ACC-No. Title of the Project Work Name of the student Roll No. Name of the Supervisor
T4 On Enhancing the Features of a Low-Cost Hand Held Device Yaswanth, Narvaneni 200307009 Krishna Reddy P
T6 Depth Image Representation for Image Based Rendering Sashi Kumar, Penta 200399003 Narayanan, P J
T7 Join Processing and Selectivity Estimation for Set Valued Atrributes Ravindranath Jampani 200307011 Vikram Pudi
T8 Modeling and Recognition of Dynamic Events in Videos Karteek, Alahari 200407004 Jawahar, C V
T33 Classifying Categorical Data Risi Vardhan Thonangi 200307010 Vikram Pudi
T35 Overcoming the Font and Script Barriers among Indian Languages Himanshu Garg 200207004 Amba Kulkarni
T36 Analysis of Retrieval Images Siva Chandra BR 200307001 Jayanthi Sivaswamy
T59 Probe-XML: a proactive browser for XML data Neha Gupta 200407010 Kamalakar, Karlapalem
T79 Synthetic data sets for clustering algorithms Jhansi Rani V 200307003 Kamalakar, Karlapalem
T84 Querey-based multi-document summerisation using language modeling Jagadeesh, J 200101034 Vasudeva Varma
T85 Document annotation and retrieval systems Balasubramanian 200307012 Jawahar, C V
T86 Design of hierarchical classifiers for efficient and accurate pattern classification Pavan Kumar, M 200399005 Jawahar, C V
T87 Layer extraction removal and complete of indoor videos: atracking based approach Vardhman 200507020 Narayanan, P J
T88 Towards understanding texture processing Gopal Datta Joshe 200407003 Jayanthi Sivaswamy
T89 Geometric Grouping of Planar Patterns in a Perspective View Kiran Varanasi 200399008 Narayanan, P J
T90 GSWall: a scalable tiled-display wall Nirnimesh 20001049 Narayanan, P J
T91 DGTK: a data generation toolkit Vamshi Krishna, V 200407020 Narayanan, P J
T92 Cloud: cluster identification and outler detection for distributed data Jagpreet Kaur Kharza 200507005 Kamalakar, Karlapalem
T93 Online learning for deterministic dependency parsing Prashanth Reddy, Mannem 200101060 Rajeev Sangal
T94 Vision-based robat navigation using an online visual experience Santosh Kumar 200607024 Jawahar, C V
T96 Enhancing weak biometric authentication Vandana Kumari 200407006 Jawahar, C V
T97 Robust Registration For Video Mosaing Using Camera Motion Properties Pulkit Parikh 200405017 Jawahar, C V
T98 Personalized web search using click through history Rohini U 200407019 Vasudeva Varma
T101 Verification of large VLSI layouts Yokesh Kumar 200507009 Prosenjit Gupta
T103 Development of a fully autonomous mobile robot navigation system Amit Kumar Pandey 200507001 Madhava Krishna, K
T104 Kernel methods and factorization for image and video analysis Ranjeeth Dasineni 200507017 Jawahar, C V
T105 Imaging and depth estimation in an optimization framework Avinash Kumar 200507010 Jawahar, C V
T106 Kinemetically consistent collision avoidance method for multiple robotis Satish Peddeeri 200407014 Madhava Krishna, K
T107 Modeling pronunciation variation for speech recognition Gopala Krishna Anumanchipalli 200201060 Kishore Prahalad
T110 Students in secure multiparty computational geometry Anand Swaroop Das 200507003 Srinathan Kannan
T111 Word hashing for efficient search in document image collections Anand Kumar 200507002 Jawahar, C V
T112 Harmonious QOS Enhancement Model for IEE 802.11 Wireless LANs Rishabh Kaushal 200407016 Bruhadeswar Bezawada
T113 Quality of service enhancements for highly dense and highly active 802.11 wireless LANs Sidharth Goud M 200407009 Bruhadeswar Bezawada
T114 Thesis on multi lingual screen reader and processing of font-date in Indian Language Anand A 200407001 Krishna Prahallad
T120 Towards understanding texture processing Gopal Datt Joshi 200407003 Jayanthi Sivaswamy
T121 Layer extraction, removal and completion of indoor videos: a tracking based approach Vardhman Jain 200102011 Narayanan, P J
T132 Projected Texture For 3d Object Recognition Avinash Sharma 200505004 Anoop Namboodri
T133 Unconditionally reliable message transmission Bhavani Shankar G 200505008 Srinathan Kannan
T135 Towards load balanced de-congested multi robotic agent traffic control by coordinated control at intersection Karthikeya, D V 200505006 Madhava Krishna, K
T136 Proxy based compression of depth movies Pooja Verlani 200607019 Narayanan, P J
T138 Real time rendering of implicit surfaces on the GPU Jagmohan Singh 200507013 Narayanan, P J
T142 Motion in ambiguity: coordinated active global localization for multiple robots Shivudu Bhuvanagiri 200707026 Madhava Krishna, K
T143 Multiple view geometry applications to robotic and video manipulation Visesh Chari 200507022 Jawahar, C V; Narayanan, P J
T146 Document Enhancement Using Text Specific Prior Jyotirmoy Banerjee 200507006 Jawahar, C V
T147 Text Input Methods for Indian Languages Sowmya, V B 200607014 Vasudeva Varma
T148 Novel Bayesian Sequence Classifier Applied On Biological Sequence Pratibha Rai 200607012 Vikram Pudi
T149 Unsupervised dependency parsing and language identification for south Asian languages (SALs) Jagadeesh Gorla 200507004 Rajeev Sangal
T151 Project Report On Automatic Detection Of Memory Corruption Attacks Pankaj Kolli 200607011 Bruhadeswar Bezawada
T152 Automatic Signature Generation And Detection Of Malware Families Sai Satyanarayana 200605031 Bruhadeswar Bezawada
T155 Study of graph-based techniques for selected computer vision tables Praveen Dasigi 200507008 Jawahar, C V
T157 Design And Implementation Of Broadcast Video Processing And Delivery Platform Tarun Jain 200507019 Jawahar, C V
T158 Learning In Large Scale Image Retrieval Systems Pradhee Tandon 200607020 Jawahar, C V
T159 Authenticated Byzantine generals Anuj Gupta 200607001 Srinathan Kannan
T160 Fast State Estimation By Reprojecting Sensor Readings Hemanth Korrapati 200402017 Madhava Krishna, K
T161 Scalable Primitive For Date Mapping And Movement On The GPU Suryakant Patidar 200607023 Narayanan, P J
T163 Multi Robotic Coordination With Communication Constraints Aditya Teja Veluri 200402002 Madhava Krishna, K
T188 Efficient Image Retrieval Methods For Large Scale Image Database Suman Karthik 200407013 Jawahar, C V
T189 High Quality Image Reconstruction by Optical Capture and Accurate Registration Himanshu Kumar Arora 200607018 Anoop Namboodri
T190 Streak Identification and Streak Prediction in Time Series data Swathi Sharma 200402019 Kamalakar, Karlapalem
T191 KSHITIJ: a search and page recommendation system for Wikipedia Phani Kumar Bhamidipati 200607025 Kamalakar, Karlapalem
T192 Approximate Matching of Syllabus and use of Global Syllables and use of Text_to_Speech in Indian Language Veera Raghavendra, E 200650023 Kishore Prahalad
T193 An Information Loss Based Framework for Document Summarization Chandan Kumar 200607003 Vasudeva Varma
T194 Automated Text Summarization on Baselines, Query-Bias and Evaluations Rahul Katragadda 200607007 Vasudeva Varma
T199 Video Specific Fast Encryption Algorithms Narsimha Raju 20067002 Jawahar, C V; Srinathan Kannan
T200 Effective Query Translation Techniques for Cross-Language Information Retrieval Sethuramamlingam, S 200707035 Vasudeva Varma
T201 Multi-Agent Simulation of Large Crowds Vidit Bansal 200507021 Kamalakar, Karlapalem
T204 Studies in Secure Multi-party Computational Geometry Sandeep Hans 200707021 Srinathan Kannan
T205 Mining special features to Improve the performance of product selection in E-Commerce Environment and Resume Extraction System Sumit Maheswari 200402041 Krishna Reddy P; Jawahar, C V
T206 Generalized Robust Combiners for Oblivious Transfer Gangula Uma Devi 200607016 Srinathan Kannan
T209 Human Computation with Perceptive Intelligence Khot Rohit Ashok 200606006 Srinathan Kannan
T210 Automatic Road Extraction from High Resolution Satellite Imagery Vinay Pandit 200707036 Rajan, K S
T211 Towards Automating the Development of a Family of E-learning Systems Sridhar Chimalakonda 200707030 Kesav Vithal Nori
T214 Improved Context-based user Interface by Exploiting Temporality of Attributes for Develop and Small Success Kumara Swamy, M 200650011 Krishna Reddy, P
T215 Spectral Mapping using Artificial Neural Networks for Intra-Lingual and Cross-Lingual Voice Conversion Srinivas Desai 200650024 Kishore Prahalad
T219 Security and Failure Resilience in Workflows Meghna Lowalekar 200401040 Kamalakar, Karlapalem
T220 Design and Development of Robot Research Platform and Database Based Robot Software Development Frame Work Subhash S 200607015 Madhava Krishna, K
T221 Uniqueness Mining Rohit Paravastu 200402031 Vikram Pudi
T222 Exploring the Utility of Moderate Resolution Time Series Remotely Sensed Data for Land Use / Cores Classification Sudhir Nagender Gupta 200707034 K S Rajan
T224 Exploring Open Web Directory for Improving the Performance of Text Document Clusting Gaurav Rubhek 200402012 Krishna Reddy P
T225 Novel Architecture for a Low Power and Variable Resolution FLASH ADC Mahesh Kumar, A 200750001 Srinivas, M B
T226 Rapid Clustering Algorithm for Very Large And High Dimensional Data Raghavendra B 200707033 Kamalakar, Karlapalem
T227 Database Driven RoboCup Rescue Server Rahul Sarika 200402034 Kamalakar, Karlapalem
T228 On Extracting, enacting and Modeling Electronic Contracts Anushri Khandekar 200402003 Kamalakar, Karlapalem
T230 Efficient Privacy Preserving Protocols for Visual Computation Maneesh Upamanyu 200402026 Jawahar, C V
T232 Network Coding Based Retransmission Schemes for 4G Wireless Broadcast Networks Mohammad Shaheer Zaman 200707015 Rama Murthy, G
T233 Algorithms for Externally Constrained Routing Query Sudeep Reddy G 200707003 Rajan, K S
T234 Score Vector: a multi-dimentioned scoring Mechanism for RoboCup Rescue Agent Teams Sidhu Siddhartta 200401071 Kamalakar, Karlapalem
T235 Sentence Realisation from Bag-of-Words with Dependency Constrains Karthik Kumar G 200402018 Rajeev Sangal
T237 Acyclic Coloring of Graphs Bharat Joshi 200807031 Kishore Kothapalli; Venkatesh, Chopella
T238 Markov Decision Process (MDP) Frame Work for Active Localization Jyothika Bahuguna 200607006 Madhava Krishna, K
T293 An Approximate Nearest Neighbor Retrieval Scheme for Computational Intensive Distance Measure Pratyush Bhatt 200402032 Anoop M Namboodri
T295 High Quality Rendering of Large Point-Based Surfaces Naveen Kumar Reddy B 200402029 Narayanan, P J
T296 Exploiting the Graphics Hardware to Solve Two Compute Intensive Problems: singular Value Decomposition and Ray Tracing Sheetal Lahabar 200402024 Narayanan, P J
T297 Towards Evaluating Service Oriented Architectures Amit Sangroya 200650029 Vasudeva Varma
T298 Framework for Extraction of View Points from Textual Data Ravali Pochampally 200402030 Kamalakar, Karlapalem
T299 Effective Passage Retrieval in Question Answering Systems Surya Ganesh, Veeravalli 200402042 Jawahar, C V
T300 Learning Non-Linear Kernel Combinations Subject to General Regularization: theory and applications Rakesh Babu, B 200402007 Jawahar, C V
T301 Speeding up MRF Optimization using Graph Cuts for Computer Vision Vibhav Vineet 200502028 Narayanan, P J
T302 Real-Time Terrain Rendering and Processing Shiben Bhattacharjee 200607022 Narayanan, P J
T303 On Metric Based 3D Coverage and Exploration with Multiple Robots Rahul Sawhney 200707037 Madhava Krishna, K
T305 Towards Efficient and Scalable visual Processing in Images and Videos Mihir Jain 200707014 Jawahar, C V
