma |
T1320 | Towards NLP in Climate Change | Roopal, Vaid | 201502023 | Manish Shrivastava |
T1321 | Towards building controllable Text to Speech Systems | Saiteja, K | 2020701004 | Vineet Gandhi |
T1322 | Face Reenactment: Crafting Realistic Talking Heads for Enhanced Video Communication and Beyond | Madhav Agarwal | 2020900022 | Vinay P Namboodiri; Jawahar, C V |
T1333 | Markov Chain Based Algorithms for City-Scale Pollution-Aware Traffic Routing | Shreevignesh, S | 2018111019 | Praveen Parachuri; Girish Varma |
T1337 | Enriching Structural and Unstructured Knowledge for Low-Resource Languages by Cross Lingual Fact Extraction and Text Generation | Bhavyajeet Singh | 2018111022 | Vasudeva Varma; Manish Gupta |
T1339 | Domain-Specific Pretrained Model Natural Language Generation | Sahil Manoj Bhatt | 2018111002 | Manish Shrivastava |
T1341 | Evaluating and Enhancing the Robustness of Math Word Problem Solvers | Vivek Kumar | 2019701004 | Vikram Pudi |
T1342 | Validation of Kriging to Understand 'Volcanic Eruption Event Temperature Profiles' To Improve Gradients in Numerical Weather Prediction Models | Malini Kishnan | 201050026 | Rajan, K S |
T1344 | Exploring Data Driven approaches for Robot Control: Real Time Visual Servoing and value function based Inverse Kinematics | Mohammad Nomaan Qureshi | 2018111027 | Madhava Krishna, K |
T1347 | Design of Web Based Geospatial Data Services Framework: an implementation of web-based climate services | Aarathi Ramesh Muppalla | 20173018 | Rajan, K S |
T1349 | Adaptive Sliding Mode Control for Autonomous Vehicle Platform under Unknown Friction Forces | Rishabh Dev Yadav | 2021701030 | Spandan Roy |
T1351 | Security for IOT Enabled Smart Cities | Vingeswara Ihita, Gangavarapu | 2021701007 | Sachin Chaudhari |
T1352 | Extending PRT Framework for Lowly-Tessellated and Continuous Surfaces | Dhawal Sirikonda | 2019201089 | Narayanan, P J |
T1353 | Legal Text-Recommendation System | Sumanth Balaji | 2018114002 | Vasudeva Varma |
T1359 | Beyond the Surface: A Computational Exploration of Linguistic Ambiguity | Anmol Goel | 2021701045 | Ponnurangam Kuamaraguru |
T1361 | Model Predictive Controller for Social Person-Following Robot for Long-Term Indoor Navigation | Avijit Kumar Ashe | 20172067 | Madhava Krishna, K |
T1362 | Building Telugu Corpora for NLP Applications: Paraphrasing, Question Answering, and Spelling Correction | Mani Kanta Sai Nuthi | 2019701019 | Manish Shrivastava |
T1365 | Static and Dynamic Functional Connectivity analysis in individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder | Pindi Krishna Chandra Prasad | 2020701035 | Bapi Raju Surampudi |
T1366 | Methods in Legal Contractual Content Generation | Sagar Joshi | 2020701007 | Vasudeva Varma |
T1368 | Learning Methods for IoT: Use Cases of Air Pollution Monitoring | Nitin Nilesh | 20172113 | Sachin Chaudhari |
T1369 | Virtual World Creation | Aryamaan Jain | 2019121002 | Avinash Sharma; Rajan, K S |
T1374 | Deeper Analysis and Comprehension of Documents including Contracts | Hiranmai Sri Adibhatla | 2018900044 | Manish Shrivastava |
T1375 | Enhancing Text Summarization for Indian Languages: Mono, Multi and Cross-Lingual Approaches | Ashok Urlana | 2020701023 | Manish Shrivastava |
T1379 | Land use Change Modelling in Barak Valley of Northeast India | Jyoti Misra | 201303007 | Rajan, K S |
T1381 | From Scene Representation to Robust Autonomy: a Seamless Integration | Sudarshan S Harithas | 2021701008 | Madhava Krishna, K |
