ACC-No. |
Title of the Project Work |
Name of the student |
Roll No. |
Name of the Supervisor |
T316 | Development of IR Learning Remote Attachment for Occupancy Sensors to Switch Off Air-Conditioner during Unoccupied Hours | Niranjan Reddy Keesara | 200550020 | Vishal Garg |
T328 | Monitoring and Estimating the Energy Savings by Cool Roofs | Murari Hari Babu | 200550021 | Vishal Garg |
T383 | Assessment of Cool Roof Technology for its Energy Performance in Buildings | Surekha Tetali | 200850025 | Vishal Garg |
T391 | Numerical Study of Buried Continuous Pipeline Subjected to Large Ground Deformation | Chaudhari Vasudeo Govind | 200711004 | Pradeep Kumar, Ramancharla |
T420 | Study of Pounding Between Adjacent Structures | Rajaram Chenna | 200814001 | Pradeep Kumar, Ramancharla |
T507 | Numerical Study of Near-Field Earthquake Effects on Concrete Gravity Dam | Jagan Mohan, K | 200814002 | Pradeep Kumar, Ramancharla |
T536 | Site Characterisation and Ground Response Analysis for Vijayawada Urban | Akhila Manne | 201114555 | Pradeep Kumar, Ramancharla |
T541 | Damage Based Life of Heritage Structures in Seismic Environment | Vrushali Kamalakar | 200714002 | Pradeep Kumar, Ramancharla |
T642 | Critical Issues in Design of RC Frames with Unreinforced Brick Masonry Infills in Higher Seismic Zones in India | Neeta Shrivastava | 201111543 | Pradeep Kumar, Ramancharla |
T724 | Comparison of Seismic Performance of Brick Masonry RC Frames with Lintel and Lintel band | Biber, Douglas | 201211705 | Pradeep Kumar, Ramancharla |
T725 | Dynamic Analysis of Soil Slopes in the State of Sikkim, India | Neharika Rao Ganta | 201214723 | Neelima Satyam |
T767 | Evaluation of Empirical Expression for fundamental Natural Period of RC Moment Resisting Frames and RC Shear Wall Buildings in India | Pulkit Dilip Velani | 201250870 | Pradeep Kumar, Ramancharla |
T1067 | Cooling Energy Saving Potential and Control Strategies for Mixed Mode Commercial Building in India | Kopal Nihar | 201316005 | Vishal Garg |
T1068 | Evaluating the Use of Fly Ash, Bottom ash and Municipal solid Waste as road Construction Materials | surendra Reddy, Chamala | 20162030 | Shaik Rehana |
T1069 | Utilization of Agro and Industrial Wastes as Fill Materials in Retaining Structures | Pooja Ambarakonda | 20162136 | Shaik Rehana |
T1087 | Daylighting Estimation for Control using High Dynamic Range Imaging | Sneha Jain | 20162139 | Vishal Garg |
T1091 | Forecasting Cooling energy in Real-Time and Predicting Impact of Cooling Set-Point Change on Demand Reduction | Sree Manasa Lingamallu | 201316240 | Vishal Garg |
T1118 | Earthquake Behaviour of Buildings on Slopes | Ramya Gullapalli | 201316009 | Pradeep Kumar, Ramancharla |
T1151 | Nonlinear Finite element analysis of Punching Shear Behavior of Flat Slabs | Saurabh Agrahari | 201416247 | Pradeep Kumar, Ramancharla |
T1155 | Analysis of Rainfall-included Shallow Landslides in Kalimpong, Darjeeling Himalayas, India | Abhirup Dikshit | 201514657 | Neelima Satyam |
T1181 | Out of Plane Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Wall Under Blast Loading | Pandey, Anchal | 201316114 | Pradeep Kumar, Ramancharla |
T1206 | Residential Electricity and AC usage Patterns in Hyderabad, India | Sai Pavan Sri Harsha R | 201416036 | Vishal Garg |
T1207 | Automated Parametric Simulation Tool for Energy Performance Analysis of Smart Glazing | Md Anam Raihan | 201516060 | Vishal Garg |
T1212 | Estimation of Environmental Flows Allocations for Tropical Reservoir System by Integration of Water Quantity and Quality | P Naga Chandi Priya | 2019710004 | Shaik Rehana |
T1278 | Drought Characterization using Various Potential and Actual Evapotranspiration Methods | Sharath Chandra, Vannam | 20161157 | Rehana Shaik |
T1354 | COVID-19's Effect on Energy Usage in a Residential Complex in Hyderabad, India | Kuntal Chattopadhyay | 2019710005 | Praveen Parachuri |
T1371 | Seismic Design of Low-Rise RC Wall-Frame Buildings for Preferred Performance | Arpan Singh | 2020710001 | Sunitha Palissery |
T1390 | Integration of Surface River Water Quality Model Using QUAL2K, Water Quality Index, and GIS for Evaluating River Water Quality of Bhadra River System-India | Singh, Himanshi | 2019710001 | Shaik, Rehana |
T1429 | Interface Design for Residential Energy Feedback | Madhur, Garg | 20161228 | Vishal, Garg and Priyanka, Srivastava |
T1471 | Seasonal Variations in the Performance of the Amberpet Wastewater Treatment Plant: Assessing the Impact of Temperature and Dissolved Oxygen | Vishal, Veerannapet Santhosh | 20161220 | Rehana, Shaik |
T1480 | Seismic Vulnerability Assessment of Existing RC Buildings in Vijayawada City | Sastry, S L N | 200850051 | Pradeep Kumar, Ramancharla |
T1554 | Study of Residential District Cooling System in Hyderabad, India | Madhan Kumar, Kandasamy | 2021713003 | Vishal Garg |
T1584 | Novel Approach for Climate Classification using Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering | Sri Sanketh, Uppalapati | 201416127 | Vishal Garg |
T1679 | Smart Home Adoption in Mumbai: investigating stakeholder perspectives and the role of pricing in consumer decision-making | Sahil Chilana | 201516174 | Vishal Garg |
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