T306 The Power of Orientation in Symmetry Breaking Satya Krishna P 200402039 Kishore Kothapalli
T307 Scene Interpretation in Images and Videos Chetan J 200402009 Jawahar, C V; Madhava Krishna, K
T308 Exploring Irregular Memory Access Applications on the GPU Md. Suhail Rehman 200707016 Narayanan, P J; Kishore Kothapalli
T309 Camera Based Palmprint Recognition Chhaya Methani 200402010 Anoop Namboodri
T310 Analysis of Speech at Different Speaking Rates using Excitation Source Information Sri Harish Reddy Mallidi 200431008 Yegnanarayana, B
T311 Word Sense Disambiguation using Semantic Categories, Domain Information and Knowledge Sources Siva Reddy 200501107 Rajeev Sangal
T312 Cluster Cubes Hareesha Tamatam 200402015 Kamalakar, Karlapalem
T313 On Clustering Matrices Koteswara Rao Kolli 200707008 Kamalakar, Karlapalem
T317 Topology Knowledge Versus Fault Tolerance: the case of probabilistic reliable communication Pranav Kumar Vasishta G V 200607021 Srinathan Kannan
T318 Analysis of Laugh Signals for Automatic Detection and Synthesis Sudheer Kumar K 200402023 Yegnanarayana, B
T319 Analysis of Lombard Effect Speech and its Application in Speaker Verification for Imposter Detection Bapineedu, G 200402013 Yegnanarayana, B
T320 Exploring Features for Text-Dependent Speaker Verification in Distant Speech Signals Avinash, B 200402006 Yegnanarayana, B
T321 Speech Summarization Methods using Speaker Tracking and Prominence Based Ranking Sree Harsha Yella 200402047 Kishore Prahalad; Vasudeva Varma
T322 Large Scale Character Classification Neeba N V 200650016 Jawahar, C V
T324 Performance Prediction Model for the CUDA GUGPU Platform Risabh Mukherjee 200402035 Srinathan Kannan; Kishore Kothapalli
T325 Product Information Extraction Santosh Raju Vysyaraju 200707023 Vasudeva Varma
T326 Multiple Film Based Daylight Control System Dipti Shiralkar 200513001 Vishal Garg
T327 Writer Adaptation for On-Line Handwritten Character Recognition Naveen Chandra tewari 200505018 Anoop M Namboodri
T332 Automatic Evaluation of Readability of Summaries Ravi Kiran Vadlapudi 200402043 Rajeev Sangal
T333 Learning Based Admission Control and Task Assignment in MapReduce Jaideep Datta Dhok 200707007 Vasudeva Varma
T334 Acyclic Coloring of Graphs Vargani Satish 200501103 Kishore Kothapalli; Venkatesh, Chopella
T335 Instruction Scheduling for VLIW Processing under Variation Scenario Mujadiya Nayan Vasanthbai 200605011 Madhu Mutyam
T336 Hindi Dependency Parsing and Treebank Validation Bharat Ram Ambati 200502004 Rajeev Sangal; Dipti Misra Sharma
T337 Performance Prediction Model for the CUDA GPGPU Platform Rishabh Mukherjee 200402035 Kishore Kothapalli
T339 Progressive Summarization: summarizing relevant and novel information Praveen Bysani 200502009 Vasudeva Varma
T340 Embedding Robust Data Mining Models in Active Learning Banukiran Vinzamuri 200502003 Vikram Pudi
T341 Privacy Management Schemes for Social Networking Sites Nagaraja Kaushik Gampa 200707017 Srinathan Kannan
T342 Framework for Categorical Data Clustering Velidi Padmini 200707031 Kamalakar, Karlapalem
T378 On Exploring Subspace Outliers Saurabh Kumar 200707025 Kamalakar, Karlapalem
T379 Extending speculation to Process Distributed Read-Only Transactions (ROTs) and Analysis of Semantics-Based ROTs Processing Protocol with Benchmarks Mohit Goyal 200502013 Krishna Reddy P
T382 Synthesis of Missing Units in a Telugu Text-to-Speech System Vijayaditya Peddinti 200807011 Kishore Prahalad
T384 Studies in Secure Message Transmission Shashank Agrawal 200501086 Srinathan Kannan
T385 Generating Non-Linear narratives Vinay Chilukuri 200807025 Bipin Indurkhya
T386 Experimental Studies on Web, Music and Blog Interfaces Anupama Gali 200502002 Bipin Indurkhya
T388 Study on the Nature of IPv6 Intrusions and the Road Map Towards their Detection and Prevention Mulualem Teku 200807024 Shatrunjay Rawat
T390 Data Analysis Approaches for Improved Online banner Advertisement Placement and Identifying Changes in Suitable Crop Cultivation Period Bhargav, S 200807016 Krishna Reddy P
T395 Monocular Multibody Visual SLAM Abhijit Kundu 200807030 Madhava Krishna, K; Jawahar, C V
T396 Efficient SVM based Object Classification and Detection Sreekanth Vempati 200402044 Jawahar, C V
T397 Finding Dominant and Dominated Sets from Datasets Ankita Vimal 200602002 Kamalakar, Karlapalem
T398 High Performance Multi-Agent System Based Simulation Prashant Sethia 200602017 Kamalakar, Karlapalem
T399 Data-Intensive Similarity Measures for Categorical Data Desai Aditya Makarand 200602005 Vikram Pudi
T400 Document Clustering using various External Knowledge Sources Kiran, G V R 200602007 Vikram Pudi
T401 Classification, Detection and Segmentation of Deformable Animals in Images Omkar M Parkhi 200807012 Jawahar, C V
T402 Ray Tracing Dynamic Scenes on GPU Sashidhar Guntury 200502023 Narayanan, P J
T403 Mapcode as a Formal Language Swathy, P S K 200707020 Kesav Vithal Nori
T404 Hybrid Mapping Through Robot Exploration in Indoor Environments Using Semantic Clues Aravindhan K Krishnan 200807002 Madhava Krishna, K
T405 Interplay between (IM) Perfectness, Synchrony and Connectivity: the case of reliable message transmission Abhinav metha 200501006 Srinathan Kannan
T408 Language Independent Spelling suggestion system for Search Options Sai Krishna Pendyala V 200402036 Vasudeva Varma
T409 Particle Filter Methods for Robots in Unstructured Environments Mahesh Mohan 200607009 Madhava Krishna, K
T413 Automatic Classification and Summarization of Sentiment in Documents Kiran Sarvabhotla 200402038 Vasudeva Varma
T414 Musicological and Technological Exploration of Truths and Myths in Carnatic Music, the Raagam in Particular Koduri Gopala Krishna 200502005 Bipin Indurkhya
T415 Study on Acoustic-Phonetic Boundary Detection in Continuous Speech Venkatesh Keri 200550006 Kishore Prahalad
T417 Transfer Grammar Engine and Automatic Learning of Recorder Rules in Machine Translation Avinesh, P V S 200402005 Rajeev Sangal; Dipti Misra Sharma
T418 Information Retrieval Based Query Understanding for Web Search Prashant Ullegaddi 200807013 Vasudeva Varma
T419 Heidi++: a visualization system for high-dimensional Data Shraddha Agrawal 200601085 Kamalakar, Karlapalem
T422 Outdoor Terrain Representation and Classification by a Tilted Laser Range Finder Yasovardhan Reddy E 200402046 Madhava Krishna, K
T423 Range-Aggregate Query Problems in Computational Geometry Saladi Rahul 200401070 Rajan, K S
T425 Specialty Mining Applied on Relational Datasets Hanuma Kumar 200402014 Vikram Pudi
T426 Generating Simulated Feedback though Prognostic Search Approach Nithin Kumar M 200401049 Vasudeva Varma
T427 Agreement can be Easier than Point-to-Point Communication Prasant Gopal 200401058 Srinathan Kannan
T428 Linking Named Entities to a Structured Knowledge Base Kranthi Reddy B 200502008 Vasudeva Varma
T429 Automatic Translation of Noun Compounds from English to Hindi Prashanth Mathur 200502016 Soma Paul
T430 Design and Implementation of an EKF based SLAM Algorithm on a Mobile Robot Gururaj Kosuru 200707006 Madhava Krishna, K
T431 Extracting Special Information to Improve the Efficiency of Resume Selection Process Abhishek Sainani 200502001 Krishna Reddy P
T434 Improved KNN-Based Regression Algorithm Himanshu Singh 200602011 Vikram Pudi
T435 Mining Landmark Papers and Related Key phrases Annu Tuli 200707002 Vikram Pudi
T436 Inverse Skyline Queries SriLakshmi Nunna 200707028 Kamalakar, Karlapalem
T439 Language-Independent Context Aware Query Translation using Wikipedia Rohit Bharadwaj, G 200502022 Vasudeva Varma
T440 Online Spoofing: its effects and mitigation Shashank L 200502025 Srinathan Kannan
T441 Designing an Authoring Tool for Building Simulation and Games Jeetinder Singh 200607005 Jayanthi Sivaswamy
T442 Some Graph Algorithms and related Primitives for the GPU Jyothish Soman 200741008 Kishore Kothapalli
T443 Perturbed Frequent Itemset Based Classification Techniques Raghavendra Mall 200602018 Vikram Pudi
T444 Interestingness Measures for Rare Association Rules and Periodic-Frequent Patterns Akshat Surana 200602001 Krishna Reddy P
T446 Collision Avoidance for Multiple Robots Teja Prakash Parekh 200602021 Madhava Krishna, K
T447 Detection of Diabetic Retionopathy Lesions in Color Retinal Images Keerthi Ram 200607013 Jayanthi Sivaswamy
T448 Combinatorial and Parameterized Approach for Network Forensic Analysis Md Shafeeq Shujath 200850013 Shatrunjay Rawat
T449 Uncertain Associative Classification and clustering on Image Databases Lydia Manikonda 200501045 Vikram Pudi
T450 Transferring Syntactic Relations using Alignments on Local Word Groups Dara Aswarth Abhilash 200602004 Rajeev Sangal
T454 Multilingual Document Clustering Kiran Kumar Nangunuri 200602016 Vasudeva Varma
T455 DNS Consistency Model Manish Kumar Sharma 200502011 Bruhadeswar Bezawada
T456 Object-Centric video Navigation and Manipulation Rajvi Shah 200907017 Narayanan, P J
T458 Visual Analysis of High Dimensional Real Data Nahil Jain 200702023 Kamalakar, Karlapalem
T459 Secure Message Transmission in Directed Networks with computational Routers Manan Nayak 200702019 Srinathan Kannan
T461 Efficient Data Placement and Workflow variability Management in Cloud Computing Nitesh Maaheshwan 200807010 Vasudeva Varma
T462 Enterprise Search Solutions Based on target Corpus Analysis and External Knowledge Repositories Nihar Sharma 200707018 Vasudeva Varma
T463 Information Extraction Based Approach to Summarize Social Interaction Sudheer Kovelamudi 200602014 Vasudeva Varma
T464 Colored Range Searching for Internal Memory Haritha Bellam 200402016 Rajan, K S
T465 Improving the Efficiency of SIM and its Applications Siddharth Choudhary 200601088 Narayanan, P J
T468 Learning Based Techniques for Contextual Enhancement of Fingerprints Rama Reddy K N V 200531004 Anoop M Namboodri
T469 Accelerating Sparse Matrix Kernels on Graphics Processing Units Kiran Kumar Matam 200501040 Kishore Kothapalli
T470 Image Based PTM Synthesis for Realistic Rendering of Low Resolution 3D Models Pradeep Rajiv N 200402028 Anoop M Namboodri
T471 Segmentation and Structural Analysis of Hippocampus from MRI Sandeep Kaushik 200807017 Jayanthi Sivaswamy
T472 Scalable Clustering for Vision using GUPs Wasif Mohiuddin K 200807007 Narayanan, P J
T473 Detection and Assessment of Abnormality in Medical Images Sai Deepak K 200807028 Narayanan, P J
T476 Cascaded Filtering for Biometric Identification using Random Projection Atif Iqbal 200602003 Anoop M Namboodri
T478 Automatic Question Generation using Discourse Cues and Distractor Selection for Cloze Questions Rakshit Shah 200702041 Rajeev Sangal
T480 Interactive Visualization and Tuning of Multi-Dimensional Clusters for Indexing Pavan Kumar, Dasari 200401021 Narayanan, P J
T481 Topic-Centric Recommender Systems for Bibliographic Datasets Aditya Pratap Singh 200702002 Vikram Pudi
T482 Tag Weighting and its Applications Srinivas G R J 200402033 Vasudeva Varma
T483 Hindi Derivational Morphological Analyzer Nikhil K V S 200702024 Dipti Misra Sharma
T484 Cloze and Open Cloze Question Generation Systems and their Evaluation Guidelines Manish Agarwal 200702020 Rajeev Sangal
T488 Merging Multilingual Result Lists Santosh Sai Krishna, G 200602006 Vasudeva Varma