T1382 | Code-Mixed dialog System in Medical Domain | Suman Dowlagar | 20162152 | Radhika Mamidi |
T1383 | Study on Layer 2 Blockchain Protocols and the Market Manipulations in the Bored Ape Yacht Club NFT Collection | Apoorva Thirupathi | 2019121012 | Ankit Gangwal |
T1385 | Evaluating the Robustness of Deep Learning Models for NLP | Rishabh Maheshwary | 2019701023 | Vikram Pudi |
T1387 | Driving into the Dataverse: Real and Synthetic Data for Autonomous Vehicles | Shubham Dokania | 2020701016 | Jawahar, C V |
T1393 | References as Building Blocks: Investigating their Significance in Encyclopedic Text Generation | Taunk, Dhaval | 2021701028 | Vasudeva Varma |
T1394 | High Quality 3D Fingerprint Generation: Merging Skin Optics, Machine Learning and 3D Reconstruction Techniques | Srivastava, Apoorva | 2019702014 | Namboodiri, Anoop M |
T1395 | IoT Network for PM Monitoring: Development and Deployment | Ayu Parmar | 2021702003 | Suresh Purini |
T1396 | Hardware Accelerator for Transformer Based End-to-End Automatic Speech Recognition System | Shaarada Yamini, D | 2020702003 | Sachin Chaudhari |
T1398 | Robust Models in the Presence of Uncertainty and Adversarial Attacks | Sreenivasan M | 20173013 | Naresh, Manwani |
T1399 | Holistic Framework for Multimodal Ecosystem of Pictionary | Bansal, Nikhil | 201661065 | Ravikiran Sarvadevabhatla |
T1400 | Uncertainty Aware Planning in Birds Eye View Representations | Dewangan, Vikrant | 2018111024 | Madhava Krishna, K |
T1401 | Understanding Learning in Multi Agent Reinforcement Learning | Mehta, Kinal | 2020701019 | Pawan Kumar |
T1402 | metaKanren: miniKanren Program Synthesis Relationally | Joshi, Bharathi Ramana | 2019121006 | Suresh Purini |
T1407 | Higher Order MDS Codes for Combinatorial List Decoding and Distributed Multi-User Secret Sharing | Harshithanjani, Athi | 20171199 | Lalitha, Vadlamani |
T1410 | Deploying Multi Camera Multi Player Detection and Tracking Systems in Top View | Swetanjal Murati Dutta | 20171077 | Vineet Gandhi |
T1411 | Leveraging Human-Centered Explanations for Model Improvement and Evaluation | Avani Gupta | 2019121004 | Narayanan, P J |
T1412 | Fair and Efficient Resource Allocation | Shaily Mishra | 2019701007 | Sujit P Gujar |
T1413 | Novel Stochastic Solvers for Image Classification, Generation and Further Explorations | Neel Mishra | 2020701017 | Pawan Kumar |
T1415 | Empirical Study of User Tele-operation of 5 DOF Manipulator | Monica Palla | 2018701008 | Kamalakar, Karlapalem |
T1416 | Revisiting Synthetic Face Generation for Multimedia Applications | Aditya Agarwal | 2021701011 | Jawahar, C V and Namboodiri, Vinay |
T1417 | Better Understanding of Code-Mixed Social Media Data via Information Extraction | Sumukh S | 20171404 | Manish Shrivastava |
T1421 | Budgeted Combinatorial Multi-Armed Bandits | Debojit Das | 20171129 | Sujit P Gujar |
T1430 | Deep Self Supervised Learning for 3D Surface Parameterization and 3D Garment Retargeting | Shanthika, Naik | 2020701013 | Avinash Sharma and Rajan K S |
T1431 | Real-Time Video Processing for Dynamic Content Creation | Sudheer Achary | 20161076 | Vineet Gandhi |
T1432 | Nerve Block Target Localization and Needle Guidance for Autonomous Robotic Ultrasound Guided Regional Anesthesia | Abhishek Tyagi | 20173067 | Jayanthi Sivaswamy |
T1433 | An Improved Link Forecasting Framework for Temporal Knowledge Graphs | Abinash Maharana | 2018111033 | Krishna Reddy, P |
T1434 | Towards Enhancing Semantic Segmentation in Resource Constrained Settings | Ashutosh Mishra | 20172087 | Girish Varma and Jawahar C V |
