Thesis in MS-Civil Engineering

ACC-No. Title of the Project Work Name of the student Roll No. Name of the Supervisor
T316 Development of IR Learning Remote Attachment for Occupancy Sensors to Switch Off Air-Conditioner during Unoccupied Hours Niranjan Reddy Keesara 200550020 Vishal Garg
T328 Monitoring and Estimating the Energy Savings by Cool Roofs Murari Hari Babu 200550021 Vishal Garg
T383 Assessment of Cool Roof Technology for its Energy Performance in Buildings Surekha Tetali 200850025 Vishal Garg
T391 Numerical Study of Buried Continuous Pipeline Subjected to Large Ground Deformation Chaudhari Vasudeo Govind 200711004 Pradeep Kumar, Ramancharla
T420 Study of Pounding Between Adjacent Structures Rajaram Chenna 200814001 Pradeep Kumar, Ramancharla
T507 Numerical Study of Near-Field Earthquake Effects on Concrete Gravity Dam Jagan Mohan, K 200814002 Pradeep Kumar, Ramancharla
T536 Site Characterisation and Ground Response Analysis for Vijayawada Urban Akhila Manne 201114555 Pradeep Kumar, Ramancharla
T541 Damage Based Life of Heritage Structures in Seismic Environment Vrushali Kamalakar 200714002 Pradeep Kumar, Ramancharla
T642 Critical Issues in Design of RC Frames with Unreinforced Brick Masonry Infills in Higher Seismic Zones in India Neeta Shrivastava 201111543 Pradeep Kumar, Ramancharla
T724 Comparison of Seismic Performance of Brick Masonry RC Frames with Lintel and Lintel band Biber, Douglas 201211705 Pradeep Kumar, Ramancharla
T725 Dynamic Analysis of Soil Slopes in the State of Sikkim, India Neharika Rao Ganta 201214723 Neelima Satyam
T767 Evaluation of Empirical Expression for fundamental Natural Period of RC Moment Resisting Frames and RC Shear Wall Buildings in India Pulkit Dilip Velani 201250870 Pradeep Kumar, Ramancharla
T1067 Cooling Energy Saving Potential and Control Strategies for Mixed Mode Commercial Building in India Kopal Nihar 201316005 Vishal Garg
T1068 Evaluating the Use of Fly Ash, Bottom ash and Municipal solid Waste as road Construction Materials surendra Reddy, Chamala 20162030 Shaik Rehana
T1069 Utilization of Agro and Industrial Wastes as Fill Materials in Retaining Structures Pooja Ambarakonda 20162136 Shaik Rehana
T1087 Daylighting Estimation for Control using High Dynamic Range Imaging Sneha Jain 20162139 Vishal Garg
T1091 Forecasting Cooling energy in Real-Time and Predicting Impact of Cooling Set-Point Change on Demand Reduction Sree Manasa Lingamallu 201316240 Vishal Garg
T1118 Earthquake Behaviour of Buildings on Slopes Ramya Gullapalli 201316009 Pradeep Kumar, Ramancharla
T1151 Nonlinear Finite element analysis of Punching Shear Behavior of Flat Slabs Saurabh Agrahari 201416247 Pradeep Kumar, Ramancharla
T1155 Analysis of Rainfall-included Shallow Landslides in Kalimpong, Darjeeling Himalayas, India Abhirup Dikshit 201514657 Neelima Satyam
T1181 Out of Plane Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Wall Under Blast Loading Pandey, Anchal 201316114 Pradeep Kumar, Ramancharla
T1206 Residential Electricity and AC usage Patterns in Hyderabad, India Sai Pavan Sri Harsha R 201416036 Vishal Garg
T1207 Automated Parametric Simulation Tool for Energy Performance Analysis of Smart Glazing Md Anam Raihan 201516060 Vishal Garg
T1212 Estimation of Environmental Flows Allocations for Tropical Reservoir System by Integration of Water Quantity and Quality P Naga Chandi Priya 2019710004 Shaik Rehana
T1278 Drought Characterization using Various Potential and Actual Evapotranspiration Methods Sharath Chandra, Vannam 20161157 Rehana Shaik
T1354 COVID-19's Effect on Energy Usage in a Residential Complex in Hyderabad, India Kuntal Chattopadhyay 2019710005 Praveen Parachuri
T1371 Seismic Design of Low-Rise RC Wall-Frame Buildings for Preferred Performance Arpan Singh 2020710001 Sunitha Palissery
T1390Integration of Surface River Water Quality Model Using QUAL2K, Water Quality Index, and GIS for Evaluating River Water Quality of Bhadra River System-IndiaSingh, Himanshi2019710001Shaik, Rehana
T1429 Interface Design for Residential Energy Feedback Madhur, Garg 20161228 Vishal, Garg and Priyanka, Srivastava
T1471 Seasonal Variations in the Performance of the Amberpet Wastewater Treatment Plant: Assessing the Impact of Temperature and Dissolved Oxygen Vishal, Veerannapet Santhosh 20161220 Rehana, Shaik
T1480 Seismic Vulnerability Assessment of Existing RC Buildings in Vijayawada City Sastry, S L N 200850051 Pradeep Kumar, Ramancharla
T1554 Study of Residential District Cooling System in Hyderabad, India Madhan Kumar, Kandasamy 2021713003 Vishal Garg
T1584 Novel Approach for Climate Classification using Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering Sri Sanketh, Uppalapati 201416127 Vishal Garg
T1679 Smart Home Adoption in Mumbai: investigating stakeholder perspectives and the role of pricing in consumer decision-making Sahil Chilana 201516174 Vishal Garg