T489 Alternate text prediction and user Behavior in We Image retrieval Vundavalli Srinivasa Rao 200401093 Vasudeva Varma
T490 Query Construction and Representation for Patent Information Retrieval Manisha Verma 200907024 Vasudeva Varma
T491 Evolutionary Document Clustering and summarization of Scientific articles using Frequent Itemsets Ravi Shankar 200602019 Vikram Pudi
T493 Coordinated Multi Robotic Exploration with Communication Constraints to a Moving Base Station Romit Pandey 200702037 Madhava Krishna, K
T495 Discovering Diverse-Frequent Patterns in Transactional Databases Somya Srivastava 200702050 Krishna Reddy P
T497 Automatic Error Detection for Treebank Validation Rahul Agarwal 200702033 Dipti Misra Sharma
T498 A Study of X-Ray Image Perception for Pneumoconiosis Detection Varun Jamapni 200502027 Jayanthi Sivaswamy
T499 An Optimized Edge Detection Algorithm for Facial Images M Sudarshan, M 200850042 Suryakanth V Gangashetty
T501 Constrained Exploration for Single and Multi-Robotic Systems Piyoosh Mukhija 200907013 Madhava Krishna, K
T502 Mixed Resolution Patch-Matching Harshit sureka 200702015 Narayanan, P J
T504 Fine-Grained Opinion Mining from Different Gener of Social Media Content Akshat Bakliwai 200702004 Vasudeva Varma
T505 Engineering Machine Translation for Deployment on Cloud Rashid Ahmad 200807014 Rajeev Sangal
T506 Learning Representations for Computer Vision Tasks Siddhartha Chandra 200702049 Jawahar, C V
T511 Document Image Retrieval using Bag of Visual Word Model Ravi Shekhar 2010007008 Jawahar, C V
T512 Robust Registration of Retinal Images Yogesh Babu Bathina 200750024 Jayanthi Sivaswamy
T514 Studies in Recognition of Telugu Document Images Venkat Rasagna Reddy K 200402021 Jawahar, C V
T516 A Data Driven Framework for Extraction of Spatio-Temporal Manifestations of Dynamic Processes Vipul Raheja 200802041 Rajan, K S
T517 MiSTIC Mining Spatio-Temporally Invariant Cores Sravanthi K 200602013 Rajan, K S
T518 Private Outlier Detection and Content based Encrypted Search Nisarg Raval 200907012 Jawahar, C V; Srinathan Kannan
T519 Language Independent Named Entity Recognition Mahathi Bhagavatula 2010007004 Vasudeva Varma
T520 Sentiment Analysis for Hindi Language Piyush Arora 200702027 Vasudeva Varma
T521 Non-Local Features in Syntactic Parsing Sudheer Kolachina 200807008 Rajeev Sangal
T523 Fine-Grained Opinion Mining in Resources-Scarce Languages with Sentence-level Subjectivity Analysis Aditya M 201107630 Vasudeva Varma
T533 Dynamic Resource and Energy Aware Scheduling of MapReduce Jobs and Virtual Machines in Cloud Datacenters Radheshyam Nanduri 200907014 Vasudeva Varma
T534 Improved Neighborhood Formation Approaches for Collaborative Filtering Mohak Sharma 200602023 Krishna Reddy P
T537 A Case for Workflow Driven Workflow Specification and Execution Shubhangi Sharma 200702047 Kamalakar, Karlapalem
T538 Efficient and Accurate KNN based Classification and Regression Harshit Dubey 200802014 Vikram Pudi
T540 Detection and Segmentation of stroke Lesions from Diffusion Weighted MRI Data of the Brain Shashank Mujumdar 200702042 Jayanthi Sivaswamy
T542 RNN Based Batch Mode ctive Learning Framework Gaurav Maheshwari 200702014 Vikram Pudi
T543 Enriching Models for Statistical Machine Translation and Predicting their Accuracies Prasanth Kolachina 200402020 Rajeev Sangal
T545 Towards Summarization of Written Text Conversations Arpit Sood 200802006 Vasudeva Varma
T546 Efficient Data Structures for Reporting and Counting Queries for Range Maxima in the Plane Anil Kishore Kalavagattu 200907005 Kishore Kothapalli
T547 Visual Saliency and Next Best View Models for Object Recognition and Search Karthik Desigh 201007009 Madhava Krishna, K
T548 Mining Peculiar Characteristics from Large Data Bases Saket Madhukar Bharambe 200802032 Vikram Pudi
T549 Effective Topological and Structural Compression of GML Data Harshita N N 200502014 Rajan, K S
T550 Patient-Motion Analysis in Perfusion Weighted MRI Rohit Gautam 200702035 Jayanthi Sivaswamy
T551 Techniques for Organization and Visualization of Community Photo Collections Kumar Srijan 200602015 Jawahar, C V
T553 Ground Plane Detection and Segmentation using Bayesian Network and Markov Random Field in an Indoor Environment Suryansh Kumar 201107626 Madhava Krishna, K
T554 Bootstrapping Experiments for Hindi Dependency Parsing Rahul Goutam 200702034 Rajeev Sangal
T556 Bag of Words and Bag of Ports Models for scene Classification in Images Mayank Juneja 200702022 Jawahar, C V
T557 Exploring Crowd sourcing to Personalize Web Experience Deepti Aggarwal 201007001 Venkatesh, Chopella
T559 Towards Automating VSLAM Laxit Gavshinde 200907009 Madhava Krishna, K
T591 Efficient Data Structures and Algorithms for Range-Aggregate Problems Jatin Agarwal 201007003 Srinathan Kannan
T592 Minutiae Local Structures for Fingerprint Indexing and Matching Akhil Vij 200702003 Anoop M Namboodri
T593 Multi-modal Semantic Indexing for Image Retrieval Chandrika, P L 200707009 Jawahar, C V
T594 Mining Characteristic Patterns from Visual Data Abhinav Goel 200702001 Jawahar, C V
T595 Symmetric Multi-Relational Tri Factorization Models with Constraints Tanmoy Mukherjee 200999005 Vasudeva Varma
T596 Complex Aggregates in Natural Language Interface to Database Abhijeet Gupta 200850032 Rajeev Sangal
T597 Speed up Scheduling Yash Gupta 200802043 Kamalakar, Karlapalem
T599 Finding Good Optimization Sequences Lakshya Jain 200731005 Suresh Reddy, Purini
T601 Similarity Analysis of Legal Judgments and Applying Paragraph-Link to Find Similar Legal Judgments Sushanta Kumar 200807020 Krishna Reddy P
T602 Analysis of Stroke on Brain Computed Tomography Scans Saurabh Sharma 200502024 Jayanthi Sivaswamy
T603 Novel Approach to Segmentation and Registration of Echo-Cardiographic Images Vidhyadhari G 200402045 Jayanthi Sivaswamy
T604 Towards Search and Rescue and Rehabilitation through Modular Robots and Human Computer Interfaces Sriranjan Rasakath 200907019 Madhava Krishna, K
T605 Empty Categories in Hindi Dependency Treebank: analysis and recovery Chaitanya G S K 200602099 Dipti Misra Sharma
T606 Instance Retrieval and Image Auto-Annotations on Mobile Devices Jayaguru Panda 200802017 Jawahar, C V
T607 Framework for Community Detection from Social Media Chandrashekar V 200802038 Jawahar, C V
T608 Efficient Texture Mapping by Homogeneous Patch Discovery Vikram Pratap Singh R 201007007 Anoop M Namboodri
T613 Embedded Approach to Live Migration of Virtual Machines Sanidhya Kashyap 200802033 Suresh Reddy, Purini
T615 Some (Im) Possibility Results on Graph Problems in Multi-Round Shared Whiteboard Model Dharmeet Singh Hora 201107624 Kishore Kothapalli; Srinathan Kannan
T616 Short Message Episode Analysis Prapula G 200702028 Kamalakar, Karlapalem
T617 Constraint-Based Hybrid Dependency Parser for Telugu Sruthilaya Reddy Kesidi 200702051 Rajeev Sangal
T618 Building an Optimization Sequence Prediction Model on a Pruned Sequence Subspace Rahul Kumar 200907016 Suresh Reddy, Purini
T619 Image Mosaicing of Neonatal Retinal Images Akhilesh Bontala 200601019 Jayanthi Sivaswamy
T620 Parsing, Expansion and Merging of Dependency Treebank Prudhvi Kosaraju 200702029 Dipti Misra Sharma
T622 Generating Descriptions for Images Ankush Gupta 200702009 Rajeev Sangal
T623 Combining Data Parallelism and Task Parallelism for Efficient Performance on Hybrid CPU and GPU Systems Aditya Deshpande 200802011 Narayanan, P J
T624 Repetition Detection and Shape Reconstruction in Relief Images Harshit Agrawal 200802013 Anoop M Namboodri
T625 Enhancing Summaries with Conceptual Spaces Jayant Gupta 200802018 Vasudeva Varma
T626 Developing Focused Crawlers for Genre Specific Search Engine Nikhil Priyatam P 201007005 Vasudeva Varma
T627 Assessment and Process Automation of Two Success Factors for Websites: usability and credibility Sonal Aggarwal 201050088 Raghu Babu Reddy Y
T628 Associative Regression Learning Through Minimum Divergence Estimation and Maximum Entropy Discrimination Aneesh Sreevallabh Chivukula 200707038 Vikram Pudi
T629 Topic Detection, Ranking and Modeling Evolution in Bibliographic Datasets Kumar Shubhankar 200702018 Vikram Pudi
T630 Investigating Usage of Term Proximity and Text Segmentation to Improve Text Document Clustering Shashank Paliwal 200702043 Vikram Pudi
T631 Spatio-Spectral and Statistical Approaches to Pixel Unmixing and Improving Classification Accuracies Anuj Katiyal 200702010 Rajan, K S
T632 SCAT: a system for concept annotation of tweets Sandhya Sachidanandan 201107617 Kamalakar, Karlapalem
T633 Multi-Agent Management of Crowds to Avoid Stampedes in Long Queues Sindhu Kolli 200802019 Kamalakar, Karlapalem
T635 Solving Decomposition Problems in Computer Vision using Linear Optimization Ankit Gandhi 200802004 Jawahar, C V
T636 Discrete Optimization Techniques for Multi Robot Exploration Ayush Dewan 201107643 Madhava Krishna, K
T637 Employing Oracle Confusion for Parse Quality Estimation Sambhav Jain 201107632 Rajeev Sangal
T638 Study on Multi-Lingual and Cross-Lingual Speech Synthesis for Indian Languages Naresh Kumar Elluru 201050029 Kishore Prahalad
T639 Virtual Machine Placement in Cloud Environment Dharmesh Kakadia 201107616 Vasudeva Varma
T641 Parallel Simulations for Analysing Portfolios of Catastrophic Event Risk Aman Kumar Bahl 200802003 Kishore Kothapalli
T643 Dependency Parsing Approaches for Indian Languages Hindi and Sanskrit Raghu Pujitha Gade 200602008 Rajeev Sangal; Dipti Misra Sharma
T646 Multi-Sensor Image enhancement with Minimal Spectral Distortion for Remote Sensing Images Ankush Khandelwal 200601011 Rajan, K S
T648 Development and Control of Modular Robots for Rough Terrain Traversal Avinash siravuru 201107641 Madhava Krishna, K
T649 Adaptive Dynamic Route Planning for Urban Cities Apeksha Khare 200802005 Kamalakar, Karlapalem
T653 Word Recognition in Indic Scripts Naveen T S 201050094 Jawahar, C V
T658 Automate Based Abstraction of Interval Assumptions and Bounded Input Linear systems for Verification and Controller Synthesis Santosh Arvind Adimoolam 201107572 Venkatesh, Chopella
T659 Skyline Segmentation using Shape-Constrained MRFs Rashmi Vilas Tonge 200902022 Jawahar, C V
T661 Secure Biometric Authentication with Fixed-Length Binary Representations Rohan Kulkarni 200702017 Anoop M Namboodri
T662 Modeling Scene Text and Texture by Decomposing into component Images Siddharth Kherada 200702048 Anoop M Namboodri
T663 E-Contract Enactment system for E-Governance Contracts Himanshu Jain 200902043 Kamalakar, Karlapalem
T664 Optimizing SQL Query Execution over Map-reduce Bharath Vissapradada 200702012 Kamalakar, Karlapalem
T665 Standardizing and Optimizing Except Query Process of Packet Attribution Systems Shesha Shila Bharadwaj Renukuntla 200950033 Shatrunjay Rawat
T666 Designing a Data-Driven Clausal Parsing Framework Phani Kumar Gadde S 200602020 Dipti Misra Sharma; Rajeev Sangal
T669 Oblivious Retrieval of Images Pruthvi Reddy Sabbu 200601076 Bruhadeswar Bezawada
T672 Two Queries Assumption and Arthur-Merlin Classes Vyas Ram S 200802042 Suresh Reddy, Purini
T673 Matching Users in a Deadline-Driven Local Trade Exchange Shipra Malhotra 200802035 Kamalakar, Karlapalem
T675 Novel Approach towards Building a Generic Portable and Contextual NI, IDB System Arjun Reddy Akula 200802002 Rajeev Sangal