T1435 | Flowpix: DSL Compiler for Image Processing Pipelines | Anish Gulati | 20161213 | Suresh Reddy, Purini |
T1436 | Improved Privacy Preservation approaches in mobile networks for dummy generation and spatial range queries | Shadaab Siddiqie | 201502030 | Krishna Reddy, P |
T1437 | Using Reinforcement Learning to Improve Heuristic Sparse Matrix Algorithums | Arpan Dasgupta | 2018111010 | Pawan Kumar |
T1438 | An Improved Framework for Mining Periodic Patterns | Vipul Chhabra | 2019121001 | Krishna Reddy, P |
T1439 | Security from uncertainty: Designing privacy-preserving verification methods using Noise | Praguna Manvi | 2021701031 | Anoop Namboodiri |
T1440 | Advancing Domain Generalization through Cross-Domain Class-Contrastive Learning and Addressing Data Imbalances | Dave, Saransh | 2019701025 | Vineet Gandhi |
T1442 | Enhancing Soccer Analysis through Computer Vision: a study on player detection in broadcast video | Chris Andrew Gadde | 201870019 | Jawahar, C V |
T1443 | Leveraging Distributional Bias for Reactive Collision Avoidance under Uncertainty: a Kernel Embedding approach | Anish Gupta | 2020701025 | Madhava Krishna, K |
T1445 | Towards Label Free Few Shot Learning: how far can we go? | Aditya Bharti | 201502014 | Jawahar, C V |
T1446 | Beyond Security: leveraging vision solutions in building surveillance | Prayushi Mathur | 2021701034 | Syed Azemuddin |
T1453 | Leveraging Distributional Bias for Reactive Collision Avoidance under Uncertainty: a Kernel Embedding approach | Anish Gupta | 2020701025 | Madhava Krishna, K |
T1460 | A Deep Learning Paradigm for Fingerprint Recognition: Harnessing U-Net Architecture for Fingerprint Enhancement and Representation Learning | Gavas, Ekta | 2019701005 | Anoop Namboodiri |
T1461 | Physical Adversarial Attacks on Face Presentation Attack Detection Systems | Patnaik, Sai Amrit | 2020701026 | Anoop Namboodiri |
T1462 | Personality and the Interplay between Emotion and Genre in Music Preferences | Goyal, Yash | 201502181 | Vinoo Alluri |
T1463 | Design and Implementation of Efficient Personal Health-Records Sharing in IoMT using Searchable Symmetric Encryption, Blockchain and IPFS | Bisht, Abhishek | 2021202014 | Ashok Kumar Das |
T1464 | Driving the Future: Sequential Point-cloud processing and its application in Autonomous Navigation | Pal, Kaustab | 2020701021 | Madhava Krishna, K |
T1477 | How Constraints in Problem Solving Affect Creative Reasoning? | Nishanth, A | 20171130 | Priyanka Srivastava |
T1478 | Investigating Building Blocks of Cognition in Realistic Reinforcement Learning Environments | Fernandes, Dolton | 2018111007 | Bapi Raju Surampudi |
T1479 | Improving Retriever Performance in Handling Ambiguous Queries | Nandigam, Sai Lakshmi Poojitha | 201402182 | Manish Srivastava |
T1481 | Revolutionizing TV Show Experience: using recaps for multimodal story summarization | Aditya Kumar Singh | 2021701010 | Makarand Tapaswi |
T1482 | Learning Emotions and Mental States in Movie Scenes | Dhruv Srivastava | 2021701021 | Makarand Tapaswi |
T1483 | Text-Based Video Question Answering | Sumya Shamarao Jahagirdar | 2021701015 | Makarand Tapaswi |
T1484 | Cultivating Fair and Accurate Knowledge: exploring detection, bias mitigation and fact verification in multichanged wikipedia | Ankita Maity | 2021701017 | Vasudeva Varma & Manish Gupta |
T1486 | Editing Neural Radiance Fields | Rahul Goel | 2019111034 | Narayanan, P J |