T678 Finding Best Answers for New Questions in QA Systems Vinay Pande 200807027 Vasudeva Varma
T680 Simultaneous Planning Localization and Mapping Piyush Shukla 200802029 Madhava Krishna, K
T682 Enhancing Bag of Words Image Representations Vinay Garg 200702053 Jawahar, C V
T683 Evolution of Mental Models of Interactive Machines Himanshu Zade 200802045 Venkatesh, Chopella
T685 Synthesizing Calssifiers for Novel Settings Viresh Ranjan 201250875 Jawahar, C V
T687 Multi Agent Game of Kabaddi: strategies and simulation Samrat Nagarjuna Pasila 200802028 Kamalakar, Karlapalem
T691 Privacy Preserving String Pattern Matching on Outsourced Data Bargav Jayaraman 201207509 Bruhadeswar Bezawada
T694 Introducing Basic Routing Automata for Structured P2P Overlay Networks Pankaj Anthwal 200502015 Srinathan Kannan
T695 Extracting Semantics from Microposts Romil Bansal 201207613 Vasudeva Varma
T697 Structured Knowledge Extraction from Events on Twitter Sandeep Panem 201207659 Vasudeva Varma
T699 Enhancing the Query by Object Approach using schema Summarization Techniques Techniques Ammar Yasir 200702005 Krishna Reddy P
T700 Fingerprint Image Enhancement using Unsupervised Hierarchical Feature Learning Mihir Sahasrabudhe 200802023 Anoop M Namboodri
T704 Leveraging Heterogeneity in Cloud Computing Lakshminarayanan Srinivasan 201002061 Vasudeva Varma
T705 Efficient Kay Tracing of Parametric Surfaces for Advanced Effects Rohit Nigam 200702036 Narayanan, P J
T706 Range Reporting of Planar Convex Hull and Skyline Points Nadeem Moidu 200802025 Kishore Kothapalli
T708 Persistent Surveillance System for Gathering Comprehensive Road Information using Aerial and Land Based Sensors Deepak Rajamohan 201050010 Rajan, K S
T710 Introducing In-Frame Shear Constraints for Monocular Motion Segmentation Siddharth Tourani 201107642 Madhava Krishna, K
T711 Multimodal Affective Feedback: role of haptics Akshita 201250803 Bipin Indurkhya
T713 Two GPU Algorithms for Raytracing Srinath R 201107625 Narayanan, P J
T717 Load Balancing Algorithms for Sparse Matrix Kernels on Heterogeneous Platforms Shiva Rama Krishna T 201007002 Kishore Kothapalli
T726 Diversity in Image Retrieval using Randomization and Learned Metrics Vidyadhar Rao P 201207718 Jawahar, C V
T727 Dynamics Decision Making in IOTA Trading Agent Anuj Toshniwal 200902039 Kamalakar, Karlapalem
T728 Game Theoretic Approach to Coscheduling Virtual Machines Jaspal Singh Dhillon 200802016 Suresh Reddy, Purini
T729 New Security Architecture for Cloud-Blueshield Saurabh Barjatiya 200899004 Shatrunjay Rawat
T730 VSM-based Statistical Model for the Semantic Relation Interpretation of Noun Compounds Nitesh Surtani 200802026 Soma Paul
T731 An Approach to Extract Content-Sepcific Coverage Patterns Venkata Trinath Atmakuri 200902005 Krishna Reddy P
T733 Enhancing the Enabling Technologies: a TVWS and cognitive radio scenario Priyanka Sharma 201250894 Rama Murthy, G
T737 Application of Gesture and Spatial Cognition in Hindustani Vocal Music Tejaswinee Kelkar 201207724 Bipin Indurkhya
T739 Significance of Paralinguistic cues in Audio Rendering of Mathematical Content Venkatesh Potluri 201002175 Kishore Prahalad; Priyanka Srivastava
T740 Study of Oral Personal History in Speaker Anonymization Padmini Bandi 201207717 Suryakanth V Gangashetty
T742 Stance Classification and Summarization in Online Debates Sarvesh Ajit Ramade 200802031 Rajeev Sangal
T750 Hindi to English Machine Translation Kunal Sachdeva 200902046 Dipti Misra Sharma
T751 Context Based Morphological Analysis Deepak Kumar Malladi 200802022 Dipti Misra Sharma
T752 Dependency Parsing and Empty Category Detection in Hindi Language Puneeth Kukkadapu 200802020 Dipti Misra Sharma
T757 Consistency and Failure Handling in Electronic Contracts Nishtha Madaan 201203001 Kamalakar, Karlapalem
T758 Fast Ruling Sets Tushar Bisht 200802037 Kishore Kothapalli
T759 Mitigating Web-Borne Security Threats by Enhancing Browser Security Policies Krishna Chaitanya Telikicherla 201107633 Venkatesh, Chopella
T764 Simple Yet Effective Failure Resilient Robotic Soccer Strategy Sarvasiddhi Sabitha 200702040 Kamalakar, Karlapalem
T765 Exploiting Semantic Information for Accurate Segmentation, Localization in Dynamic Environments Dinesh Reddy N 201307689 Madhava Krishna, K
T766 Playing Poseidon: a lattice boltmann approach to simulating generalized Newtonian fluids Nitesh Tripathi 200802027 Narayanan, P J
T768 Social Network Driven Impact on a Multi Modal Transport system Deepika Pathania 200802010 Kamalakar, Karlapalem
T770 Dialog Act Tagger for Telugu Suman Dowlagar 201307678 Radhika Mamidi
T771 AUTOSTEPS: Autonomous Navigation driven by spatial temporal empty spaces Kuldeep Porwal 200902045 Kamalakar, Karlapalem
T773 Specification and Modelling of Workflow Management systems with State Based Access Control Ankur Goel 200702008 Venkatesh, Chopella
T774 Understanding and Describing Tennis Videos Mohak Kumar Sukhwani 201307583 Jawahar, C V
T776 Development and Analysis of a Tool for Speed up of Energyplus Through Parallelization Akshey Jawa 200707032 Vishal Garg
T779 Frameworks for Autonomous Navigation of Quadcopter in Indoor and Outdoor Environment Vshakh Duggal 201307568 Madhava Krishna, K
T780 High Performance Self Organizing Dynamic dictionaries Ziaul Choudhury 201107546 Suresh Reddy, Purini
T797 Error Detection and Dependency Parsing Bhasha Agarwal 201207691 Dipti Misra Sharma
T798 Generation of Bilingual dictionaries using Comparable and quasi Comparable Corpora Ajay Dubey 200802001 Vasudeva Varma
T801 Towards Semantic Scene Understanding of Cluttered Indoor Environments Sanchit Aggarwal 201207593 Anoop M Namboodri
T802 Android App Malware Detection Vijayendra Grampurohit 201207682 Shatrunjay Rawat
T804 Towards Deep Semantic Analysis of Hashtags Piyush Bansal 201102022 Vasudeva Varma
T806 Reactions Visual Servoing of Floating Base Dual-Arm Malipulators Anurag V V 201207597 Sunil V Shah
T808 Distinctive Parts for Relative Attributes Naga Sandeep Ramachandruni 201207582 Jawahar, C V
T817 Architecting an Extensible Framework to Support Gamification of Software Engineering Activities Venkata Sai Krishna Sripada 201250904 Raghu Babu Reddy Y
T818 On Bell Nonlocality and Quantum Correlations Palash Pandya 201002162 Indranil Chakravathy; Harjinder Singh
T819 Large Scale Modeling of the Basal Ganglia Bhargav Teja Nallapu 201407519 Bapi Raju Surampudi
T820 Text Recognition and Retrieval in Natural Scene Images Udit Roy 201207725 Jawahar, C V
T827 Efficient Algorithmic Techniques for Heterogeneous Computing Shashank Sharma 200802034 Kishore Kothapalli
T828 Parallel Ear Decomposition and Application to Betweenness Centrality Charudatt Pachorkar 201307687 Kishore Kothapalli
T829 Privacy Preserving Outlier Detection Over Vertically Partitioned Data Madhuchand Rushi Pillutla 200907010 Srinathan Kannan
T830 Defect Dependency Based Heuristic Approaches to Improve Software Quality in Large Scale Integrated Software Products Sai Anirudh Karre 201350856 Raghu Babu Reddy Y
T836 A Geospatial Analysis towards achieving Water Security: case study of Hyderabad Rahul Kumar Rai 200902048 Rajan, K S
T837 Understanding Topics and Sentiment from Social Media Satarupa Guha 201307566 Vasudeva Varma
T838 Sketch-Based Approach for Multimedia Retrieval Koustav Ghosal 201207530 Anoop M Namboodri
T839 Human Pose Estimation: extension and application Digvijay Singh 201002052 Jawahar, C V
T840 Optical Character Recognition as Sequence Mapping Devendra Kumar Sahu 201280923 Jawahar, C V
T844 Script and Language Identification for Document Images and Scene Texts Ajeet Kumar Singh 201407655 Jawahar, C V
T845 Transition-Based Technique for Syntactic Linearization and Deep Input Linearization Ratish Sundrendran Pudupully 201407662 Manish Shrivastava
T846 Predicting User Attributes from Social Media Santosh K 201207665 Vasudeva Varma
T847 Adaptive Spectral and Texture Matching for Road Extraction from Very High Resolution Satellite Imagery with Occlusion Bandling Sreekanth Reddy K 200702016 Rajan, K S
T855 Mining Cuboid Outliers in Information Networks Ayushi Dalmia 201307565 Manish Gupta; Vasudeva Varma
T856 Effects of Structural Perturbations on Brain's Dynamics and the Role of Homeostatic Plasticity in Functional Recovery Anirudh Nihalani Vattikonda 201307695 Dipanjoy Roy
T858 Semantic Modeling for Content-Targeted Online Advertising Ankit Patil 200702007 Vasudeva Varma
T859 Geo-Visualization in 4D Environment-Simulation of Floods over an Urban Area Vishal Tiwari 201002025 Rajan, K S
T868 Spectral Characteristics Preserving Fusion of remotely Ssensed Multi-Sensor Images Mayank Goyal 200702021 Rajan, K S
T869 Exemplar Based Approaches on Face Fiducial Detection and Frontalization Mallikarjun B R 201307681 Jawahar, C V
T870 Some Problems in Multi Party Computation Rajeevalochana M R 200802021 Srinathan Kannan
T871 Learning Effective Navigational Strategies for Active Monocular Simultaneous Localization and Mapping Vignesh Prasad 201202149 Madhava Krishna, K
T872 First Person Action Recognition Suriya Singh 201307505 Chetan Arora; Jawahar, C V
T873 Multilingual Spoken Dialog Systems for Handheld Devices Brij Mohal Lal Srivastava 201307694 Manish Shrivastava
T874 Modeling Land use Land Cover Change Dynamics in Godavari Basin of India Mohit Kumar 200802024 Rajan, K S
T875 Study on Compositional Features of Graphs Prathyush Sambaturu 201207615 Kamalakar, Karlapalem; Kishore Kothapalli
T877 Exploring the Knowledge of Citations in Legal Information Retrieval Raghav Kalyanasundaram 201002132 Krishna Reddy P
T879 Dynamic Security Analysis of Interpreters using Genetic Programming Technique Spandan Veggalam 201307674 Sanjay Rawat
T880 Distributional Semantics and Neural Network Based Improvements to dependency Parsing Silpa Kanneganti 200602012 Dipti Misra Sharma
T885 Automatic Error Detection in Annotated Corpora Narendra Annamaneni 200902038 Dipti Misra Sharma
T886 Trivia Mining from Knowledge Graphs Nausheen Fatma 20140754 Manish Shrivastava
T887 Parallel Frameworks for Locality Based Dynamic Programming Problems Rajesh Kumar 201307556 Kishore Kothapalli
T888 Quantitative Assessment of Player Performance and Winner Prediction in ODI Cricket Madan Gopal Jhanwar 201202018 Vikram Pudi
T889 Design and Analysis of Authenticated Key Agreement Schemes for Future IoT Applications and Session Initiation Protocol Sravani C 201507501 Ashok Kumar Das
T890 Retrieving Semantically Similar Questions in Community Question Answering Arpita Das 201407536 Manish Shrivastava
T891 LSIVIEWER 2.0: a client oriented online visualization tool for geospatial vector data Manikanta Purushotham K 201102151 Rajan, K S
T892 ET: events from tweets Ruchi Parikh 201007006 Kamalakar, Karlapalem
T893 Active Learning and its Applications Priyam Bakliwal 201407643 Jawahar, C V
T897 Analysis of Lane Level Dynamics for Emergency Vehicles Akash Agarwal 201102200 Praveen Parachuri
T900 Exploiting Ad Space of Long Tail Queries through Concept-Based Bidding in Sponsored Search Amar Budhiraja 201303009 Krishna Reddy P
T902 Discovery and Interpretation of Embedding models for Knowledge Representation Ganesh J 201407652 Vasudeva Varma
T903 Joint Semantic and Motion Segmentation for Enhanced Scene Understanding Nazrul Haque Athar 201202048 Madhava Krishna, K
T905 Audio and Text Based Multimodal Sentiment analysis using features extracted from selective regions and deep neural networks Harika Abburi 201450880 Suryakanth V Gangashetty; Manish Shrivastava
T906 Automatic analysis of cricket and soccer broadcast videos Rahul Anand Sharma 201203002 Jawahar, C V; Vineet Gandhi
T907 Shape Priors for Monocular Object Localization in Dynamic Scenes Krishna Murthy Jatavallabhula 201507598 Madhava Krishna, K
T908 PurposeNet Ontology based Question Answering (QA) System for Hindi Rishabh Srivastava 201207681 Soma Paul
T909 Design and Evaluation of Alternate Enumeration Techniques for Subset Sum Problem Avni Verma 200902040 Kamalakar, Karlapalem
T911 Indoor Robot Navigating Amidst Humans with Uncertainties and Intents: a collision cone approach Akhil Kumar Nagariya 201002127 Madhava Krishna, K
T912 Discovering Vulnerable Function by Vulnerability Extrapolation Lokesh Jain 201207648 Srinathan Kannan
T914 Towards Better Topic Models for Contemporary Textual Documents of Social Media Prateek Mehta 201203006 Vasudeva Varma
T916 Age-effects on Resting State Dynamics of Cortical Networks Shruti Naik 201407630 Bapi Raju Surampudi
T917 Towards Efficient Neural Machine Translation for Indian Languages Ruchit Agrawal 201002013 Dipti Misra Sharma
T920 Understanding Structure of Urban Built Environment and its Implications on Movement Affinities of Space Rajesh Chaturvedi 200902049 Rajan, K S
T921 Neuro-Computational Model of Reward Prediction Error in Classical Conditioning Pramod Kaushik 201407538 Bapi Raju Surampudi
T922 Two Important Problems on Quantum Coherence Udit Kamal Sharma 201202094 Indranil Chakravathy
T923 Interpretation of Nominal Compounds using Structured Knowledge bases Sruti Rallapalli 200702031 Soma Paul
T924 Error Detection and Correction in Indic OCRs Vinitha V S 201307548 Jawahar, C V
T925 Spectral Graph Theory in Pose-Graph Applications Sayantan Datta 201407567 Madhava Krishna, K; Avinash Sharma
T926 Towards Autonomous Navigation and Geo-Tagging with Monocular MAVs Utsav Shah 201507528 Madhava Krishna, K
T927 Load Balancing on the Cloud Pulkit Goel 201002059 Vasudeva Varma
T928 Sentiment Analysis for Telugu Language Sandeep Sricharan Mukku 201202157 Radhika Mamidi
T929 Parallel Corpora and Linguistic Resource Creation for Statistical Machine Translation Jayendra Rakesh Yeka 200802044 Dipti Misra Sharma; Radhika Mamidi
T930 Annotation and Analysis of Discourse Structure in the Tamil Language Ravi Teja Rachakonda 200807015 Rajeev Sangal
T938 Exniffer: learning to rank crashes by assessing the exploitability from memory dump Shubham Tripathi 201407646 Sanjay Rawat
T941 Improving Surveillance using Cooperative Target Observation Rashi Aswani 201102140 Praveen Parachuri
T942 Do Pitch and Space Share Common Code? Pulkit Singhal 200702030 Priyanka Srivastava
T944 Application, Modelling and Implementation of CORP (Cross Origin Request Policy) Akash Agrawall 201202061 Venkatesh, Chopella
T945 Nearly Balanced Heterogeneous Algorithms for Multiplying Scale-Free Sparse Matrices Kiran Raj S R 201307593 Kishore Kothapalli
T946 Cognitively Inspired Task Design to Improve User Performance on Crowdsourcing Platforms Rajeev Rajeshuni 200902021 Bipin Indurkhya; Bapi Raju Surampudi
T950 Robust Representation Learning for Low Resource Languages Syed Sarfaraz Akhtar 201202044 Manish Shrivastava
T952 Harnessing Morphological Regularities for Representation Learning for Low Resourced Languages Arihant Gupta 201202003 Manish Shrivastava
T953 Understanding Short Social Video Clips using Visual-Semantic Joint Embedding Aditya Singh 201002055 Narayanan, P J
T954 Improved Approaches to Mine Periodic-Frequent Patterns in Non-Uniform Temporal Databases Venkatesh J N 201102007 Krishna Reddy P
T955 Mining Periodic Frequent Patterns using Period Summary and Map-Reduce Anirudh Alampally 201202173 Krishna Reddy P
T960 Hardware-Efficient and Reconfigurable VLSI Architecture and Techniques for Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio Wireless Networks Mahess Srinu Murty 201407661 Rahul Shrestha
T961 Fine Pose Estimation and Region Proposals from a Single Image Sudipto Bangerjee 201307554 Anoop M Namboodri
T965 Input Type Assisted Fuzzing Vivek Jain 201225182 Sanjay Rawat
T966 Deep Learning for Detecting Inappropriate Content in Text Harish Yenala 201407613 Manish Shrivastava
T967 Resource Allocation in Software Defined Internet of Things Infrastructure Rhishi Pratap Singh 201532546 Rama Murthy, G
T968 Workload Assignment in Various Heterogeneous Cloud Environments Vishrut Mehta 201102128 Vasudeva Varma
T972 Combining Class Taxonomics and Multi Task Learning to Regularize Fine-Grained Recognition Riddiman Dasgupta 201307558 Anoop M Namboodri
T973 Neural Approaches Towards Text Summarization Abhishek Kumar Singh 201507519 Vasudeva Varma; Manish Shrivastava
T974 Universal Dependency Parsing of Hindi-English Code-Switching Irshad Ahmad Bhat 201407664 Manish Shrivastava
T975 Dual Process Reinforcement Learning Account for Sequential Decision Making and Skill Learning Tejas Savalia 201507510 Bapi Raju Surampudi
T976 Efficient Annotation of Objects for Video analysis Swetha Sirnam 201303014 Jawahar, C V
T977 Tracking Low Resolution for Better Scene Understanding Harish Krishna 201202172 Jawahar, C V
T978 Unconstrained Arabic and Urdu Text Recognition using Deep CNN-RNN Hybrid Networks Mohit Jain 201202164 Jawahar, C V
T979 Learning Deep and Compact Models for Gesture Recognition Koustav Mullick 201307559 Anoop M Namboodri
T980 Applications of Ear Decomposition to Efficient Heterogeneous Algorithms for Shortest Path/Cycle problems Debarshi Dutta 201307693 Kishore Kothapalli
T981 Novel Architecture to Enhance Quality of Service in IP Networks Sriharsha Karamchati 201102037 Shatrunjay Rawat
T993 Wikipedia Article Generation for Named Entities Yashaswi P 201102111 Kamalakar, Karlapalem
T994 Multimodal Emotion Recognition from Advertisements with application to computational Advertising Abhinav Shukla 201302135 Ramanathan Subramanian
T995 Coverage Patterns-based Allocation Approaches for Display Advertising Naga Sai Kavya Vaddadi 201303008 Krishna Reddy P
T996 Behavioral Analysis and Prioritized routing of Vehicular Traffic During Emergency Evacuation Gaurav Gupta 201102120 Praveen Parachuri
T998 Few Limits to Quantum Information Theory Subhasree Patro 201450869 Indranil Chakravathy; Srinathan Kannan
T999 Towards Understanding People from Multilingual Societies Deepanshu Vijay 201302093 Dipti Misra Sharma
T1000 Graph-Special Techniques for Analyzing Resting State Functional Neuroimaging Data Srinivas Govinda Surampudi 201550821 Avinash Sharma
T1013 LSI-STAT: a Visualization and Analytics Platform Neha Pande 201202023 Rajan, K S
T1014 Development of Building Segmentation Approaches from a given LiDAR Scene Gaurav Parida 201202037 Rajan, K S
T1015 Predictive Analytics for News Articles Using Wikipedia Navya Yarrabelly 201102171 Kamalakar, Karlapalem
T1016 Machine Learning for Source-Code Plagiarism Detection Jitendra Yasaswi Bharadwaj Katt 201407566 Jawahar, C V; Suresh Reddy, Purini
T1017 Cognitive Vision: examining attention, engagement and cognitive load via gaze and EEG Viral Parekh 201507535 Jawahar, C V; Ramanathan Subramanian
T1023 Data-Driven Representation Learning with Applications in Gene Expression and Fake News Detection Ambika Kaul 201450855 Vikram Pudi
T1024 A Shape-Based Approach to Spatio-Temporal Data Analysis using Satellite Imagery Darpan Baheti 201202036 Rajan, K S
T1025 Explicit and Implicit Modelling of User Preferences for Music Recommendation Kartik Gupta 201302008 Vikram Pudi
T1026 Towards Identifying Malicious and Paradoxical Content on Social Media Aditya Bohra 201302016 Manish Shrivastava
T1027 Crowd Management through Multi Robotic Agents Garima Ahuja 201002017 Kamalakar, Karlapalem
T1028 Behavioral Planning for Automated Vehicles using Deep Reinforcement Learning Meha Kaushik 201302001 Madhava Krishna, K
T1035 Understanding People in Low Resourced Languages Sahil Swami 201302071 Manish Shrivastava
T1040 Temporal Dynamics of Cognitive Processes: case studies on sequence learning and effective adaptation of emotions Sneha Kummetha 201202139 Bapi Raju Surampudi
T1041 Exploring Cross-Lingual Summarization and Machine Translation Quality Estimation Nisarg Ketan Jhaveri 201302195 Vasudeva Varma
T1042 Sclalable Planning and Learning for Decentralized MDPs with Event Driven Rewards Tarun Gupta 201403002 Praveen Parachuri
T1043 Small Obstacle Detection using Stereo Vision for Autonomous Ground Vehicle Krishnam Gupta 201202120 Madhava Krishna, K
T1051 Graph Decomposition Techniques for Parallel Symmetry Breaking Sayyad Nayyaroddeen 201407666 Kishore Kothapalli
T1054 Sentiment Lexicon Creation in Tamil using Hybrid Techniques Abishek Kannan 201202187 Radhika Mamidi
T1057 Audio-Visual Speech Recognition and Synthesis Abhishek Jha 20162310 Jawahar, C V
T1059 Handwritten Word Recognition for Indic and Latin Scripts using Deep CNN-RNN Hybrid Networks Kartik Dutte 201302018 Jawahar, C V
T1061 Geometric Kinematic Priors and Part-Based Graph Convolutional Network for Skeleton-based Human Action Recognition Kalpit Thekkar 201201071 Narayanan, P J
T1063 Pharmacovigilance from Social Media using Linuted Labeled Data Shashank Gupta 201507574 Vasudeva Varma; Manish Shrivastava
T1064 Navigation and Bearing Estimation Tasks in 360 Video Interfaces for 2D Desktop Displays Aniruddh Ravipata 201303004 Priyanka Srivastava
T1077 Sci-Blogger: a Step Towards Automated Science Journalism Raghu Ram Vadapalli 201402213 Vasudeva Varma
T1078 A DSL Compiler for Accelerating Image processing Pipelines on FPGSs Nitin Chugh 201250841 Suresh Reddy, Purini
T1079 Towards Identification, Classification and Analysis of Hate Speech on Social Media Pinkesh Badjatiya 201402002 Vasudeva Varma; Manish Shrivastava
T1081 Towards Identifying Humor and Author's Gender in Codemixed Social Media content Ankush Khandelwal 201302077 Manish Shrivastava
T1082 Performance Analysis of Spatial Queries and Routing in NoSQL Databases Sarthak Agarwal 201303005 Rajan, K S
T1083 Generalised Representation for Large Road Networks-Mimicking Road user Behaviour and Achieving Improved Path Computation Rohith Reddy Sankapally 201302219 Rajan, K S
T1084 Towards Safe Navigation of Quad-Copter Amongst Uncertain Dynamic Obstacles Dhaivat Bhatt 20162305 Madhava Krishna, K
T1085 On Compact Deep Neural Networks for Visual Place Recognition, Object Recognition and Visual Localization Soham Saha 201507509 Jawahar, C V; Girish Varma
T1086 Sentiment Analysis and Opinion Mining from Noisy Social Media Content Aditya Joshi 201307619 Vasudeva Varma; Manish Shrivastava
T1088 Experimental Studies on Evaluation and Selection of Navigational Links on Web Vamshi Velgapuri 201501102 Bipin Indurkhya
T1092 Automated Feature Construction and Selection Saket Maheshwary 201407670 Vikram Pudi
T1093 Development and Tracking of Consensus Mesh for Monocular Depth Sequences Gaurav Mishra 201202057 Narayanan, P J
T1096 Road Topology Extraction from Satellite Images by Knowledge Sharing Anil Kumar Batra 201550847 Jawahar, C V