T1487 | Semi-Automatic Extraction of Large and Moderate Buildings from Very High-Resolution Satellite Imagery using Active Contour Model | Sandeep Kumar, Bypina | 200802009 | Rajan, K S |
T1488 | Analytic and Neural Approaches for Complex Light Transport | Ishaan Shah | 2019111028 | Narayanan, P J |
T1490 | Towards Trustworthy Digital Ecosystem: from fair representation learning to fraud detection | Arvindh, A | 2019111010 | Ponnurangam Kumaraguru |
T1493 | 3D Representation Learning Endowed by Optimal Transport | Siddharth, Katageri | 2021701018 | Charu Sharma |
T1504 | New Frontiers for Machine Unlearning | Shashwat Goel | 2019111006 | Ponnurangam Kumaraguru |
T1505 | Data Creation Pipeline for NLP Applications | Pavan Baswani | 2021701035 | Manish Srivastava |
T1506 | Leveraging Latent Temporal Features for Robust Fault Detection and Isolation in Hexarotor UAVs | Shivaan Sehgal | 2018111026 | Harikumar Kandath |
T1507 | Enhancing False Positive Detection in IDS/IPS using Honeypots: a case study with CSE-CIC-2018 Dataset | Ramachandra Sharma, Chowduru | 201302177 | Shatrunjay Rawat |
T1508 | Spatio-Temporal Analysis of HadCM3 GCM Climate Projections using Parametrized MiSTIC Framework: study of elevation dependent warming across peninsular India | Ankitha, Eravelli | 2019900009 | Rajan, K S |
T1509 | Data-Driven Grammar | Anil Krishna, Eragani | 200702013 | Dipti Misra Sharma |
T1510 | Self Adaptation of Machine Learning Enabled Systems Through QoS-Aware Model Switching | Shubham Shantanu Kulkarni | 2022701003 | Karthik Vaidhyanathan |
T1511 | Improved Coverage Pattern Based AD-Slot Allocation Framework for Display Advertising | Preetham Reddy, Sathineni | 20161063 | Krishna Reddy, P |
T1512 | Generating Category-Specific Entity Embeddings for Populating Knowledge Graphs | Gokul, Thota | 209111009 | Vasudeva Varma |
T1513 | Navigating the Multiverse: enhancing robotic assistance through multi-object navigation and object location optimization | Ahana Datta | 2019111007 | Madhava Krishna, K |
T1521 | Decoding the Objectifying Gaze - An Empirical Exploration with Sexualized Media and Non-Sexualized Images | Bhurathiraju Krishna Srija | 201402222 | Kavita Vemuri |
T1522 | Deep Reinforcement Learning based Obstacle Avoidance for UAVs under Measurement Uncertainty | Bhaskar, Joshi | 2019111002 | Harikumar Kandath |
T1524 | Advancing Visual Servoing Controller for Robotic Manipulation: Dynamic Object Grasping and Real-World Implementation | Gunjan, Gupta | 2019111035 | Madhava Krishna, K |
T1525 | Unsupervised Spoken content mismatch detection for automatic data validation under Indian context for building HCI systems | Anand, Nayan | 2021701014 | Chiranjeevi Yarra |
T1526 | Automatic Sentence Simplification for Hindi: Methods and Application | Kshitij Mishra | 200902044 | Dipti Misra Sharma |
T1527 | Managing High-Speed Order Books Using Hybrid Binary-Linear Search Data Structures in FPGAs | Vaibhav, Kashera | 2019111003 | Suresh Purini |
T1528 | Foundation Models for Visual Place Recognition | Avneesh, Mishra | 2021701032 | Madhava Krishna, K |
T1529 | Vulnerability of Neural Network based Speaker Recognition systems | Srivastava, Ritu | 2018701002 | Vineet Gandhi |
T1530 | Neural Fields for Hand-object Interactions | Chandradeep, Pokhariya | 2021701040 | Avinash Sharma & Srinath Sridhar |
T1542 | Comprehensive Study on Coverage Path Planning Strategies for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles with Nadir Gap | Nikhil Chandak | 2019111040 | Kamalakar, Karlapalem and Charu Sharma/font> |