T1097 Information Extraction and Aggression Detection on Bilingual Social Media Texts Vinay Kumar Singh 201402035 Manish Shrivastava
T1100 Analyzing Racket Sports from Broadcast Videos Anurag Ghosh 201302179 Jawahar, C V
T1103 Frontier Detection and Exploration using Monocular SLAM Sarthak Upadhyay 201307688 Madhava Krishna, K
T1105 Towards Scalable Applications for Handwritten Documents Vijay Bapanaiah Rowtula 201350873 Jawahar, C V
T1108 Study on Cloud Federation Models using Cooperative Game Theory Yash Khandelwal 201302164 Suresh Reddy, Purini
T1109 Improving Word Embeddings and using them Prakhar Pandey 201503004 Vikram Pudi
T1111 Controversy and Stance Detection to Mitigate Spread of Misinformation Sri Teja Allaparthi 201302139 Vikram Pudi
T1115 Reliable Edge Jitender Grover 20162313 Rama Murthy, G
T1123 Question Answering for Health Forums Jalan Raksha Sanjay 201507632 Vasudeva Varma; Manish Gupta
T1124 Towards Sentiment Augmented Predictive Techniques in Natural Language Varshit Battu 201402029 Radhika Mamidi
T1125 Learning Strategies for Power Trading in Smart Grids Susobhan Ghosh 201503005 Praveen Parachuri; Sujit Prakash Gujar
T1126 Adversarial Training for Unsupervised Monoclular Depth Estimation Ishit Mehta 201403008 Narayanan, P J
T1127 Towards Content Improvement on Community Driven Question Answering Platforms: a stack overflow case study Rishabh Gupta 201307676 Krishna Reddy P
T1128 Efficient Annotation and Knowledge Distillation for Semantic Segmentation Tejaswi Kasarla 201550846 Vineeth N Balasubramanian
T1129 Automated Credibility Assessment of Web Page Shriyansh Agrawal 201402238 Raghu Babu Reddy Y
T1130 Simple and Effective Monolingual and Code-Mixed Question Answering Vishal Gupta 201403010 Manish Shrivastava
T1131 Exploring Binarization and Pruning of Convolutional Neural Networks Ameya Prabhu 201402004 Anoop M Namboodri
T1140 Leveraging Heterogeneity and Multiplicity in cloud Storage Systems Kumar Rishabh 201102103 Vasudeva Varma
T1142 Monocular Reconstruction of Dynamic Vehicles on Arbitrary Road Profiles from a Moving Camera Junaid Ahmed Ansari 20162149 Madhava Krishna, K
T1145 Semantic Role Labeling for Indian Languages Aishwary Gupta 201302216 Manish Shrivastava
T1149 Design of an Open-Source Micro Aerial Vehicle for Onboard Autonomous Navigation Gourav Kumar 201507666 Madhava Krishna, K
T1150 Faster Parallel Graph Connectivity Algorithms for GPU Mihir Wadwekar 201202026 Kishore Kothapalli
T1152 Insights Into, Analyses and Prediction of Verified Users on Twitter Indraneil Paul 201302170 Ponnurangam Kumaraguru
T1156 Exploiting Graph Sparsity for Parallel Symmetry Breaking Mahak Gambhir 201303002 Kishore Kothapalli
T1157 Automated Estimation of Forest Inventories using Terrestrial LiDAR Suraj Reddy R 201450871 Rajan, K S
T1158 Usability Evaluation Framework for Mobile Apps using source Code Analysis Neeraj Mathur 201350902 Raghu Babu Reddy Y
T1160 Exploiting Textual Content in Academic Citation Networks Soumyajit Ganguly 201407600 Vikram Pudi
T1162 Neural Approaches towards Computational Journalism Dhruv Khattar 201402087 Vasudeva Varma; Manish Gupta
T1163 Integrated Model-Driven Enactment of E-Contract Pabitra Mohapatra 201150851 Kamalakar, Karlapalem
T1170 Regional Drought Assessment Over India Using SPEI under Climate Change Monish N T 201302224 Shaik Rehana
T1171 FAST: Fragment Assisted Storage for query execution in read-only databases Vivek Hamirwasia 201002088 Kamalakar, Karlapalem
T1172 Blending the Past and Present of Automatic Image Annotation Ayushi Dutta 201507668 Jawahar, C V
T1173 Object Search using Context Information Sheetal Reddy 201203010 Madhava Krishna, K
T1174 Re-Engineering and Performance Enhancement of MT System and MT Related Applications Priyank Gupta 201350845 Dipti Misra Sharma; Manish Shrivastava
T1175 Adding Preemptive Scheduling Capabilities to Accelerators Shaleen Garg 201401069 Kishore Kothapalli
T1176 Computational Imaging Techniques to Recover Omni3D Structure and Surface Properties Rajat Aggarwal 201201119 Anoop M Namboodri
T1185 Scalable Distributed Safety Verification using Actor Architecture Singla, Adhish 201403004 Suresh Reddy, Purini
T1186 Agent Strategic for the Hide-and-Seek Game Tandon, Akshat 201503001 Kamalakar, Karlapalem
T1187 Deep-Learning Features Graphs and Scene Understanding Abhijeet Kumar 201302197 Avinash Sharma
T1191 Improved Approaches to Mine Partial Periodic Patterns in Spatio Temporal Databases Chennupati Saideep 2019701010 Krishna Reddy, P
T1194 Towards Domain Adaptation for Hindi-Telugu Machine Translation Ala Hema 2018701021 Dipti Misra Sharma
T1198 Interactive Video Editing Using Machine Learning Techniques Anchit Gupta 20171041 Jawahar, C V
T1199 Transforming Flash Files to HTML5 and JavaScript Yogesh Maheshwari 201202014 Raghu Babu Reddy Y
T1200 Study Existing Personal Electronic Devices (PED) Policies and Provide an Automatic Solution to Switch on Airplane Mode In-Flight Pushspendra Singh Sengar 201250849 Satrunjay Rawat
T1202 Efficient Parallel and Approximation Algorithms for Percolation Centrality Athreya Chandramouli 2018121002 Kishore Kothapalli
T1218 Exploiting Indian Languages Similarity for Different NLP Application Salil Aggarwal 20171166 Radhika Mamidi
T1219 Applications of Riemannian Optimization to Machine Learning Problems Naram Jayadev 20171139 Pawan Kumar
T1220 Towards Using Deep Learning for Text Classification and Sentiment Prediction and Its Application in Multimodal Settings Samyak Agrawal 20161180 Radhika Mamidi
T1221 Derivation of CPG Labels for English and its Applications in Language and Vision Sai Kiran Gorthi 200902012 Radhika Mamidi
T1222 Open-Vocabulary Audio Keyword Spotting with Low Resource Language Adaptation Kirandevraj R 2019701001 Jawahar, C V; Vinay P Namboodiri; Vinod K Kurmi
T1223 Importance of Facts for Natural Language Generation Tushar Abhishek 2019701015 Vasudeva Varma; Manish Gupta
T1224 Viusual Grounding Multi-Modal Applications Kanishk Jain 2021701023 Vineet Gandhi
T1225 Geometric Methods for Tensor Completion Tanmay Kumar Sinha 20171200 Pawan Kumar
T1226 Computer Vision for Flora: species and disease revognitin Vamsidhar Muthireddy 20172144 Jawahar, C V
T1227 Refining 3D Human digitization Using Learnable Priors Routhu Snehith Goud 20171105 Avinash Sharma
T1231 Encoding of Emotional Concepts in Depression Himansh Sheoran 20161211 Priyanka Srivastava
T1232 Efficient Computation of Percolation Centrality in Static and Dynamic Networks Sayantan Jana 20171185
T1235 Towards Handwriting Recognition and Search in Indic & Latin Scripts Santhoshini Gongidi 2018701020 Jawahar, C V
T1238 Deep Neural Models for Generalized Synthesis of Multi-Person Actions Debtanu Gupta 2019701003 Ravi Kiran Sarvadevabhatla
T1239 Computer Vision Based Large Scale Urban Mobility Audit and Parametric Road Scene Parsing Durga Nagendra Raghava Kumar Modhugu 2018900018
T1240 Making Deep Models Generalizable using Domain Adaptation Abhay Rawat 20172082 Kamalakar, Karlapalem
T1243 Deep Learning Methods for 3D Garment Digitization Astitva Srivastava 2019701018 Avinash Sharma
T1246 Agent Reputation and Reward Fairness in Peer-Based Crowdsourcing Mechanism Samhita Kanaparthy 2018121005 Sujit P Gujar
T1247 Competitive Skyline Cliques Jayitha Cherapanamjeri 20171401 Kamalakar Karlapalem
T1250 I-Do, I-Learn: techniques for unsupervised procedure learning using egocentric videos Bansal, Siddhant 2019900091 Jawahar, C V
T1251 Limited Dynamic Path Generation for Continuous Locomotion in Virtual Reality Mittal, Raghav 2018701023 Raghu Babu Reddy Y
T1252 Building an AI System to Improve Tracking Accuracy in Air Surveillance Dasika, Anoot Karnik 2018701004 Praveen Parachuri
T1258 Text Driven Knowledge Graphs Mehta, Aman 201502106 Kamalakar, Karlapalem
T1259 Monocular Multilayer Layout Estimation for Warehouses Sahu, Anurag 2018121004 Madhava Krishna, K
T1260 Machine Learning Solution to Predict Foveal Development and Visual Prognosis in Retinal Developmental Disorders Nishad, Garima 2019701029 Girish Varma
T1261 Continual and Incremental Learning in Computer-Aided Diagnosis Systems Akundi, Prathyusha 2018701014 Sivaswamy, Jayanthi
T1263 Building Non-interactive Asynchronous Threshold Signatures for the Blockchain Ecosystem Snehil Joshi 201407552 Srinathan, Kannan
T1264 Text Summarization for Resource-Poor Languages: Datasets and Models for Multiple Indian Languages Lakshmi Sireesha, Vakada 20171137 Mamidi, Radhika
T1265 3D Interactive Solution for Neuroanatomy Education Mythri V 2018201028 Jayanthi Sivaswamy
T1266 Flow Synthesis Based Visual Servoing Frameworks for Monocular Obstacle Avoidance Amidst High-Rises Harshit Kumar, Sankhla 2018900050 Madhava Krishna, K
T1269 Product Placement Framework to Improve Diversity in Retail Business Pooja Gaur 20173037 Krishna Reddy, P
T1271 Bridging the Gap Between Perception and Navigation A self-Driving and LiDAR Perspective Mohd Omama 2020701006 Madhava Krishna, K
T1273 Situation Recognition for Holistic Video Understanding Zeeshan Khan 2021701029 Jawahar, C V; Makarand Tapaswi
T1276 Systems and Resources for Telugu: Question Answering and Summarization Priyanka, Ravva 20172157 Manish Shrivastava
T1279 Optimizing Forensic Data Availability and Retention of SDN Forensic Logs by Using Bloom Filter Varun Sharma 201150846 Shatrunjay Rawat
T1283 Role of Game-Theory and Fairness in Designing Blockchain Protocols Anurag Jain 20171021 Sujit P Gujar
T1284 Handling Idiomatic Expressions in English Prateek Saxena 200902016 Soma Paul
T1285 Hardware Acceleration of YOLOv3-tiny Object Detection V.V.S.Prithvi 2018900104 Suresh Reddy, Purini
T1287 Machine Translation Post-editing: Assessing Effort, Text and Bias Arafat Ahsan 2019701030 Dipti Misra Sharma
T1291 Towards Generalization in Multi-View Pedestrian Detection Jeet Vora 2019701006 Vineet Gandhi
T1300 Skelton-based Action Recognition in Non-contextual, In-the-wild and Dense Joint Scenarios Neel Trivedi 20171015 Ravi Kiran Sarvadevabhatla
T1308 Extended Indoor Layout Estimation using Monocular RGB for efficient path planning and navigation Shantanu Singh 2020701022 Madhava Krishna, K
T1311 Mitigating Negative Side Effects Aishwarya , Srivastava 20171046 Praveen Parachuri
T1312 Dynamic Resource Scaling for Explicit State model checking on Cloud Yuvaraj Singh 201102049 Suresh Reddy, Purini
T1314 Cross-Lingual Approaches for Text Generation Tasks in Low-Resource Languages Shivaprasad, Sagare 2020701015 Vasudeva Varma; Manish Gupta
T1317 Improving modality interactions in Multimodal Systems Tanmay Sachan 2018111023 Vasudeva Varma
T1318 Low Complexity Cache Aided Communication Schemes for Distributed Data Storage and Distributed Computing Vaishya Abhinav Rajesh Kumar 2018121003 Prasad Krishnan
T1319 Achieving Individually Fair Personalized Shantanu Das 20171143 Sujit P Gujar; Girish Varma
T1320 Towards NLP in Climate Change Roopal, Vaid 201502023 Manish Shrivastava
T1321 Towards building controllable Text to Speech Systems Saiteja, K 2020701004 Vineet Gandhi
T1322 Face Reenactment: Crafting Realistic Talking Heads for Enhanced Video Communication and Beyond Madhav Agarwal 2020900022 Vinay P Namboodiri; Jawahar, C V