T1543 | Learning From Noisy Data for Cross Lingual Text Generation in Low-Resource Language | Aditya Hari, Kancharla | 2020121010 | Vasudeva Varma |
T1544 | Edge-based Algorithm Innovations for Intelligent Transporation Systems- A Safety and Efficiency Perspective | Sai Usha Nagasri, Goparaju | 2021701027 | Deepak, Gangadharan |
T1545 | Stress Transfer in Speech to Speech Machine Translation System | Sai Akarsh, C | 2019111017 | Anil Kumar, Vuppala |
T1546 | Scalable Distributed Architecture for Managing Large Scale Camera Networks | Kunal, Jain | 2019111037 | Suresh Purini |
T1548 | Bridging Theory and Practice: Navigating the Success Pathways of Research Productized Startups | Srinath Nair, M | 2018111001 | Ramesh Loganathan |
T1551 | Towards Scalable Architectures in oneM2M-based Interoperability deployments in Smart Cities | Pranavasri, VJS | 2020121001 | Deepak, Gangadharan and Karthik, Vaidhyanathan |
T1552 | Real-time Facial Emotion Recognition Web Application | Palash, Agarwal | 20161125 | Prakash, Yalla |
T1553 | Improving Recommender System Accuracy with Category-Specific Techniques | Dileep Kumar, Karnam | 201002092 | Krishna Reddy, P |
T1558 | Targeted Segmentation: Leveraging Localization with DAFT for Improved Medical Image Segmentation | Samruddhi, Shastri | 2019111039 | Jayanthi Sivaswamy |
T1561 | Undersatanding non-native Speech using SLU systems | Snehal, Ranjan | 2020121003 | Chiranjeevi Yarra |
T1563 | Headline Generation for Indian Languages | Lokesh, Madasu | 2021701042 | Manish Shrivastava |
T1564 | Benchmark for Relevance-based Headline Classification and Generation | Gopichand, Kanumolu | 2021701039 | Manish Shrivastava |
T1565 | Towards Building Question Answering Resources for TELUGU | Rakesh Kumar, Vemula | 2019701027 | Manish Shrivastava |
T1566 | Integrating Vision-Language Models for Enhanced Scene Understanding in Autonomous Driving | Tushar, Choudhary | 2019111019 | Madhava Krishna, K |
T1567 | Multi Modal Approach to Speech-to-Sign Language Generation | Mounika, Kanakanti | 2019900003 | Manish Shrivastava |
T1570 | Some aspects of H-index and applications | Aashay, Singhal | 201502112 | Kamalakar, Karlapalem |
T1571 | Mining Research Problems from Scientific Literature | Chanakya, Aalla | 201002140 | Vikram Pudi |
T1572 | Challenges faces by early-stage startups that want to create a new category in a highly regulated market. Devising a Practical framework that can be replicated by early-stage startups | Prasanth, Garapati | 201002145 | Ramesh Loganathan |
T1573 | Data Age Formulation and Analysis in Real-Time Embedded Systems - Fault tolerant and Thermal aware perspectives | Sridhar, Mallareddy | 2018111021 | Deepak Gangadharan |
T1574 | Efficient Resource Allocation Frameworks for Data Service Delivery to Connected Vehicles in Vehicular Edge Computing | Joseph John, Cherukara | 2018111009 | Deepak Gangadharan |
T1579 | LLM Driven Web Profile Extraction for Indentical Names and Connected Entities in Interlocking Directorships | Prateek Sancheti | 2019111041 | Kavita Vemuri and Kamalakar, Karlapalem |
T1581 | Leveraging Large Language Models for Generating Infrastructure as Code: open and closed source models and approaches | Ganesh Srivatsa, Kalahasti | 2021701036 | Manish Shrivastava |
T1582 | Estimating 3D Human Pose, Shape and Correspondences from Monocular Input | Amogh Tiwari | 2018111003 | Avinash Sharma |
T1583 | Investigating Trust and Generosity in Adolescents Through Standard Economic Games: incorporating socioeconomic status as a factor | Tanvi Sanjeev Narsapur | 2019111005 | Kavita Vemuri |