T1333 Markov Chain Based Algorithms for City-Scale Pollution-Aware Traffic Routing Shreevignesh, S 2018111019 Praveen Parachuri; Girish Varma
T1337 Enriching Structural and Unstructured Knowledge for Low-Resource Languages by Cross Lingual Fact Extraction and Text Generation Bhavyajeet Singh 2018111022 Vasudeva Varma; Manish Gupta
T1339 Domain-Specific Pretrained Model Natural Language Generation Sahil Manoj Bhatt 2018111002 Manish Shrivastava
T1341 Evaluating and Enhancing the Robustness of Math Word Problem Solvers Vivek Kumar 2019701004 Vikram Pudi
T1342 Validation of Kriging to Understand 'Volcanic Eruption Event Temperature Profiles' To Improve Gradients in Numerical Weather Prediction Models Malini Kishnan 201050026 Rajan, K S
T1344 Exploring Data Driven approaches for Robot Control: Real Time Visual Servoing and value function based Inverse Kinematics Mohammad Nomaan Qureshi 2018111027 Madhava Krishna, K
T1347 Design of Web Based Geospatial Data Services Framework: an implementation of web-based climate services Aarathi Ramesh Muppalla 20173018 Rajan, K S
T1349 Adaptive Sliding Mode Control for Autonomous Vehicle Platform under Unknown Friction Forces Rishabh Dev Yadav 2021701030 Spandan Roy
T1351 Security for IOT Enabled Smart Cities Vingeswara Ihita, Gangavarapu 2021701007 Sachin Chaudhari
T1352 Extending PRT Framework for Lowly-Tessellated and Continuous Surfaces Dhawal Sirikonda 2019201089 Narayanan, P J
T1353 Legal Text-Recommendation System Sumanth Balaji 2018114002 Vasudeva Varma
T1359 Beyond the Surface: A Computational Exploration of Linguistic Ambiguity Anmol Goel 2021701045 Ponnurangam Kuamaraguru
T1361 Model Predictive Controller for Social Person-Following Robot for Long-Term Indoor Navigation Avijit Kumar Ashe 20172067 Madhava Krishna, K
T1362 Building Telugu Corpora for NLP Applications: Paraphrasing, Question Answering, and Spelling Correction Mani Kanta Sai Nuthi 2019701019 Manish Shrivastava
T1365 Static and Dynamic Functional Connectivity analysis in individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder Pindi Krishna Chandra Prasad 2020701035 Bapi Raju Surampudi
T1366 Methods in Legal Contractual Content Generation Sagar Joshi 2020701007 Vasudeva Varma
T1368 Learning Methods for IoT: Use Cases of Air Pollution Monitoring Nitin Nilesh 20172113 Sachin Chaudhari
T1369 Virtual World Creation Aryamaan Jain 2019121002 Avinash Sharma; Rajan, K S
T1374 Deeper Analysis and Comprehension of Documents including Contracts Hiranmai Sri Adibhatla 2018900044 Manish Shrivastava
T1375 Enhancing Text Summarization for Indian Languages: Mono, Multi and Cross-Lingual Approaches Ashok Urlana 2020701023 Manish Shrivastava
T1379 Land use Change Modelling in Barak Valley of Northeast India Jyoti Misra 201303007 Rajan, K S
T1381 From Scene Representation to Robust Autonomy: a Seamless Integration Sudarshan S Harithas 2021701008 Madhava Krishna, K
T1382 Code-Mixed dialog System in Medical Domain Suman Dowlagar 20162152 Radhika Mamidi
T1383 Study on Layer 2 Blockchain Protocols and the Market Manipulations in the Bored Ape Yacht Club NFT Collection Apoorva Thirupathi 2019121012 Ankit Gangwal
T1385 Evaluating the Robustness of Deep Learning Models for NLP Rishabh Maheshwary 2019701023 Vikram Pudi
T1387 Driving into the Dataverse: Real and Synthetic Data for Autonomous Vehicles Shubham Dokania 2020701016 Jawahar, C V
T1393 References as Building Blocks: Investigating their Significance in Encyclopedic Text GenerationTaunk, Dhaval2021701028Vasudeva Varma
T1394 High Quality 3D Fingerprint Generation: Merging Skin Optics, Machine Learning and 3D Reconstruction TechniquesSrivastava, Apoorva2019702014Namboodiri, Anoop M
T1395 IoT Network for PM Monitoring: Development and Deployment Ayu Parmar2021702003Suresh Purini
T1396 Hardware Accelerator for Transformer Based End-to-End Automatic Speech Recognition System Shaarada Yamini, D2020702003Sachin Chaudhari
T1398 Robust Models in the Presence of Uncertainty and Adversarial AttacksSreenivasan M20173013Naresh, Manwani
T1399 Holistic Framework for Multimodal Ecosystem of PictionaryBansal, Nikhil201661065Ravikiran Sarvadevabhatla
T1400 Uncertainty Aware Planning in Birds Eye View Representations Dewangan, Vikrant2018111024Madhava Krishna, K
T1401 Understanding Learning in Multi Agent Reinforcement LearningMehta, Kinal2020701019Pawan Kumar
T1402 metaKanren: miniKanren Program Synthesis RelationallyJoshi, Bharathi Ramana2019121006Suresh Purini
T1407 Higher Order MDS Codes for Combinatorial List Decoding and Distributed Multi-User Secret Sharing Harshithanjani, Athi 20171199 Lalitha, Vadlamani
T1410 Deploying Multi Camera Multi Player Detection and Tracking Systems in Top View Swetanjal Murati Dutta 20171077 Vineet Gandhi
T1411 Leveraging Human-Centered Explanations for Model Improvement and Evaluation Avani Gupta 2019121004 Narayanan, P J
T1412 Fair and Efficient Resource Allocation Shaily Mishra 2019701007 Sujit P Gujar
T1413 Novel Stochastic Solvers for Image Classification, Generation and Further Explorations Neel Mishra 2020701017 Pawan Kumar
T1415 Empirical Study of User Tele-operation of 5 DOF Manipulator Monica Palla 2018701008 Kamalakar, Karlapalem
T1416 Revisiting Synthetic Face Generation for Multimedia Applications Aditya Agarwal 2021701011 Jawahar, C V and Namboodiri, Vinay
T1417 Better Understanding of Code-Mixed Social Media Data via Information Extraction Sumukh S 20171404 Manish Shrivastava
T1421 Budgeted Combinatorial Multi-Armed Bandits Debojit Das 20171129 Sujit P Gujar
T1430 Deep Self Supervised Learning for 3D Surface Parameterization and 3D Garment Retargeting Shanthika, Naik 2020701013 Avinash Sharma and Rajan K S
T1431 Real-Time Video Processing for Dynamic Content Creation Sudheer Achary 20161076 Vineet Gandhi
T1432 Nerve Block Target Localization and Needle Guidance for Autonomous Robotic Ultrasound Guided Regional Anesthesia Abhishek Tyagi 20173067 Jayanthi Sivaswamy
T1433 An Improved Link Forecasting Framework for Temporal Knowledge Graphs Abinash Maharana 2018111033 Krishna Reddy, P
T1434 Towards Enhancing Semantic Segmentation in Resource Constrained Settings Ashutosh Mishra 20172087 Girish Varma and Jawahar C V
T1435 Flowpix: DSL Compiler for Image Processing Pipelines Anish Gulati 20161213 Suresh Reddy, Purini
T1436 Improved Privacy Preservation approaches in mobile networks for dummy generation and spatial range queries Shadaab Siddiqie 201502030 Krishna Reddy, P
T1437 Using Reinforcement Learning to Improve Heuristic Sparse Matrix Algorithums Arpan Dasgupta 2018111010 Pawan Kumar
T1438 An Improved Framework for Mining Periodic Patterns Vipul Chhabra 2019121001 Krishna Reddy, P
T1439 Security from uncertainty: Designing privacy-preserving verification methods using Noise Praguna Manvi 2021701031 Anoop Namboodiri
T1440 Advancing Domain Generalization through Cross-Domain Class-Contrastive Learning and Addressing Data Imbalances Dave, Saransh 2019701025 Vineet Gandhi
T1442 Enhancing Soccer Analysis through Computer Vision: a study on player detection in broadcast video Chris Andrew Gadde 201870019 Jawahar, C V
T1443 Leveraging Distributional Bias for Reactive Collision Avoidance under Uncertainty: a Kernel Embedding approach Anish Gupta 2020701025 Madhava Krishna, K
T1445 Towards Label Free Few Shot Learning: how far can we go? Aditya Bharti 201502014 Jawahar, C V
T1446 Beyond Security: leveraging vision solutions in building surveillance Prayushi Mathur 2021701034 Syed Azemuddin
T1453 Leveraging Distributional Bias for Reactive Collision Avoidance under Uncertainty: a Kernel Embedding approach Anish Gupta 2020701025 Madhava Krishna, K
T1460 A Deep Learning Paradigm for Fingerprint Recognition: Harnessing U-Net Architecture for Fingerprint Enhancement and Representation Learning Gavas, Ekta 2019701005 Anoop Namboodiri
T1461 Physical Adversarial Attacks on Face Presentation Attack Detection Systems Patnaik, Sai Amrit 2020701026 Anoop Namboodiri
T1462 Personality and the Interplay between Emotion and Genre in Music Preferences Goyal, Yash 201502181 Vinoo Alluri
T1463 Design and Implementation of Efficient Personal Health-Records Sharing in IoMT using Searchable Symmetric Encryption, Blockchain and IPFS Bisht, Abhishek 2021202014 Ashok Kumar Das
T1464 Driving the Future: Sequential Point-cloud processing and its application in Autonomous Navigation Pal, Kaustab 2020701021 Madhava Krishna, K
T1477 How Constraints in Problem Solving Affect Creative Reasoning? Nishanth, A 20171130 Priyanka Srivastava
T1478 Investigating Building Blocks of Cognition in Realistic Reinforcement Learning Environments Fernandes, Dolton 2018111007 Bapi Raju Surampudi
T1479 Improving Retriever Performance in Handling Ambiguous Queries Nandigam, Sai Lakshmi Poojitha 201402182 Manish Srivastava
T1481 Revolutionizing TV Show Experience: using recaps for multimodal story summarization Aditya Kumar Singh 2021701010 Makarand Tapaswi
T1482 Learning Emotions and Mental States in Movie Scenes Dhruv Srivastava 2021701021 Makarand Tapaswi
T1483 Text-Based Video Question Answering Sumya Shamarao Jahagirdar 2021701015 Makarand Tapaswi
T1484 Cultivating Fair and Accurate Knowledge: exploring detection, bias mitigation and fact verification in multichanged wikipedia Ankita Maity 2021701017 Vasudeva Varma & Manish Gupta
T1486 Editing Neural Radiance Fields Rahul Goel 2019111034 Narayanan, P J
T1487 Semi-Automatic Extraction of Large and Moderate Buildings from Very High-Resolution Satellite Imagery using Active Contour Model Sandeep Kumar, Bypina 200802009 Rajan, K S
T1488 Analytic and Neural Approaches for Complex Light Transport Ishaan Shah 2019111028 Narayanan, P J
T1490 Towards Trustworthy Digital Ecosystem: from fair representation learning to fraud detection Arvindh, A 2019111010 Ponnurangam Kumaraguru
T1493 3D Representation Learning Endowed by Optimal Transport Siddharth, Katageri 2021701018 Charu Sharma
T1504 New Frontiers for Machine Unlearning Shashwat Goel 2019111006 Ponnurangam Kumaraguru
T1505 Data Creation Pipeline for NLP Applications Pavan Baswani 2021701035 Manish Srivastava
T1506 Leveraging Latent Temporal Features for Robust Fault Detection and Isolation in Hexarotor UAVs Shivaan Sehgal 2018111026 Harikumar Kandath
T1507 Enhancing False Positive Detection in IDS/IPS using Honeypots: a case study with CSE-CIC-2018 Dataset Ramachandra Sharma, Chowduru 201302177 Shatrunjay Rawat
T1508 Spatio-Temporal Analysis of HadCM3 GCM Climate Projections using Parametrized MiSTIC Framework: study of elevation dependent warming across peninsular India Ankitha, Eravelli 2019900009 Rajan, K S
T1509 Data-Driven Grammar Anil Krishna, Eragani 200702013 Dipti Misra Sharma
T1510 Self Adaptation of Machine Learning Enabled Systems Through QoS-Aware Model Switching Shubham Shantanu Kulkarni 2022701003 Karthik Vaidhyanathan
T1511 Improved Coverage Pattern Based AD-Slot Allocation Framework for Display Advertising Preetham Reddy, Sathineni 20161063 Krishna Reddy, P
T1512 Generating Category-Specific Entity Embeddings for Populating Knowledge Graphs Gokul, Thota 209111009 Vasudeva Varma
T1513 Navigating the Multiverse: enhancing robotic assistance through multi-object navigation and object location optimization Ahana Datta 2019111007 Madhava Krishna, K
T1521 Decoding the Objectifying Gaze - An Empirical Exploration with Sexualized Media and Non-Sexualized Images Bhurathiraju Krishna Srija 201402222 Kavita Vemuri
T1522 Deep Reinforcement Learning based Obstacle Avoidance for UAVs under Measurement Uncertainty Bhaskar, Joshi 2019111002 Harikumar Kandath
T1524 Advancing Visual Servoing Controller for Robotic Manipulation: Dynamic Object Grasping and Real-World Implementation Gunjan, Gupta 2019111035 Madhava Krishna, K
T1525 Unsupervised Spoken content mismatch detection for automatic data validation under Indian context for building HCI systems Anand, Nayan 2021701014 Chiranjeevi Yarra
T1526 Automatic Sentence Simplification for Hindi: Methods and Application Kshitij Mishra 200902044 Dipti Misra Sharma
T1527 Managing High-Speed Order Books Using Hybrid Binary-Linear Search Data Structures in FPGAs Vaibhav, Kashera 2019111003 Suresh Purini
T1528 Foundation Models for Visual Place Recognition Avneesh, Mishra 2021701032 Madhava Krishna, K
T1529 Vulnerability of Neural Network based Speaker Recognition systems Srivastava, Ritu 2018701002 Vineet Gandhi
T1530 Neural Fields for Hand-object Interactions Chandradeep, Pokhariya 2021701040 Avinash Sharma & Srinath Sridhar
T1542 Comprehensive Study on Coverage Path Planning Strategies for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles with Nadir Gap Nikhil Chandak 2019111040 Kamalakar, Karlapalem and Charu Sharma/font>
T1543 Learning From Noisy Data for Cross Lingual Text Generation in Low-Resource Language Aditya Hari, Kancharla 2020121010 Vasudeva Varma
T1544 Edge-based Algorithm Innovations for Intelligent Transporation Systems- A Safety and Efficiency Perspective Sai Usha Nagasri, Goparaju 2021701027 Deepak, Gangadharan
T1545 Stress Transfer in Speech to Speech Machine Translation System Sai Akarsh, C 2019111017 Anil Kumar, Vuppala
T1546 Scalable Distributed Architecture for Managing Large Scale Camera Networks Kunal, Jain 2019111037 Suresh Purini
T1548 Bridging Theory and Practice: Navigating the Success Pathways of Research Productized Startups Srinath Nair, M 2018111001 Ramesh Loganathan
T1551 Towards Scalable Architectures in oneM2M-based Interoperability deployments in Smart Cities Pranavasri, VJS 2020121001 Deepak, Gangadharan and Karthik, Vaidhyanathan
T1552 Real-time Facial Emotion Recognition Web Application Palash, Agarwal 20161125 Prakash, Yalla
T1553 Improving Recommender System Accuracy with Category-Specific Techniques Dileep Kumar, Karnam 201002092 Krishna Reddy, P
T1558 Targeted Segmentation: Leveraging Localization with DAFT for Improved Medical Image Segmentation Samruddhi, Shastri 2019111039 Jayanthi Sivaswamy
T1561 Undersatanding non-native Speech using SLU systems Snehal, Ranjan 2020121003 Chiranjeevi Yarra
T1563 Headline Generation for Indian Languages Lokesh, Madasu 2021701042 Manish Shrivastava
T1564 Benchmark for Relevance-based Headline Classification and Generation Gopichand, Kanumolu 2021701039 Manish Shrivastava
T1565 Towards Building Question Answering Resources for TELUGU Rakesh Kumar, Vemula 2019701027 Manish Shrivastava
T1566 Integrating Vision-Language Models for Enhanced Scene Understanding in Autonomous Driving Tushar, Choudhary 2019111019 Madhava Krishna, K
T1567 Multi Modal Approach to Speech-to-Sign Language Generation Mounika, Kanakanti 2019900003 Manish Shrivastava
T1570 Some aspects of H-index and applications Aashay, Singhal 201502112 Kamalakar, Karlapalem
T1571 Mining Research Problems from Scientific Literature Chanakya, Aalla 201002140 Vikram Pudi
T1572 Challenges faces by early-stage startups that want to create a new category in a highly regulated market. Devising a Practical framework that can be replicated by early-stage startups Prasanth, Garapati 201002145 Ramesh Loganathan
T1573 Data Age Formulation and Analysis in Real-Time Embedded Systems - Fault tolerant and Thermal aware perspectives Sridhar, Mallareddy 2018111021 Deepak Gangadharan
T1574 Efficient Resource Allocation Frameworks for Data Service Delivery to Connected Vehicles in Vehicular Edge Computing Joseph John, Cherukara 2018111009 Deepak Gangadharan
T1579 LLM Driven Web Profile Extraction for Indentical Names and Connected Entities in Interlocking Directorships Prateek Sancheti 2019111041 Kavita Vemuri and Kamalakar, Karlapalem
T1581 Leveraging Large Language Models for Generating Infrastructure as Code: open and closed source models and approaches Ganesh Srivatsa, Kalahasti 2021701036 Manish Shrivastava
T1582 Estimating 3D Human Pose, Shape and Correspondences from Monocular Input Amogh Tiwari 2018111003 Avinash Sharma
T1583 Investigating Trust and Generosity in Adolescents Through Standard Economic Games: incorporating socioeconomic status as a factor Tanvi Sanjeev Narsapur 2019111005 Kavita Vemuri
T1584 Novel Approach for Climate Classification using Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering Sri Sanketh, Uppalapati 201416127 Vishal Garg
T1585 Towards Multimodal Reasoning and Inference using Large Language Models Suyash Vardhan Mathur 2019114006 Manish Shrivastava
T1586 Evaluation of Trnsormer Models on Summerization and Beyond Pawan Sasanka Ammanamanchi 2020701028 Manish Shrivastava
T1587 Estimating the Quality of Translated Texts using Back Translation and Resource Description Framework Vinay Nekhra 200902041 Dipti Misra Sharma
T1588 owards Estimating AI-Driven Mental Health Support with an Intelligent Counsellor Agent Nirmal Manoj Chathayil 2019111011 Manish Gupta and Vasudeva Varm
T1589 Over the Horizon of Connected Vehicles: advancing security, reliability and cost-efficiency through vehicular edge computing Surya Suhas SVSLN Vaddiparthy 2021701006 Deepak, Gangadharan
T1590 You are What (and How) you Listen to Rajat Agarwal 20163060 Vinoo Alluri
T1591 Modeling the Implicit Music Representation in Human Brain with Deep Neural Networks Ravinder Singh 20163052 Vinoo Alluri
T1593 Unsupervised Learning of Disentangled Video Representation for Future Frame Prediction Ujjwal Tiwari 2019701016 Anoop Namboodiri
T1595 Hypergraph-Based Techniques for Pliable Index Coding Visvesh Subramanian 20171133 Prasad Krishnan
T1596 Moving together: Interpersonal Coordination and Individual Identification in Dyadic Dance Prince Varshney 2020121012 Vinoo Alluri
T1597 Classification, Tagging, and Object Detection in Indian Folk Paintings Nancy Hada 2021701016 Kavita Vemuri
T1598 Resolution of Pronominal Anaphora for Telugu Dialogues Hemanth Reddy Jonnalagadda 201002100 Radhika Mamidi
T1601 Topology Aligned Least Cost Routing Model for Canals Sai Chaitanya Reddy, Ponnathota 201102202 Rajan, K S
T1602 Range Query Problems in Planar Computational Geometry: Radius of Smallest Enclosing Disk and Generalized Convex Hull Sankalp Khare 200702039 Srinathan Kannan
T1603 Tools for Linguistic and Semantic Resource Development Sai Venkata Harsha Vardhan, Grandhi 201002078 Soma Paul
T1604 Enhancing Retrieval-Based Question Answering Manish Kumar Singh 2020701024 Manish Shrivastave
T1608 Quality Beyond Perception: Introducing Image Quality Metrics for Enhanced Facial and Fingerprint Recognition Prateek Jaiswal 2021701009 Anoop Namboodiri
T1609 Extending Branching Programs with Memory Nithish Raja 2021201079 Suryajith Chillara
T1610 Dancing with Uncertainties: A meritorious case for race conditions and inconsistencies in operating systems Bhanu Dev Chaluvadi 201102082 Srinathan Kannan
T1611 Applications of Data-Driven Dependency Rules Varun Kuchibhotla 200702052 Dipti Misra Sharma
T1613 Robust Visual Question-Answering using Generative Vision Language Models Rahul Mehta 2020900039 Vasudeva Varma and Manish Gupta
T1619 Predisposed mood and Affective State in Perceptual Level Judgement Manas Kabre 2018111014 Priyanka Srivastava
T1620 Self-Supervision and Contrastive Learning to Enable Interpretable Out-of-Distribution Performance Abhiroop Ralasila 2022701015 Deva Priyakumar, U
T1621 Recursive Partitioning to Solve Mesh Induced System of Linear Equations Anveshi Shukla 201302035 Pawan Kumar
T1623 Water Quantity and Quality Management of a Reservoir River System using Machine Learning and Decision Support System Srivastav, Arohi 2018111018 Rehana Shaik
T1627 Leveraging Language Models for Knowledge Graph Enhancement: From Creation to Utilization Siri Venkata Pavan Kumar, Kandru 2021701024 Vasudeva Varma
T1628 Detecting Entanglement Harnessing Lindblad Structure Vaibhav Chimalgi 2020701010 Samyadeb Bhattacharya and Indranil Chakrabarty
T1629 Observational Analysis of Compound Warn, Dry, Wet and Cold Climate extremes in India Venkata Sathya Vivek Nannaka 20171182 Shaik Rehana
T1634 Tailored Music Recommendations for Individuals with Austin Spectrum Disorder: a goal-driven approach Sharon Maria Varghese 20173052 Vinoo Alluri
T1635 Supervised and Self-Supervised for Automated Sleep Stage Classification Shivam Kumar Sharma 2021701041 Bapi Raju S
T1637 Optimizing Federated Agents for Fairness and Privacy in Bandits Sambhav Solanki 2018111008 Sujit Prakash Gujar
T1642 Role of Scene Text Understanding in Enhancing Driver Assistance George Tom 2018111004 Jawahar, C V
T1647 Statistically Derived Skeleton of Large Road Network using Implicit Knowledge and its Applications Mukul Priya 200902047 K S Rajan
T1649 Efficient Multimodal Video Representation Learning through Language Darshan Singh, S 2022701013 Jawahar, C V and Makarand Tapaswi
T1650 Deep Learning for Cancer Subtype Classification from Histopathology Images: an Indian cohort study Ekansh Chauhan 2021701047 Vinod, P K and Jawahar, C V
T1651 Enhancing Precedence Retrieval in Legal Documents Utilizing Paragraphs Sisodiya, Boomeendra Singh 2021701037 Krishna Reddy P
T1652 Fast Heuristic Algorithms for Efficient Allocation of RSU resources in vehicular Edge Computing Gupta, Akshaj 201502048 Deepak, Gangadharan
T1654 Active Learning in Ophthalmology and Quality Testing of Food Grains Prateek Pani 2019701022 Girish Varma
T1655 Revisit Anything: visual place recognition via image segment retrieval Sai Shubodh, Puligilla 2019701013 Madhava Krishna, K
T1658 A Comparative, Multi-Scalar Analysis of Coal Mining in Manuguru and Development in Vemanpalle, Telangana Anvita Reddy, Katipelly 2019115009 Radhika Krishnan
T1659 Deep Learning Methods for Histopathology Image Classification in Neurological and Renal Disorders Anirudh Reddy 20161196 Jawahar, C V and Vinod, P K
T1660 Casual Scene Capture and Editing for AR/VR Applications Pulkit, Gera 20171035 Narayanan, P J
T1662 Enhancing Diagnostic Accuracy and Prognostic Assessment through Computational Pathology Sharma, Amit 2021701048 Vinod, P K
T1665 Ads and Anomalies: structuring the known and probing the unknown Amruth Sagar, K N 2021701013 Ravi Kiran Sarvadevabhatla
T1666 GMS: a GML compression and querying model For WEBGIS Khandelwal, Ayush 201202069 K S Rajan
T1668 Advancing Peptide Therapeutics: a generative AI-driven approach Ramasubramanian, Vishva Saravanan 2019113019 Bhaswar Ghosh
T1669 Adversarial Robust Reject Option Classification Vrund Shah 2021701025 Naresh, Manwani
T1670 From Sound to Meaning in the Auditory Cortex: a neuronal representation and classification analysis Neelabh Kumar 2020701003 Vishnu Sreekumar
T1671 Exploiting Regions of Influence to Visualize Class Boundaries Pallav, Tinna 201002113 Kamalakar, Karlapalem