T1584 | Novel Approach for Climate Classification using Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering | Sri Sanketh, Uppalapati | 201416127 | Vishal Garg |
T1585 | Towards Multimodal Reasoning and Inference using Large Language Models | Suyash Vardhan Mathur | 2019114006 | Manish Shrivastava |
T1586 | Evaluation of Trnsormer Models on Summerization and Beyond | Pawan Sasanka Ammanamanchi | 2020701028 | Manish Shrivastava |
T1587 | Estimating the Quality of Translated Texts using Back Translation and Resource Description Framework | Vinay Nekhra | 200902041 | Dipti Misra Sharma |
T1588 | owards Estimating AI-Driven Mental Health Support with an Intelligent Counsellor Agent | Nirmal Manoj Chathayil | 2019111011 | Manish Gupta and Vasudeva Varm |
T1589 | Over the Horizon of Connected Vehicles: advancing security, reliability and cost-efficiency through vehicular edge computing | Surya Suhas SVSLN Vaddiparthy | 2021701006 | Deepak, Gangadharan |
T1590 | You are What (and How) you Listen to | Rajat Agarwal | 20163060 | Vinoo Alluri |
T1591 | Modeling the Implicit Music Representation in Human Brain with Deep Neural Networks | Ravinder Singh | 20163052 | Vinoo Alluri |
T1593 | Unsupervised Learning of Disentangled Video Representation for Future Frame Prediction | Ujjwal Tiwari | 2019701016 | Anoop Namboodiri |
T1595 | Hypergraph-Based Techniques for Pliable Index Coding | Visvesh Subramanian | 20171133 | Prasad Krishnan |
T1596 | Moving together: Interpersonal Coordination and Individual Identification in Dyadic Dance | Prince Varshney | 2020121012 | Vinoo Alluri |
T1597 | Classification, Tagging, and Object Detection in Indian Folk Paintings | Nancy Hada | 2021701016 | Kavita Vemuri |
T1598 | Resolution of Pronominal Anaphora for Telugu Dialogues | Hemanth Reddy Jonnalagadda | 201002100 | Radhika Mamidi |
T1601 | Topology Aligned Least Cost Routing Model for Canals | Sai Chaitanya Reddy, Ponnathota | 201102202 | Rajan, K S |
T1602 | Range Query Problems in Planar Computational Geometry: Radius of Smallest Enclosing Disk and Generalized Convex Hull | Sankalp Khare | 200702039 | Srinathan Kannan |
T1603 | Tools for Linguistic and Semantic Resource Development | Sai Venkata Harsha Vardhan, Grandhi | 201002078 | Soma Paul |
T1604 | Enhancing Retrieval-Based Question Answering | Manish Kumar Singh | 2020701024 | Manish Shrivastave |
T1608 | Quality Beyond Perception: Introducing Image Quality Metrics for Enhanced Facial and Fingerprint Recognition | Prateek Jaiswal | 2021701009 | Anoop Namboodiri |
T1609 | Extending Branching Programs with Memory | Nithish Raja | 2021201079 | Suryajith Chillara |
T1610 | Dancing with Uncertainties: A meritorious case for race conditions and inconsistencies in operating systems | Bhanu Dev Chaluvadi | 201102082 | Srinathan Kannan |
T1611 | Applications of Data-Driven Dependency Rules | Varun Kuchibhotla | 200702052 | Dipti Misra Sharma |
T1613 | Robust Visual Question-Answering using Generative Vision Language Models | Rahul Mehta | 2020900039 | Vasudeva Varma and Manish Gupta |
T1619 | Predisposed mood and Affective State in Perceptual Level Judgement | Manas Kabre | 2018111014 | Priyanka Srivastava |
T1620 | Self-Supervision and Contrastive Learning to Enable Interpretable Out-of-Distribution Performance | Abhiroop Ralasila | 2022701015 | Deva Priyakumar, U |
T1621 | Recursive Partitioning to Solve Mesh Induced System of Linear Equations | Anveshi Shukla | 201302035 | Pawan Kumar |
T1623 | Water Quantity and Quality Management of a Reservoir River System using Machine Learning and Decision Support System | Srivastav, Arohi | 2018111018 | Rehana Shaik |
T1627 | Leveraging Language Models for Knowledge Graph Enhancement: From Creation to Utilization | Siri Venkata Pavan Kumar, Kandru | 2021701024 | Vasudeva Varma |
T1628 | Detecting Entanglement Harnessing Lindblad Structure | Vaibhav Chimalgi | 2020701010 | Samyadeb Bhattacharya and Indranil Chakrabarty |
T1629 | Observational Analysis of Compound Warn, Dry, Wet and Cold Climate extremes in India | Venkata Sathya Vivek Nannaka | 20171182 | Shaik Rehana |
T1634 | Tailored Music Recommendations for Individuals with Austin Spectrum Disorder: a goal-driven approach | Sharon Maria Varghese | 20173052 | Vinoo Alluri |
T1635 | Supervised and Self-Supervised for Automated Sleep Stage Classification | Shivam Kumar Sharma | 2021701041 | Bapi Raju S |
T1637 | Optimizing Federated Agents for Fairness and Privacy in Bandits | Sambhav Solanki | 2018111008 | Sujit Prakash Gujar |
T1642 | Role of Scene Text Understanding in Enhancing Driver Assistance | George Tom | 2018111004 | Jawahar, C V |
T1647 | Statistically Derived Skeleton of Large Road Network using Implicit Knowledge and its Applications | Mukul Priya | 200902047 | K S Rajan |
T1649 | Efficient Multimodal Video Representation Learning through Language | Darshan Singh, S | 2022701013 | Jawahar, C V and Makarand Tapaswi |
T1650 | Deep Learning for Cancer Subtype Classification from Histopathology Images: an Indian cohort study | Ekansh Chauhan | 2021701047 | Vinod, P K and Jawahar, C V |
T1651 | Enhancing Precedence Retrieval in Legal Documents Utilizing Paragraphs | Sisodiya, Boomeendra Singh | 2021701037 | Krishna Reddy P |
T1652 | Fast Heuristic Algorithms for Efficient Allocation of RSU resources in vehicular Edge Computing | Gupta, Akshaj | 201502048 | Deepak, Gangadharan |
T1654 | Active Learning in Ophthalmology and Quality Testing of Food Grains | Prateek Pani | 2019701022 | Girish Varma |
T1655 | Revisit Anything: visual place recognition via image segment retrieval | Sai Shubodh, Puligilla | 2019701013 | Madhava Krishna, K |
T1658 | A Comparative, Multi-Scalar Analysis of Coal Mining in Manuguru and Development in Vemanpalle, Telangana | Anvita Reddy, Katipelly | 2019115009 | Radhika Krishnan |
T1659 | Deep Learning Methods for Histopathology Image Classification in Neurological and Renal Disorders | Anirudh Reddy | 20161196 | Jawahar, C V and Vinod, P K |
T1660 | Casual Scene Capture and Editing for AR/VR Applications | Pulkit, Gera | 20171035 | Narayanan, P J |
T1662 | Enhancing Diagnostic Accuracy and Prognostic Assessment through Computational Pathology | Sharma, Amit | 2021701048 | Vinod, P K |
T1665 | Ads and Anomalies: structuring the known and probing the unknown | Amruth Sagar, K N | 2021701013 | Ravi Kiran Sarvadevabhatla |
T1666 | GMS: a GML compression and querying model For WEBGIS | Khandelwal, Ayush | 201202069 | K S Rajan |
T1668 | Advancing Peptide Therapeutics: a generative AI-driven approach | Ramasubramanian, Vishva Saravanan | 2019113019 | Bhaswar Ghosh |
T1669 | Adversarial Robust Reject Option Classification | Vrund Shah | 2021701025 | Naresh, Manwani |
T1670 | From Sound to Meaning in the Auditory Cortex: a neuronal representation and classification analysis | Neelabh Kumar | 2020701003 | Vishnu Sreekumar |
T1671 | Exploiting Regions of Influence to Visualize Class Boundaries | Pallav, Tinna | 201002113 | Kamalakar, Karlapalem |
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